IF YOU HAVE BEEN HURT IN THE PAST LET. LOVE IN AGAIN Love is the root of everything positive on this earth. Without love this world would be tombstone, without GOD’s love for us our existence would be non-existent. At the bottom of our heart we all want love, but we fear the process of attracting it. Many of us been hurt by love at its most incomplete stage or lust, so we let fear settle in and consider that the concrete definition of love. It is vital to understand that love never hurt you; the person who claimed to love you hurt you. Whether it’s a friend, family member or your partner, they hurt you not love. For instance; A police officer doesn’t arrest a gun in a murder case; because the person who used the gun is wrong not the gun. Same thing in a love case, punish love for what someone used its name to do to you. Love isn’t the issue; the person that said they love you or made you believe they love you was the issue. Let love come into your life; don’t punish yourself by keeping it out because someone failed you in the name of love. Let the hurt that came in be a teacher rather than a roadblock. Whatever happened to you should make you stronger not bitter. Turn the hurt into an eye opener instead of letting it become a reason to stay blind of true love. Some of us want love but we close the dooron it. Let love in, start by loving yourself and forgiving others. Once who lacks love is one punishing themselves and robbing themselves of something good. ALLOW LOVE TO COME INTO YOUR LIFE Prince of Love
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 07:47:13 +0000

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