IF YOU COME TO DEFEND STEVE FLETCHER, BRING SOME TRUTH AND A LITTLE BIT OF RATIONALITY, WHILE YOURE AT IT! Kevin Hogwood stepped in to defend his buddy, verified false Christ and false prophet Steve Fletcher. He said, My information from Steve is that Trish is behind this page. If not, then you should reveal who you truly are! Steve has defended himself against your lies already. You are the real coward! ========= Here is the pages response to Mr. Hogwood: Your information came from Steve Fletcher, right? See if you can follow this little bit of logic as presented here: Steve Fletcher is a blatant, unrepentant liar. This has been proven MANY times on this page. 1. He claims to speak for God. He does not. If he did, then every prophetic word he claims to speak would be true. It is not, and even a child with average intelligence can figure that out. 2. He has been proven to use multiple facebook accounts, including one in his wifes name (Martha Ku de Fletcher -- in her own words, weak in her English skills -- yet, curiously, using the same TICK TOCK, LOLOLOLOLOL and you will burn in hell language her dear hubby uses). No way Martha Ku de Fletcher ever uses Facebook. If she has, she can dispute this and we will remove this remark about her computer/facebook illiteracy. 3. It has become apparent in the last couple days that Steve Fletcher was also using a facebook account in the name of one of his underage sons (maybe 10-11 years old, guaging from the photos) to post on Facebook and access pages (like this one). Setting aside the fact that Facebook doesnt legally allow underage children to create/use accounts, consider that Fletcher did that with his own sons images, pretending to be him. Wow!!! Sound like a liar? A deceiver? A bad father? No need to say more, is there? 4. Fletcher has said publicly (on his fb page) that he promised God to quit posting news stories (and presumably stop making false claims in the name of God) yet he has never stopped. He also said in the same post that he promised the same to his wife. So, this is evidence that Steve Fletcher not only lies to his wife, but lies to God! Unrepentant liar? Yes. This is proof. 5. Fletcher has said publicly that if his rapture and Sign of the Coming of Man prophecy didnt come true (Jan2014) that he would stop making prophecies and that the whole world would know he is a false prophet. He has made over a dozen rapture/disaster prophecies since, every one was false. Does that make him a liar? How much proof is needed? His own words condemn him. 6. Fletcher has publicly slandered and provided false testimony about people who have commented on this page. Does that make him a liar? Yes, according to Gods word, he is breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Yet, he continues to do this, as recently as the last couple of days. It would be a safe assumption to say he may be doing it as this post is written. 7. Fletcher has publicly slandered a woman named Trish Burke (who served God through ministry to the Fletchers in Dzan Mexico) and has publicly accused her of running this page. That is a false claim. She does not run this page, is not an admin, and has never been an admin of this page. Another instance of Fletcher bearing false witnesses, another case of Fletcher breaking the Ten Commandments. Liar? Yes. Blatant? Yes. Unrepentant? Yes. Deceiver? Yes. There are more, but here seven pieces of evidence prove that Steve Fletcher is a blatant, unrepentant liar who intentional deceives others, and qualifies (easily) as a false Christ and false prophet. According to Gods word, Steve Fletcher is hell-bound unless he repents. Yet, Kevin Hogwood believes what Fletcher says? No further questions, Your Honor.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 17:55:50 +0000

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