IF YOU HAVENT FELT GODS MANIFEST PRESENCE, THIS MAY HELP YOU (WARNING: May contain supernatural content. Viewer discretion is advised) When Graham Cooke was new in his faith there was a time when he was physically feeling the presence of God constantly, until one day when he couldnt feel it anymore. He started to freak out and got scared. He thought something was wrong. He felt that God had left him. He even became suicidal. He became desperate for answers and one day he walked into a bar. Low and behold he saw a priest in there. He got excited and thought, He could help me. He went over to the priest and told him his situation. The priest sat back and said to him, Oh, youre talking about hiddenness. He went on talking to Graham about it for an hour or two regarding how God hides himself at times from us. He meant that God keeps you from detecting Him with any of your senses for the purpose of you believing He is there without any physical evidence. When they were done talking they walked outside the bar and the priest got in his car and drove away. When Graham turned around to looked back to see the car drive away, it was completely gone. It disappeared out of thin air. God sent Graham an angel to convey a message to him that was very important for him to get. Graham says that there are seasons where God wants you to physically feel him and there are seasons where He pulls back from letting you detect Him. He said that when you are in the season of hiddenness there is deep revelation that God wants to give you that you cant get when you are in the season of manifestation and he wants you to live by faith. Another time where God had him go into a season of hiddenness was when the Lord said to him, Graham, you are not going to feel my presence for the next two years, but son, I really need you to learn this discipline, because if you dont learn this discipline, all the things I want to do with you I will not be able to do. Youre not going to feel my presence for the next two years, but I promise you, I will be right there. But you have to learn to walk by faith now. Graham wasnt too happy about that. He whined to God for a while, but eventually he accepted it. A while later he was in Asia somewhere and he was really missing the presence. He had a postcard in his bible. He took it out and wrote on it. He wrote, To God in Heaven... Dear God, wish you were hear... - Love Graham. He put it in his bible. Two days later, his bible fell on the ground and post card came out. He picked it up and in different writing it had the address to his hotel room, in the city he was staying and said, Dear Graham... What makes you think Im not... - Love God. Then the writing turned back to what Graham originally wrote right before his eyes. It really settled and comforted Graham. A while later, He went to bed one night and looked at the clock and it was 12:01 midnight and the presence of God filled the bedroom all over. And then he realized that it was 2 years from the day that God told him that He would hide His manifest presence from Him. Graham just cried.. In manifestation we behold his beauty. In hiddenness we behold His glory.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:02:25 +0000

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