IF YOU WANT TO BE BLESSED, BLESS THE MAN OF GOD. This statement is normally used by thieves in church who call themselves men of God to manipulate people into giving them money and lots of stuff ranging from cell phones to cars to houses. It has resulted in parents neglecting their parental responsibilities of taking care of their children since the money that could have been used to care for children are now given to the so called men of God. Children have neglected caring for their parents since the so called men of God have claimed the parenthood of such children and are milking them of their hard earned money day and night. Christians have neglected the poor, the orphans and widows since everyone is competing to give to the “man of God” who already has more than enough while there are people next to you who are starving. And the so called men of God end up using this money to womanize and indulge in some filthy practices like money laundering. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY In a nutshell, the church has a collective responsibility to care for the pastor; it’s neither a duty of individual Christians to do so nor the duty of the pastor to collect from individuals. According to the Bible, blessings are attached to giving, giving to anyone not just the pastor (Luke 6:38) so when you give to meet the need of any individual, you will be blessed. Let our eyes be opened; SPIRITUALITY IS NOT STUPIDITY
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 18:33:46 +0000

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