IF YOU WILL Dear Friends, If you don’t mind, please keep - TopicsExpress


IF YOU WILL Dear Friends, If you don’t mind, please keep me in your prayers. It probably doesn’t come as a big shock to any of you, but I believe that God not only listens to all of our prayers, but I believe He answers our prayers, too. Of course, that doesn’t mean we get everything we ask for or seek, but I believe we always receive what is best when we do – whether we like it at the time or not. Not to go off on a tangent, that’s just what I believe. I also believe God loves it when His people unite and intercede expecting Him to act on behalf of another person. So, that’s why I’m asking. Here’s what’s up. A few months ago, I found out old football injuries, actually termed TBI (traumatic brain injuries), were catching up to me and wreaking havoc in my brain even though I didn’t know it and had not yet begun to actually feel its effects. I also found out that the landscape of my brain was such that if extremely aggressive actions, medical and therapeutic, did not begin immediately, within a couple of years, I would “fall” into early-onset dementia, the formations of it already present and climatic conditions of my brain primed for its unwelcome emergence. Pardon the pun, but my next move was a “no-brainer.” I began the medication and the process of fighting this “Monster,” and my Doctors said they were “extremely optimistic” pursuing this course for 18 to 24 months would save my life and keep me healthy and thriving for years to come. The medications are really strong, but I began taking them right away. At first, like the first couple of days, my body reacted to the medication noticeably, but it wasn’t so bad. I felt sluggish and drowsy, just like they said I would. After that, though, I adjusted and everything felt normal. (Well, normal for me! J ) Since those first couple of days, the only noticeable difference I’ve felt, which I attribute to the medication, is a drastic change in my sleeping pattern. For 20 years, every since I said “I do” and gave up the notion that I personally had to close any night spot I visited seven nights a week, I have slept like a baby with rare exceptions – usually lights out before 10 p.m. and ‘up and at ‘em’ by 4 a.m. Six to eight hours of sleep a night for 20 straight years. Over the past six weeks, I’m averaging 12 hours of sleep – a week. It’s actually been pretty cool. I mean, I’ve become much more productive. It’s awfully quite during the wee hours of the morning. I’ve used the extra “up time” since I started the meds to write two books for clients, and completely revise another client’s entire asset management and communications strategy. I’ve also managed to normalize another client’s clustered and corrupted database, migrate it to new servers that I specified, shopped for, procured and set up for them with only online technical assistance via IM from “geeks” on the other side of the world. I mean, my profit margins are amazing right now because I usually outsource all of this type of work, except for the writing, of course. I call it induced Vertical Integration. Also, over this same time frame, we moved, after 18 years in one house. Then, there was Christmas, New Year’s, etc. I haven’t been tired during the days at all, either. The problem is, though, last week, I started itching in different areas – my head, my back, arms, legs, and other places. I ignored it. The last thing I wanted to have happen was for the medication waging war on the Monster suspended because I was suddenly having a reaction after a couple of successful months ingestion. But, the itching has grown progressively worse in the last two or three days, and this morning I woke up after my now normal two hours of sleep to discover I had clawed all the way through my skin in a few places. I have to tell my Doctors about this breaking development in the morning, and I’m concerned/worried that they are going to pull me off of this medication they are so confident will heal me. Please pray. Thank you.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:27:08 +0000

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