IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR DOCTOR, CHANGE THE SENATE! Exclusive: Jane M. Orient, M.D., stresses power Harry Reid holds in perpetuating Obamacare My favorite bumper sticker for this campaign season is “Keep your doctor, change your senator.”...Monica Wehby, M.D., pediatric neurosurgeon, is trying to unseat a one-term Democrat in Oregon. Dr. Wehby has been very active in the American Medical Association, trying to change its pro-Obamacare stance...She is one of five women physicians running for Congress. Alieta Eck, M.D., an internist, is running for the House of Representatives in New Jersey. She is a past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Nan Hayworth, M.D., an ophthalmologist, is running for the House in New York, Annette Teijeiro, M.D., an anesthesiologist, is running in Nevada, and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D., an ophthalmologist, in Iowa. All are Republicans, and all are critical of Obamacare... Although the administration’s unilateral changes in the law have postponed many painful features of Obamacare until after the election, it is already very unpopular. The White House public relations/media juggernaut is in high gear to suppress the bad news and trumpet any benefits...Millions more privately insured Americans will soon see their policies canceled; the individual mandate penalty/tax will kick in; the crushing burdens of new taxes on businesses, medical devices and insurance premiums will reverberate through the already stalled economy; and more and more independent physicians will have to close their practices owing to new requirements. ...Patients will not only lose their doctor, but increasingly will be treated according to rigid bureaucratic protocols, enforced through electronic surveillance, directed toward improving “population health,” not meeting their needs. They may have a “health-care provider,” who may or may not have a medical degree, but they will not have a personal physician who knows them and cares about them...Soon, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) will be dictating how much can be spent on your medical care...READ MORE Read more at wnd/2014/10/if-you-want-to-keep-your-doctor-change-the-senate/#KefyUhbXE4O0WMFM.99
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:38:18 +0000

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