IF YOU ARE ON SECONDLIFE THEN YOU MUST READ AND SEE THIS Look at these 2 Pics Closely At Low Graphics The FPS* is low but on High Graphics The FPS* is High That means i am Less Laggy on High Graphics than on Low Graphics Normally The FPS* is Low on High Graphics and High on Low Graphics ..now The Question is How did that Happen? The Answer is that i have optimize my computer according to Secondlife Viewers You can optimize your Computer too by calling Akku Tech LLC which has started Support for Secondlife or just visit our website @ akkutechllc or you can call at 1-877-363-5708 if you think your PC is slow or you think you are having a tough time Rezzing or you CRASH ALOT or any other issues with Antivirus or any other software just call us *What is FPS ? Frames Per Second (another name for frame rate) The amount of frames that are being rendered by your graphics card per second. This can be affected in SL if there are a lot of things being rendered (especially avatars or objects) and your settings are set high. You can view your current FPS via the statistics window (Ctrl-Shift-1 or View -> Statistics Window). If you are experiencing very low FPS you can try lowering your settings (and disabling some options) and/or reducing your Draw Distance, which may help. DISCLAIMER : Akku Tech LLC is an independent Service provider of remote tech Support for software, and peripheral devices. We provide services through our pool of trained specialists and experts, who are certified by leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Dell, IBM, HP, HCL etc. The brand names, trademarks, logos, company names used in the site belong to their respective owners. Brand names, trademarks, logos, company names used in the site are for representation purposes only.Akku Tech LLC makes no representations or warranties that the Akku Tech LLC Website will be available on a continuous, secure or error-free basis. Any Content accessed, downloaded or otherwise obtained on or through the use of the site is used at your own discretion. Akku Tech LLC shall have no responsibility for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download or use of Content.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:32:56 +0000

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