IF YOU ONLY READ ONE THING THAT I POST, LET THIS BE IT. TR Thats the secret mantra of the Obama Administration. In the beginning of his presidency, he stood up and declared that the police acted stupidly in the Henry Louis Gates event -- without knowing all the facts. He also was pitting blacks against whites at every chance he got. It stands out in my mind how he said, If I had a son, hed look like Trayvon Martin! It later turned out that Trayvon was the one who attacked the security guard, and the security guard shot and killed Trayvon in order to survive! Then there was the case of the Black Panther operatives showing up at the voting polls in Philly and denying voters their rights to enter the building! The Attorney General, Eric Holder, weighed in on this and decided that the government was going to dismiss charging blacks with any infractions ??? because theyve been thru enough bad history in their lives already ??? (or if you know a logical answer, please write back and tell me!) Another nightmare happened in Ferguson, Mo. A black youth decides to break the law and commit theft of a local grocery store, and he ended up shot and dead because he refused to obey the policeman. No one cared that he attacked that policeman, trying to wrestle the gun away from him. One only needs to read the full report to find out that the cop won that wrestling match and shot him in order to save his own life! At least, this is what the findings of the Grand Jury are, and I have no reason to disbelieve them. Then there is the NY black man who was selling loosey cigarettes on the street. Ive spoken to several ex-police from the NY area and they say that their state government gets taxes from the sale of cigarettes -- and since the city is in financial trouble, they are pushed to go out there and stop these illegal activities that hurt the citys coffers! (Havent you wondered why one big, black guy was surrounded by a team of lawmen who were taking him down! And, did you know that a black, female Sergeant was standing nearby overseeing the take down?) And, this all resulted in the death of this low-level criminal. It would seem to me that they were ordered as a team to go out and make an example of one law breaker in order to scare the others away from breaking this law that allows the city to collect more tax revenue! The Obama Administration has spent its entire time trying to divide this nation, black against white, male against female, Democrat against Republican, Christian against atheist and so on. Ive never seen my country more divided than it is now! But, Obamas got two years left -- so, you know that the damage is going to continue, dont you? Well, if you figured that hed try to save his legacy in these last two years ... think again! Because now theyre going to pit the citizenry against the military and the CIA. Thats right! Those who are in charge of protecting us are going to be made into monsters! So, while unenlightened people are still in the middle of demonstrating and piling on against the local police, the Democrats have meanwhile spend $40-$80 million dollars on a report that shows we were evil people to interrogate our enemies!!!! Yes, they are busy trying to prove that our CIA was evil, evil, demons who tried to protect us by interrogating the enemy! The same enemy who bombed the USS Cole, and bombed the Twin Towers. The same enemy who wants us all dead! The same enemy who beheads our citizens at every opportunity! That debacle took front and center stage yesterday with our legislators decrying that some of these enemies were water boarded in order to get information from them! (And, as if we werent already having a busy day on the hill ... we were trying to find out why Prof. Gruber got paid between $2 - $8 million dollars to lie, cheat and distort the truth about Obamacare in order to sell it to the citizenry!) If you are busy playing with your Game Boy or busy texting on your iPhone or busy tweeting on Twitter about Christmas shopping ... then you probably dont even know whats really going on, and its just too damn late! The Democrats are moving on to demonizing our military and the CIA, hoping that the citizenry will fall, lockstep into line and bemoan them and their tactics. (Meanwhile, Obama busily drones everyone and everything in sight!) Isnt it bad enough that our military are restrained whenever they are in battle? They have to weigh every situation before they shoot .. even when attacked. Its called Terms of Engagement. It looks like theyre trying to impose this same thing on the local police, too. The message is: Dont shoot if the assailant is black! I had a nightmare a few days ago of a black guy pushing an elderly lady off the platform of the subway station in front of an oncoming train. In this nightmare, the cop yelled, took aim, but failed to shoot .... because .... the perp was black. I ask ... What chance do we stand of winning the war if we are not allowed to strike back at blacks or Muslim terrorists? And, if you are still not scared, think about this --- one of the things on Obamas agenda was to take away our guns. You dont think that hes given up on this idea, do you? The time to wake up was when the Political Correctness wave took hold in the nation, but many of you fell for the agenda that was masked as Fairness. Is it too late to wake up now? I dont know! How many of us are out there who were aware all along? How many of us were able to affect the populace? How many of us have voted? There are so many questions to ask before we can answer my next question: Is it too late?
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:03:45 +0000

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