IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FUTURE YOUR JOB SEND THIS MESAGE TO ALL EU UNIVERSITIES AND FORCE THEM TO MAKE CHANGES Beford the president of European commission candidates start their campaign they must inform people about a lot of things they do not now In the same time European comission ,European parliament,European council ,EU officials must inform citizens the following thing Most of Eu Universities are not giving students the right preparation Because of this when they finish their studies nobody employe them because they do not know what they have to do in order to help companies ans institutions to achieve their gols As a bad consequency of this there is a large number of unemployed in EU and those who have a jobs receive a very low salary Up to know because people had not been well informed about those situation they had beleived that EU was responsable for all those problems After we had reserched about what Eu companies need to increase sales and creat millions of well paid jobs we had seen that the responsable for this are EU universities because EDUCATION IS NOT UNDER EU PORTOFOLIO This is a very important information because can demontrate that EU are not responsable for this probleme and all consequencies which apear because of it Those informations must reach a large number of computer in a very short time because it help people to understand much beter where are the roots of their problems and what must be done in order to solve them By this ocasion they must know that European parliament ,European comiision Bruxelles and strasbourg officials are not responsable for those problem a several bad consequences of them Every EU student unemployed ,starting from this moment must tel her mother ,grand mother ,friends those realities and in the same time must be organized conferences about those problems in all EU Universities ,Until them media if they want to be Fair they have to inform people about those realities
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 09:02:00 +0000

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