IF YOU ASK ME, THE REAL ACTIVIST AT THE MOMENT IS FEMI FALANA, A COMRADE OF ALL TIME WHO OPPOSES GEJ WHEN IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY AND CALLS A SPADE A SPADE EVEN IF THAT MAKES HIM PRO GEJ. There were sometimes I had disagreed with Mr. Femi Falana on some National Issues. Also sometimes I did share the same view with him. My disagreements anyway were not unconnected to sensing sentiments in his view. The later is not to say, he has not above board because he is human. Unfortunately, a good number of those who called themselves young or old comrades and activists are most time naive and myopic in their views. You can also describe them as people who prefer to be opposing government of the day if they are not benefiting directly or indirectly from it whether the government is right or wrong. What they are interested is discrediting the administration all the time and even if the government is obviously to be celebrated, what you hear will be ‘it is the responsibility of government to provide such, so nothing special the government has done” whereas, if their side of the opposition did same in government, it will not only be blown out of proportion but will almost be tagged in the ‘Guinness Book of Records’. I find this attitude of my friends in the struggle not only irritating but agitating, disgusting, disguising, and in the words of the famous Professor, Wole Soyinka in his book “the Lion and the Jewel’ said when ‘Lakunle’ described ‘Sidi’ as patronizing, a savage custom, barbaric, outdated, rejected, dejected, denounced, excommunicated and unpalatable. It is on the above, I call on the above category of comrades and activists to live above board to emulate the likes of Femi Falana who recently described the rebels in PDP lead by Baraje as fraud. Some of us have at all time advocated that these PDP rebels should be fought to a standstill in the interest of our dear nation not minding whether it favors GEJ. We have been tagged pro GEJ and I do not care provided, it promote our continuous existence as a nation. This is how a true comrade or an activist should think. What I found about some of my good comrades and activists friends is that as soon as objective sides of matters seen as favor to GEJ or ruling government, they pretend not to know what is going on by either keeping quite or playing down such a high profile insubordination whereas serious crisis is growing to destroying our assiduous survival. As a matter of facts, some of us are not enjoying ASUU or any other responsive unions’ strikes. A number of us are not pleased with the unpalatable state of power in our nation. We also do not enjoy the kind of roads network system in our land. We are not happy that, the state of our educational system is in shamble. The state of insecurity in Nigeria is also major in our concern. While it is important to encourage those in charge of government apparatus to deliver good dividends and improve on the work they are doing in the above mentioned sectors, or call on them to declare absolutely state of emergency in the sectors, it is key and very important that we all must join hands to fight against rebels that are not only out to destabilize a structure for their selfish purposes and interests but create an ungovernable system. In confidence, I say, Femi Falana’s recent outburst against these rebels shown that we are on track in this fight. I hereby once again add to my last appeal to let us join hands toward building a strong, solid and virile nation that generation yet unborn will be glad to say, they are grateful to God that, they are Nigerians.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:55:56 +0000

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