IF YOU DO NOT LOOK >>> YOU WILL NOT SEE ; YOU WILL NOT SEE >>>>>, YOU CAN NOT DO....... Hidlight Dear Members And Admins Discussion In recent reviews, continues where it left off. Please, were waiting for your comments Began to increase the quality of photos uploaded Thank you so much to everyone..... We are always waiting for more and better jobs....... Warm Regards Founder: Hidlight TheSpiritOfArt https://facebook/Thespiritofarttopphotos https://facebook/groups/thespiritofart/ thespiritofart.deviantart/ https://facebook/thespiritofartfanpagebestphotos ____________________________________________________ Recent post comments .............. https://facebook/groups/thespiritofart/permalink/959866537357611/ Comment Carl Bustam I think its good go a step further in the level of demand. All win and we will require a little more ourselves Comment Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano ..remember ..in photography ...there are no demands ...in life when you demand too much ..you get nothing ....photography is a creative process ...each person as his visions ..what i think its good and perfect for another person it might not be ...let people create and present their works ...i have a name for that ....RESPECT Comment Winyart Win Sorry. My english is very poor. In my opinion. I agree wit you to discuss about increase the quality of photos uploaded. I think if we can do we will help member to improve their works. May be. Have a rule or something but we must think about group concept The spirit of art first. And i agree with Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano too. I think most of photographer try the best when their shoot and uploaded. For my idea i still think of The spirit of art are important. Comment Rui Coelho Well....I really dont think its valid to ask the members to start to shoot better. I dont believe that a particular member chooses to publish a less quality work here, instead of other groups. So....I think it would be a much more interesting thing (for all members to beneficiate) if the admins could choose a particular interesting photo and kindly ask its owner, to comment on it. A sort of tips on how he or she, achieved that particular shot. And Im not refering to show the EXIF file of the shot...wich for me is worth absolutely nothing Comment Birnaz Kurt for me its not bad good everyone needs time so that everything can develop can someone not a great white black magic photos it not that he can not conjure up great shots in color is called. I see much not what others find awesome. I see a lot of what others do not see. Comment Hidlight Zifiri If the quality of the art, so we enjoyed the idea and composed, expands our horizons. No matter how much quality work here, quality work will increase exponentially. Not a lot of work, good work ... Comment Rui Coelho The only problem with Carl Bustam opinion is, in my opinion, the possibility of starting to have less photos shared or less interest for this group. Do you imagine how many groups there are?? If a particular member starts to see their work not published here....he will loose interest and will turn to other groups. Comment Hidlight Zifiri We must look to the spirit of the photo before, After the technical quality, and surely, the photographer is not enough to just like, you need to criticize need to discuss Winyart Win Comment Rui Coelho Why not create another way of recognising the top shots? Like other groups do. With a publication on an online page; a video on the end of the week or month with a colection of the top shots. A top chart of the best photographers...etc.... Comment Hidlight Zifiri The experience of all the photographers here can not be the same, less experienced photographers who can give direction to the criticism, criticism must be included in ourselves, we can see what others see. Birnaz Comment Reka Wijaya Began to increase the quality of photos uploaded This Quite Challenging... Again in my opinion; There are three levels to improve the quality of photos . It Just Like a triangle: 1 wide at the base . 2 began to narrow in the middle and 3 cone on top . 1. likes by many people, I suppose this as Basic Triangle. ( At this level probably the easiest level . Playing around with techniques and tools and then boom You Were Famous ) 2 Got the Love and Well Known , I suppose this as a start to narrow in the middle . The number of enthusiasts is slightly reduced , but the love ... will remain a part of the audience . 3 Got the Love , Well Known and Become Role Model. It already exists in the cone of a triangle . Just a few people will Aware. A little too are like . Because it usually has no longer rely on technique. But Rely On Heart. Comment Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano Hey dear Hidlight ...as far as im concerned ..this is bullshit ....people create ...we like it ...we comment ..we put a like ....thats fine ..we dont like ...our problem ...if not maybe then select the members ...only the best in photography ...i have a big list of those who are my friends i pass it to you ...you invicted them ...probably they will say no ...i mean ...hey ..one thing i learn always it is to respect others ...in everything ..but then im always agaisnt the tide ..it is just me ... Comment Hidlight Zifiri Between sessile Cover photos, will be the month photo rating This will start month Rui Coelho Comment Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano Dont you want my identity card ...my photographer certificate ...hey ..im not showing my shots in a gallery in London ..or on the Louvre dear Reka Wijaya ...this is an amateur group ...didnt you get that ??? Comment Reka Wijaya what just i write previously is kinda what we achieves after we succed to manage increasing the quality. it is not a requirement. pardon me dear Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano if theres some missedwords. Comment Maria Manuel Pires Cipriano TO PHOTOGRAPH IT IS TO PUT ON THE SAME LINE OF SIGHT HEAD ...EYE AND HEART .....those are my rules ...if that doesnt increase my work ...nothing else will do it Comment Carl Bustam Or I explained wrong or misinterpreted my words Hidlight Zifiri, Rui Coelho. I have not mentioned the amount of work, that is a misinterpretation. the only thing I wanted to say is that we all, each in their own way, we can improve others. and youre wrong Rui Coelo, did not participate in other networks, at least with the intensity in this. I have no time, maybe you have it. Im here and participated because I learn other ways of looking, do photography work. learn of the many ways and opinions of people from other cultures and parts of the world. Please, lets not be so simple when review. In any case I thank Review Comment Lyn Hollenbeck Hi all....I have to say Im in complete agreement with Maria and Winyart and I always work to make better photos. I have never taken lessons so I dont know the rules of photography. But here is a problem....there are those who use Photoshop and Lightroom to edit photos and get very nice quality results. I dont use either of these. I think this shows more a persons ability to edit than to rely on their skills to use the camera to produce a good photo. The approval of many photos is based on the fact that they were edited well rather than shot well. Is the improvement to produce better photos based on ones ability to edit or ones ability to use the camera with an artistic eye? Is a better photo judged on what was produced in Photoshop or in the camera? This is only an opinion and I say this with kind regards. Rui Coelho Rui Coelho Carl Bustam, do you understand english?? I dont think you do. Your comment has nothing to do with my words, my friend. and the time I spend with this, or other groups, its my business only ok?
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:38:23 +0000

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