IF YOU HAVE EVER BELIEVED THERE WAS NOTHING NEW TO LEARN FROM THE BIBLE, please join me in this study and discovery. ~~~~Did you know it is possible to Deliver a Fallen Angel and Demon? At the same Glorious time we received our Greatest Instructions, we received something else at that exact same time. Do you know why? It is because we have NEVER been told to do, what we had not been sufficiently supplied to accomplish. So what did we receive? Elijah was Prophesied to return. You would think that Elijah would be returning for an important reason, right? Well, he definitely did. Many have even had a hard time with understanding that Elijah Himself really returned. We are told twice of this event. Once by an Angel to Johns father and once by Jesus Himself. Both stated that the spirit of Elijah was returned and that it was John The Baptist. ~~~~Most due to some Non-Divine teachings, also False Teachings, that it could not have been Elijah himself because that would be reincarnation and that would go against The Churchs promise that when you go to Heaven or Hell, you go forever. But what if one could prove to you that Elijah himself actually returned? What if after all this time, this could actually be still proven and was meant to be figured out and proven? That we had definitely been given enough to once again, overcome false teachings? Would you be interested? Are you more concerned that your faith is Truth based or are you simply going to hold on to a very shallow and uneducated version of your beliefs as our human teachers would prefer? ~~~~Realize this, The Early Church didnt even want you to have a Bible for yourself. They believed that they were secret mysteries and could not be handled by the masses. People were even put to death because they had attempted to translate and print The Bible in English and other languages. One of the reasons was the same as our Governments position upon some information. The less you know, the less you will question and the less they will have to answer for. The other reason is. In The Bible it states that only 144,000 will be saved. This information had poor reactions from those with religious authority. If thats all that would be saved, then their odds of being a part of it would be increased with the fewer numbers having access to the scriptures. So there was an attempt to jockey for position. I have learned that if you attempt to block anyone for any reason from being Saved or even a part of The Kingdom, you will be successful, but you will have only positioned yourself out of The Kingdom and possibly being saved. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done To You. Many might believe it may be OK to do so if they are dealing with those who are Evil. But you would also have to fail three other Divine Commands in order to believe this. You would have to Judge, Resent and Hate. So do you believe this crime against another Miracle of Creation and against our Divine Instructions would go unnoticed? ```````````````````````````````` ~~~~Also, the people that created The Bible for us were the same people who were committing crimes against the very laws we were all given within The Bible. They had become very well at placing their own political desires into their teachings and they enforced their own Judgments and even put many to death. The Divine definitely had a huge hand in The Bible, but man had one as well. That is where we should begin to be more cautious to its content and origins in teachings. We were handed The Bible by man, not The Divine. This is Truth and this was for a purpose, A Divine one. We are not to simply accept what we are told without scrutinizing the content objectively. Even what was given Divinely needs to be studied and scrutinized. Since we are supposed to learn from it, if we simply accept, the Divinely given lesson will remain in limbo and the ability to overcome any possible false teachings will not exist. So there is no disrespect towards anyone Divine to attempt to test much if not all of the information to the True test of Truth. There is far more to learn in that avenue. And I will prove this to you. ~~~~For example, we are told that there was a great King of Israel. This King was approached by a Prophet and told that The Lord had given him a mission to give to this King. The King was told that he needed to approach a certain city and kill every man, woman and child of that city and to even kill all the animals. He was told that if he did not do what he had been told to do, he would lose his kingdom. The king had been told that he was not worthy and that he was at risk of losing The Kingdom of Israel because he had been serving himself and not The Lord. So the king, distraught with these words from his Prophet, went into this city and killed every man, woman and child...as The Prophet had stated that this was The Lords commands. But he held the animals to be sacrificed to The Lord instead of killing them right away. The Prophet approached this king and asked, What have you done?” You have not kept to The Lords commands!” The king was disheveled proclaiming that he kept the animals for the purpose to honor The Lord. The Prophet told the king that because he did not keep to The Lords commands, he would lose his throne. When The Prophet turned away from the king, the king in a panic reached to him and tore a piece of his robe from him. The Prophet turned to the king and stated, As you have just torn this piece from my robe, so shall the throne of this kingdom be torn from you... ~~~~Granted, this is not an exact, word for word representation of that part of The Bible. But it will serve its purpose. So, without looking too deeply, what have most if not all learned from this? Most would say that we are to learn to keep to The Lords commands. They would be right, but beneath this is far more to learn. We must look deeper and more honestly. Something we have all been taught to fear thinking it would be disrespectful because we have been taught this as well. ~~~~From my own personal perspective, this story in The Bible raised some red flags to say the least. I gave honest thought to what it was telling me and I approached the throne with Truth upon myself in honesty. I thought to myself, could those instructions actually have come from The Lord?!? I mean, could The Devil himself have given any worse instructions than to go into another city and kill every man, woman, child and even all the animals? So I went to defend the one I wish to honor and understand. I thought, well, maybe the men and woman had sinned so much that they would be deserving of it... But what of the children? Even more so, what of the animals? How could they have deserved this?!?! So, I became quite upset with The Lord. Not in secret or in hiding within myself. I did not hide it in fear, but proclaimed it as an honest reaction. One I needed to be resolved if my knee was ever wanted to bend in honor. The reason? I did not wish to belittle my faith and honor. What kind of an offering would that be? We are all taught to honor who we wish to worship, right? Well, how much honor would I be approaching with, if I were to have this most honest reaction to this story in The Bible, but held it in secret? Like anyone can keep such a secret from The Lord...The very thought is ridiculous in itself. ~~~~The answers come also by deeper study, honest study. Why would I keep such a secret? The answer is one many hold, but very few research and are aware of. The reason anyone would hold onto such a secret is because they fear they may lose Salvation. Point blank, thats why. So am I honoring someone if I am willing to be dishonest for my own personal gain? To me, I would be approaching the Throne as a scavenger, more concerned with what I have to gain and lose and not concerned with an honest relationship with the one I would proclaim my Faith, Trust and Love for. Does my knee bending hold as much honor as a scavenger, or as an honest individual? If my knee bends only to appease, what is it worth to Him or to myself? Most would state that this is where faith comes in. But to me, I believe I have exercised more faith by being honest and having faith that this is not a stance of disrespect whatsoever. If anything, it holds more faith and respect by taking a stance of honesty and having faith that this would not be received poorly. By no coincidence, there was far more to learn in this avenue, than the one that is most commonly taught and practiced. ~~~~In the honest study to this particular part of The Bible, I had to rethink the whole scenario. I came to some conclusions that I am sure none had before. This is what I learned. The king was at risk of losing his throne in the Kingdom of Israel, Sol I believe. Because he was not worthy. The words dictated that he would lose his kingdom if he did not do as The Lord Commanded. But lets look upon the Kingdom he already had and lets look upon The Commands he already had as well. This is where it becomes VERY educational. Sol was already a king of a nation of War. He was told simply that he needed to keep to The Lords Commands, and then he was told to go and kill all that lived in this other city. The Lords commands... The Israelites had already received The Lords commands in The Ten Commandments. One of those Commandments was, Thou Shalt Not Kill, or Murder... Many have attempted to explain which of these was actually written, kill or murder. This is an attempt to be able to do so. Many moved to find room to be able to Kill, so they stated the actual words were not to murder. And many have stated the words were to Kill, which includes both killing and murder. Killing is Murder and Murder is killing. This was to justify war itself or even being able to stone someone to death. Sol was even told, if you do not do as you are told, you will lose your kingdom. But the kingdom he already had was a warring, killing kingdom. If one had understood this and knew it was incorrect to The Ten Commandments, then one would have been thrilled to lose the kingdom that was at risk. To become a peaceful kingdom would be to lose the improper kingdom. Instead of understanding this, Sol went into another city and killed. Thinking this was the right move when in fact, it was not. He might have lost the kingdom he had, but he would have gained the kingdom that Israel was wanted and even ordered to have. Another point was Sol was willing to kill men, women, children and even animals to sustain his own personal stance which is putting himself above The Lord. ~~~~I Still think, wow, thats still quite a costly lesson, for them all to die for the sake of a lesson. But that is to be resolved between me and The Lord at a later date. And Im certain it will, in True faith. Not in fear, but an honest need to understand fully. The Church has taught us that the one we wish to worship will have the same attitude as parents who use childish responses to such inquiry like, Because I said so! I have a different faith. A stronger faith. I tend to believe that the people who died in that lesson had been guilty of the same crime in the past, perhaps in a past life which was also something taught in the original Hebrew teachings.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 17:05:00 +0000

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