IF YOU ARE STILL HAVING TROUBLE READING AND UNDERSTANDING GODS WORD ... HERE IS A READING PLAN THAT MIGHT HELP. by Deirdre May 5, 2014 Start with Gospel of Matthew then Genesis then Exodus then Numbers then Deuteronomy then Isaiah Then complete the remaining 3 Gospels (Mark, Luke, John) Then go to the prophets (Jeremiah, Ezekiel and other prophets) Then complete the rest of the Bible. The reason that I say start with Matthew is so that you can become familiar with the voice of Jesus Christ. (It is difficult to discern a false teacher if you dont even know the voice of Jesus Christ. Then go to Genesis for History - History is important and it teaches of Gods promises. Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy will teach you to hear the voice of God the Father and see how God interacts with man. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the other prophets the Psalms and Proverbs also allow you to hear the voice of God the Father. Mark, Luke and John will reinforce your understanding and discernment of the voice of Jesus Christ and you can see how Jesus continues the teachings of the Old Testament -- As He says He did not come to replace the law. Once you know what God sounds like and how he interacts with His people, then you are ready to read the work of Paul. As I said it is hard to discern a false teacher unless you know what original or one and only teacher, God, sounds like.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 22:14:09 +0000

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