IF~ a Soulful Social Meditation from a Friend and True Hero, Jack - TopicsExpress


IF~ a Soulful Social Meditation from a Friend and True Hero, Jack McCaig: “This method is simple and effective. It would have success in short order and make all humans free.” IF there was anyone that wanted to end the slavery system on earth there would be only one method – to run the banks. All humans and land on earth are legally owned by the corporate organizations that are owned by the Rothchild family and their partners. Their stated goals are to institute a single currency, a single world government and to exterminate all humans except for a select 500,000 humans. IF anyone wanted to stop this they must end the financial system that makes the whole system function. If you stop the heart that pumps the blood then the body will die. In this case the money is the blood that makes the slave system function and the central banks of all countries are owned and operated by the Rothchilds and make all money and associated fictional debt on earth. Run the banks means make a society wide fear that makes everyone run to their banks to remove their savings. Since all banking is fractional reserve, they only have a small fraction of the savings at the banks. Society wide fear of not being able to access their savings and the ensuing rush to remove funds would make the whole financial system fail. The Rothchilds could no longer pay to have their slave system managers run the slave system so it would end. After it was ended then a non-fractional reserve banking system could be placed in its stead and the entire planet would be in a state of freedom and prosperity not known during recorded history. No wealth would be stolen as 99.99% or more of wealth, prosperity and freedom is extracted by the Rothchild family under the current system. Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan in the USA were all shot for trying to institute this financial system, bless them one and all for their attempts. But these past USA presidents did not have the will of the people, the Rothchild slaves, on their sides. That was because the people had no idea the slave system even existed, so good was the Rothchild marketing machine at hiding the system. This system uses people in the know of the slave system to wreck the system by throwing a monkey wrench, repeatedly, into the financial engine and ending it from below by running the banks. This system would use the method of commitment that Genghis Khan used to rule the known world. He always had 50 committed warriors willing to die lead the attack. These 50 would strike fear into the opposition and Genghis Khan used this fear to end the will of the opposition. The Rothchilds have trained all humans to fear and they use this fear to rule earth. Running the banks uses the same fear to end the Rothchild financial system. These 50 committed individuals would take out savings or checking accounts at the same bank. On a preselected day, time and bank branch location; these 50 would go into the bank and attempt to remove their funds from their own accounts. Just as these 50 started their account removal, social media of all kinds would be used with text and video to let as many people as possible know that the bank and the particular branch was being shut because it had run out of money to pay its account holders even though it had not happened yet. Pandemonium would ensue and the bank would have to shut not only that branch but as people went to other branches in other cities, they would have to close all their branches. 10 to 20 different banks would have been previously targeted by another 50 account holders for each bank to do the same thing. (So, it would really maybe take up to 500 or 1,000 people to employ this method fully. It might only take 100 as it might just take twice doing it to topple the whole system but doing it 10 to 20 times would surely crash the global financial system.) Each successive day a new bank and a particular branch would be targeted and use the same method. This would gather energy to the point that all people would hear about this and rush to their banks to remove their funds. Every bank would be forced to shut their doors and then the system would collapse. A prepared statement would be sent over the same social media outlets that the bank runs would end when the privately owned central banks would all be owned by each country and all debt to central banks were declared null and void. Then all banks would have to be run on a non-fractional reserve method, meaning simply that only money the banks had could be lent and that all governments would create money with no debt attached to run their operations. No taxes would be collected either, just a small percentage of money would be created to expand the system each year for each government to run its operations, no more than 1%. This method is simple and effective. It would have success in short order and make all humans free. In addition, all land would be owned in allodium by people, individuals. Corporations would be made illegal. All humans would be able to own no more than one million units of currency and no less than 1,000 units of currency. All operations would have to be made by alliances between people, not corporations as they would no longer exist. Since the Internet exists, there is no longer a reason to have representation government. All laws would be made on the Internet and voted on using not a rule by majority but instead, all laws could be made null and void by 20% saying they did not want the law. Laws could be instituted only if 50% of the people vote for the laws but 20% voting could end any law at any time. This is a simple and prosperous way to run earth and to end the Rothchild slave system. Anyone found breaking these constraints could have their voting revoked for a year and their wealth removed down to 10,000 units. Wealth would cease to be important and other human endeavors would be more important. Humans would finally be free to reach their human potential. If there were any humans brave enough to set mankind free using these methods, they would surely be blessed and revered for all eternity. IMPORTANT NOTE***Just to be clear~ no one involved with this event advocates the use of violent force to liberate humanity from the grip of the FED Banksters. In fact, we, as a group, subscribe to the time-honored principles of Ahimsa (non-harm) and Satyagraha (insistence upon Truth) as espoused and practiced by Gandhi, MLK and Gene Sharp. We believe in the power of Love and that Love alone has the power to prevail against all odds~ Namaste _/|\_ POSTS
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 01:40:37 +0000

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