IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH AS TO WHY THE ECONOMY IS SO BAD, READ ON. To know the truth, you have to take the red pill and embrace the painful historical reality of the malevolent Bankers, as to who really has control of your countrys economy, but you will be set free. [So if the Son (Who is the Truth personified) sets you free, you will be free indeed John 8:36]. Otherwise, take the blue pill and fall back into the blissful ignorance of illusion and the false belief that all conspiracies are mere speculation, our leaders are not controlled by money, and politicians would never intentionally hurt you, lie to you, control you, and never would do anything to make you an economic slave. In fact, most politicians have taken the blue pill and believe in the system. Most people do not want to be labeled a rebel or an extremist. All of the Founding Fathers were labeled as rebels and traitors by England when the Declaration of Independence was signed. They wanted to be self-governed. They wanted out from underneath tyranny. Many things are being revealed about the bankers as the real power behind government--this is the year. People are wising up. A lot of conspiracies are being uncovered, and these conspiracy facts are now becoming revealed actions of evil ones. People know they have been lied to. They are researching on the Internet, even in third world countries and dictatorship-run countries. The World Bankers are not going to pull off what they want if the mass of citizens in every country become wise by seeking the truth. The truth is also what the evil ones are doing. Once you find out what is happening, you can spread this knowledge to others and vote out the politicians who support the bankers who control your life. In a nut shell, here is the evil done by bankers. The Federal Reserve has been printing fiat money that is not backed by gold or silver as required if the U.S. Treasury printed the money. The Federal Reserve is the one who buys all the Treasury bills and Treasury bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury, and they purchase the Treasury bills and the Treasury bonds with brand new printed Federal Reserve Notes, not those already in circulation. Thus, it cost them nothing. Then the Federal Reserves sell the Treasury bills and Treasury bonds to ITS customers, some of which are licensed to re-sell to rank and file investor/consumers. The Federal Reserve also sells the Treasury bills and Treasury bonds to foreign governments who use them to boost their own currencies. The Federal Reserve has a right to charge whatever they want for the Treasury bills and Treasury bonds, and it gives a discount to those countries who favor and promote the U.S. Federal Reserve Dollar, which is again, merely fiat money. The Federal Reserve dispense the U.S. Federal Reserve Dollar through Federal Reserve banks. They use fractional reserve banking, which means the Federal Reserve banks, [owned by the banking families through their entities], and they grant a loan, say, to a building contractor of this fiat worthless money, by putting the money into a NEW bank account, which increases the deposits, which allows the Federal Reserve bank to lend the same money again and again. This NEW bank account also allows the Federal Reserve bank to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve Board to increase the cash in the bank. The Federal Reserve bank also loans money to large businesses and regularly get 1% per day for the use of the money. Finally, the Federal Reserve bank gives real estate loans to regular consumers, using no proof of income and no credit worthiness requirements, and give the consumer an adjustable mortgage rate, which the Federal Reserve bank loan officers know they consumers cannot afford the higher payments when the mortgage rate increases. The loan officers know the loan is destined for default, and foreclosure is going to occur. Now these types of loans are collateralized, and if there is a default, the collateral becomes the property of the Federal Reserve bank. Real property and business property are hard assets or wealth assets. The Federal Reserve banks cannot take their fiat money and go out and buy hard assets but they can give a default destined loan and foreclose on the lien and acquire the land or houses by foreclosure or UCC-1 lien enforcement. In the end, the banking families acquire the land in America and other countries through foreclosure. The acquire business assets the same way. What did it cost the banking families to do this---- merely the cost of printing non-asset-backed paper called Federal Reserve Notes, which is a promise to pay with worthless paper. The Congress has specified that Federal Reserve Banks must hold collateral equal in value to the Federal Reserve Notes that the Federal Reserve Bank puts into circulation. This collateral is chiefly held in the form of U.S. Treasury debt, federal agency, and government-sponsored enterprise securities. (Wikipedia) The U.S. Government is liable for both the U.S. Dollar and the U.S. Treasury bonds or debt instruments. The U.S. government is 17 Trillion Dollars in Debt to Treasury Bonds, and the Bond holders cannot demand that they be paid with gold if the US Dollar becomes inflated and valueless. Again, after acquiring the U.S. Treasury Bonds, the Federal Reserve immediately sells these Treasury Bonds to banks, brokerage firms, and even other Countries, such as China, so the U.S. has to honor and pay the Bond debt, or lose stature. You can see the scenario here. The Federal Reserve Bank has to buy a debt instrument called U.S. Treasury debt as collateral to back up the Federal Reserve Notes. Thus the only asset backing up the U.S. Dollar is the promise to pay by the U.S. Government, which lets the Federal Reserve Board, and the banking families off the hook to take their own assets and make the U.S. dollar worth anything. This is why the IMF has stepped in and demanded that currencies be asset-backed. The United States has a problem with the IMF regulation. Why? The reason is that the restriction in the U.S. Constitution mandates that the United States Treasury can only back its newly-issued currency with silver or gold, not oil, land, federal buildings, precious stones, GDP, or any other asset, as can the Iraqi Dinar, the Vietnamese Dong, and the currencies of other countries. To avoid this, the currency is going to be continued to be printed by the Federal Reserve Bank instead of the U.S. Treasury. Since the U.S. Treasury is NOT printing the money, but continuing that right given to the Federal Reserve Bank, then the Federal Reserve Bank does not have the Constitutional restriction of only backing the U.S. Dollar with gold or silver. Thus, the NEW Federal Reserve Notes can be back by ANY natural resources owned by the Federal Reserve Bank, and in turn, the U.S. Treasury can agree to guarantee the currency by ANY ASSET, such as Bureau of Land Management real property for example, gold mines, silver mines, oil reserves, gas reserves, other mineral reserves, or all the buildings constructed throughout the nation which are Federal buildings, even the White House, Capitol Building and other Federal buildings theoretically. As a dinarian, you can have your eyes focused on the assets that the banks are after if you want wealth, instead of riches and money. The banks are primarily after the natural resources, land, houses, commercial buildings, businesses, government buildings, monopolies, in the United States and in other countries. If you use corporations to purchase these items here in the United States or in your own country, and you operate through the concept of possessionary rights instead of ownership rights, then you will set up a family dynasty that will pass this wealth assets generationally. There is a rather long, complete list of things each dinarian must do to create a family dynasty, and you have to focus on moving currency into hard assets, or wealth assets, (land, houses, commercial property, natural resources, small businesses, domesticated animals, vegetables and grain growing farms, fruit growing trees, fisheries, energy generation, etc) with some assets into riches such as annuities, Guaranteed Investment Contracts, and other Insurance issued policies or contracts for ongoing, monthly cash flow. Now, the banking families have been given the right by our government to do this. Either the banking families have history on their side or the politicians just feel powerless or scared to change the financial system in the United States and other countries. In our Constitution, there is the expost facto clause which says you cannot past a current law to take away rights that were granted rights by a prior law. The banking family has been given the right to run a Federal Reserve system. The Federal Reserve Act (ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251, enacted December 23, 1913, 12 U.S.C., Ch 3) is an Act of Congress that created and set up the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States of America, and granted it the legal authority to issue Federal Reserve Notes (now commonly known as the U.S. Dollar) and Federal Reserve Bank Notes as legal tender. The Act was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. (Wikipedia) If the United States tries to totally abolish the rights of the Federal Reserve, this would be challenged in the Supreme Court. The lawsuit would last a decade, and in the meantime, there would be banking business as usual. What the U.S. Treasury is going to do is demand that the Federal Reserve continue to be allowed to issue and print the money, continue to maintain the Federal Reserve banks, but the Federal Reserve Notes will have to be backed by assets, as written above,. The Federal Reserve banking families already have large amounts of gold stored, from the days of the Green Hilton Agreement signed by President John F. Kennedy, which you can read about below. The following youtube interprets that the film Wizard of Oz was taken from a book and was really about the World Bankers control of money regarding the Central Banks of Countries, particularly the U.S. This revelation really explains the reason why the global economy is in such a mess today. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH! You are not just one of the little people, a little Munchkin. The Wizard of Oz series of childrens books, with its hidden message exposing the GLOBAL BANKERS CONTROL OF ALL ECONOMIES, was written in 1900 by L. Frank Baum. The popular movie, Wizard of OZ, was filmed in 1939, staring Judy Garland. The Scarecrow represents farmers, the Tin Man industry, and he has an oil can representing the Oil Companies, and the Lion represents a particular politician who ran for President, but lost, who went after the bankers in political speeches. When the Wizard of Oz book was written, the wicked witch of the east and west were Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan. The yellow brick road represented gold. The Wizard behind the curtain in the Emerald City (representing the green U.S. Dollar where the good life was and where things were made new) made himself out to be the Great Wizard of Oz, but was really just a man like every one else but manipulated, lied, and lived a pretentious life. This is a two-hour film, which is the most revealing I have ever seen. Dorothys shoes were made of silver in the book, but the film changed them to rubies. Silver and gold are what the Constitution requires to back U.S. currency printed by the U.S. Treasury Department, but the bankers are not government and they can print money with no limitations. Every time a President such as Jackson, Lincoln, or others tried to get the U.S. Treasury to print money instead of the Bankers, the Bankers would print Counterfeit money which were circulated, which inflated the money and made the U.S. Dollar worthless, and then they would use that excuse to demand Gold as payment of debt by the U.S. government instead of the U.S. Dollar . Bankers put people, businesses, and governments in debt to them, the bankers, to control people, businesses, and government. The creditors control the debtors. Debt makes the banker creditor a MASTER over you, and you become the Bankers SLAVE. Proverbs 22:7 says, The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Remember, we have always had wars prior to 1913, and it was only then that the Sixteenth Amendment was passed on February 3, 1913 to allow INCOME TAX to be levied directly against the people in the U.S. During the Christmas Congressional break on December 23, 1913, with just a few Congressmen present, the Federal Reserve Act was passed taking away the right of the U.S. Treasury Department from printing any more money, and giving that right to the Federal Reserve. The U.S. Government now could only get money through taxes and through selling U.S. Treasury Bonds to the Federal Reserve. Eventually, the income taxes collected are insufficient to pay even today the interest owed on the U.S. Treasury Bonds, so all the INCOME TAX COLLECTED BY THE IRS REALLY GOES TO THE BANKERS, NOT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Abraham Lincoln paid for the Civil War not by debt but by simply the U.S. Treasury Dept. printing Green Backs. Think of how much money the U.S. has borrowed from the Federal Reserve in exchange for Treasury Bonds to pay for the Iraq War and Afghanistan wars? The only reason we have a Housing Crash is because the World Bankers pulled 40% of the money out of circulation, so there is no money for the banks to loan out to home owners. The bank bailouts of 2008 and 2009 were another SCAM by the BANKERS to get free money. Yet, they did not loosen the strings to lend to save the housing markets for the little Munchkins. Now the real property foreclosures are owned by the Banks and the real property cost them NOTHING. The Banks used fractional reserved banking to lend money for people to buy the real property, so they were creating money out of thin air. Now the banks own TITLE to the real property by the manipulation they have done. This is why President Obama has started a team of investigators and why some bankers have already been arrested. Lets stop the bankers from taking away Americas wealth from its people. The youtube below gives a history lesson of the world bankers and how they manipulate and ruin the wealth of the little Munchkins. In the Wizard of Oz, the little Munchkins knew the road to Emerald City for the Green Backs. The Munchkins told Dorothy, Follow the Yellow Brick Road. China is buying as much gold as it can because they know the crash of the U.S. dollar is coming very soon, all now arranged by the Bankers. So here it is: The secret message within the story line of the Wizard of Oz: youtube/watch?v=7qIhDdST27g&feature=email . Now, after you look at the above, you should then do the research behind the Green Hilton Agreement AND PRESIDENT KENNEDYS EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110. In 1962-1963 President John F. Kennedy was good friends with the then President of Indonesia, Soekarno. Kennedy and Soekarno signed the Green Hilton Agreement which caused Indonesia, the largest source of gold in the world, to deposit in todays value three trillion dollars worth of gold in the U.S. in 1968 on the death of President Soekarno. President Kennedy had plans to use the gold to back the U.S. dollar printed and issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, as his plan was to take away the power from the Bankers, the Federal Reserve, which prints money without the backing of gold or silver. The Constitution says that all currency printed and issued by the U.S. Government must be backed by gold or silver, both are precisious metals. Gold and silver backed currency is where there is a limited commodity made by God that automatically stops the printing of more money and thus would put restrictions on the spending by the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bankers did not want to be limited in their use of power and control with the money of the strongest and most productive nation of the world. In the Summer of 1963, President Kennedy wrote Executive Order 11110, which gave the right to the U.S. Treasury Department to start printing money backed by gold. See john-f-kennedy.net/executiveorder11110.htm In November 1963, the Green Hilton Agreement was signed. Eleven days after the Green Hilton Agreement was signed, President Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas.Upon the assassination of President Kennedy, the Executive Orders which led to the Green Hilton Treaty, were immediately revoked and rescinded by the Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, immediately he was sworn into office as President even before Airforce One landed in Washington D.C. That was his very first act as the new President of the United States of America. To support that revocation and rescinding, the dis-information part of the US Government / CIA / Pentagon, placed into circulation at least 3 additional versions of the Green Hilton Agreement, all very different from each other, causing confusion as to which was the actual original one and allowing a situation whereby the original Treaty could be denied using the plausible deniability factor. This was done by President Johson by the urging of the Federal Reserve Bankers. By revoking those Executive Orders and deliberately not recognizing the Green Hilton Treaty the US Government, Treasury, and Federal Reserve, were able to withdraw the Gold Backed currency (1 and 2 Dollar Notes) that had already been placed into circulation as U.S. Treasury Notes [in competition with Federal Reserve Notes] and prevented the 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar U.S. Treasury Notes from ever being placed into circulation.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:09:12 +0000

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