IF YOURE STRUGGLING THIS MORNING, THEN I ENCOURAGE YOU TO READ THIS. I know its early, but I have a message for you, and ***THIS TIME***, Im speaking from personal experience when I write that if you stay faithful in your current position, regardless of how difficult it may become, then the Lord will BLESS and ELEVATE you. It may not happen immediately, and it may not be obtained easily, however. Often times, we have to go THROUGH something to GET something. For several years of working, praying, and battling the enemy (with the Lords help), God answered a prayer that I had been praying for quite some time and made some great things happen in my life. Yet, I had to go through many storms, cry many tears, experience many, many, many disappointments, and live through times when others would turn their backs on me before it happened, but through it all, I had Jesus. THIS IS WHY I POST THOSE PRAYERS AND SCRIPTURES FOR ALL OF YOU. I have been through it before. I know how it feels to be rejected, to feel as though you dont have any real friends, to experience loss, to experience heartbreak, to experience struggle, to just want to lie and hide in bed with the covers over your head and stay there, to be hurting on the inside but smiling on the outside. However, prayer and staying in Gods Word got me through those times. Life for me NOW is VERY different. This is not to say that I wont experience times such as these again, but it does prove that the Lord will strengthen you through your trials and reward you for your faithfulness. If you find yourself struggling to get up and get going this morning because your spirit is discouraged, then understand that your current SITUATION can be an INDICATION that greater is coming. Pray before you do anything and ask the Lord for strength. You can make it. With Gods help, you WILL make it, and He will BLESS you along the way. Im a witness. Positivity Inspires, Copyright 2014. (All rights reserved.)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:46:46 +0000

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