IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS, or personal WELL BEING: LISTEN UP!! * (I, Owen Morgan, the peaceful Quaker, lover of God & Country, and American Patriot, cannot help but nonviolently speak out, in opposition to what is wrong.) * According to abc News, AN OPENLY CORPORATE OWNED & RUN, News Station: THE LAX Shooter WAS, conveniently, FOUND WITH an ANTI-GOVERNMENT NOTE, in which, HE CONCLUDES WITH the words: NEW WORLD ORDER ...and N.W.O. #LOOK IT UP: False Flags : C.I.A. Tactics : Operation Northwoods : J.F.K. ...DID YOU KNOW: ON 9/10/2001, (LITERALLY 1 DAY BEFORE 9/11), Donald Rumsfeld ADMITTED: THE PENTAGON COULDNT ACCOUNT FOR A MISSING $2.3 TRILLION...THAT YEAR!!! Either way...DID YOU HEAR, READ, OR SEE: IN George H.W. Bushs SPEECH, WHICH TOOK PLACE ON 9/11/1991...9/11...1991: HE STATES, and I QUOTE: (#LOOK IT UP: 10 YEARS, TO THE DAY, PRIOR TO 9/11): We have before US, THE OPPORTUNITY TO FORGE, for ourselves and for future generations, A NEW WORLD ORDER. A WORLD WHERE THE RULE OF LAW, not the law of the jungle, GOVERNS the conduct of NATIONS. WHEN WE ARE SUCCESSFUL, AND WE WILL BE, WE have A REAL chance at this NEW WORLD ORDER. AN ORDER in which, a CREDIBLE United Nations, CAN USE its PEACEKEEPING ROLE, TO FULFILL THE promise, and VISION OF THE U.NS FOUNDERS. ~ George H.W. Bush #LOOK IT UP: Skull & Bones, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, & the Freemasons. OUR perceived BUBBLE OF SECURITY IS, slowly but surely, SLIPPING AWAY... ...CAN YOU FEEL IT? IS IT A COINCIDENCE, THE D.H.S. has STARTED HOARDING AMMUNITION, AND BOUGHT cardboard CIVILIAN SHOOTING TARGETS, including A PREGNANT WOMAN?! Sandy Hook! Now WILL YOU GIVE UP YOUR 2nd Amendment RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS? New EXECUTIVE ORDERS HAVE too, EXPANDED THE POTENTIAL FOR MARTIAL LAW! WHAT WOULD YOU DO, IN TIMES OF CIVIL UNREST, OR NATURAL DISASTER? HOW, WOULD YOU EAT, IF THE GROCERY STORES CLOSED THEIR DOORS??? * (I, Owen Morgan, the peaceful Quaker, lover of God & Country, and American Patriot, cannot help but nonviolently speak out, in opposition to what is wrong.) * THIS GLOBAL OLIGARCHY, IS CURRENTLY ENGAGED IN MILITARY CONFLICTS IN: AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, PAKISTAN, LIBYA, SYRIA, YEMEN & SOMALIA! #LOOK IT UP: Barack Obama, Nobel PEACE PRIZE RECIPIENT, IS A BIGGER WAR-MONGER THAN Bush Jr. YET MOST Americans REMAIN UNAWARE OF THE EXTENT OF THESE WARS! DRONES, EXPONENTIALLY USED IN FOREIGN POLICY, ARE NOW LEGALLY USED ON AMERICAN SOIL, FOR DOMESTIC SURVEILLANCE! THE LAW THAT SET THE PRECEDENT IS: H.R. 658: FAA Modernization & Reform Act of 2012. ...GUESS WHAT ELSE? YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE IT, TIL YOU DO THE RESEARCH! THE new XBOX ONE KINECT, IS ALWAYS ON, LISTENING & WATCHING YOU. THE new iPHONE 5S, Apple ADMITS, WILL SHARE its FINGERPRINT DATABASE WITH THE N.S.A! DO YOU KNOW about THE PATRIOT ACT ? OR THE N.D.A.A. ? * (I, Owen Morgan, the peaceful Quaker, lover of God & Country, and American Patriot, cannot help but nonviolently speak out, in opposition to what is wrong.) * THE ONLY ANSWER TO SENSELESS VIOLENCE IS: LOVE! BRING HOME THE TROOPS! WITH THAT PREPOSTEROUS MILITARY BUDGET, WE COULD, at least, HOUSE the MANY HOMELESS U.S. VETERANS, SLEEPING ON THE STREET TONIGHT! RIGHT? Let alone, FUND THE EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN, ERADICATE POVERTY IN AMERICA, FINANCE THE DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE, ETC! BY NONVIOLENT PROTEST, Ghandi proved, EVEN CIVIL WARS CAN BE STOPPED!!! I SPEAK BECAUSE I CARE: OPEN YOUR EYES & WAKE UP...if you havent already! * (I, Owen Morgan, the peaceful Quaker, lover of God & Country, and American Patriot, cannot help but nonviolently speak out in opposition, to what is wrong.) * Granted, THIS sermon WOULD BE more FITTING ON the 5TH OF NOVEMBER, but... I couldnt hold my tongue any longer! BEWARE OF THE POLICE STATE, TAKEOVER! But, FEAR NOT, YOU, O ETERNAL BEING, OF IMMENSE POWER! YOU CANNOT DIE. EMANCIPATE YOURSELF, FROM MENTAL SLAVERY ~ Bob Marley, preached! MAY PEACE, LOVE, & THE WORD OF GODS LIGHT BE, WITH EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! ~ Otis Cpt. Morgan (the underground poet, shaman, & fictional storyteller musician) (PS: God forbid, if anythings happen to me: I, Owen James Morgan, have declared: I, Owen James Morgan, am a peaceful, loving soul, whos dedicated his life in service of God, Allah, YHWH, Jah, a Great Spirit, Mother Earth, or any name you best see fit. I WOULD NEVER TRY TO HARM ANOTHER PERSON, and I would never harm myself! Furthermore, I AM, COMPLETELY SANE: a United States Citizen & American Patriot, born WITH THE UNALIENABLE RIGHT, as vested by The United States Constitution, to verbally object to, and deplore, a corrupt Government, alongside its countless injustices! These, are MY RIGHTS!!! PPS: TO ANYONE WHO CARES, enough to read my sermon, research any of the issues Ive discussed, or begin/continue TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES: THANK YOU!) WE EACH HAVE A PURPOSE, IN THIS LIFE. ON THIS, EARTH. WERE ALL SPECIAL! I LOVE YOU ALL! (sorry I cant tag everyone Id like to...) abcnews.go/US/alleged-lax-shooter-paul-ciancia-carried-anti-government/story?id=20759816
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 12:52:26 +0000

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