*** IFY - A Romantic Thriller*** Episode 47 #Doro_yemzy In - TopicsExpress


*** IFY - A Romantic Thriller*** Episode 47 #Doro_yemzy In all negotiations, it is always good never to price oneself too low. But most job seekers do not know this. Of course, they don’t want to be seen as being too greedy. So they usually end up pricing themselves too low. What they don’t know is that in doing that, they might come across as a cheapie or as someone who doesn’t know their value or what they can offer. Also, one other thing that most people don’t know about negotiations is that it is always good for one to set the price—or rules, first. He had given me the opportunity to do so. I am not going to miss that. “One million naira, sir,” I said. I smiled as I said it to show him I was joking although I knew I was subliminally telling him I want to be paid well. Eyes wide-opened, he mellowed his voice and asked, “Per month or per annum, sir?” He was grinning widely too. He had a perfect set of teeth. He was very handsome and looked so young when he laughed. “Per month will be very good, sir!” We both burst into a rapturous laughter. When we finally regained our breaths back, he wiped the tears from his eyes and then faced me again, this time, with all seriousness. His deep voice was also back. “You see Mr. Vincent; trust me, inasmuch as I would have loved to be paying you that amount you mentioned, the truth is that we don’t have that type of money as of now but who knows, maybe, when you join us you will be able to give us the ideas that will make that happen because I wouldn’t mind to be collecting that amount myself too or don’t you think so?” “You are the boss,” I said gallantly. He smiled before continuing. “Good. Look at what is going to happen. I am open for ideas and I am glad you seem like someone who has truly got some ideas that can advance us. Like I always tell all my employees, you are here to make me rich but then if you spot any opportunity that will make you rich, feel free, you are welcome to bring it to our notice because you will duly be rewarded. I am so serious about this! So, Vincent, what is going to happen is that we will place you on a monthly salary of fifty thousand naira.” Oh my God! Did he just mention fifty thousand naira? Wow! “I know that it might sound so small considering the fact that the rate of inflation in this country has driven the prices of virtually every commodity high but don’t feel disappointed because here at Delic, our salaries always appreciate. To cover the cost of your living which includes that of your transportation, we are in the process of making the arrangements to get you a place somewhere around here, maybe somewhere in Independence Layout which is very near to this place so that you won’t be travelling a far distance to come to work. I hope that will be okay by you?” “Yes sir! Thank you so much!” I was fighting so hard to keep the excitement off my voice but I couldn’t. Fifty thousand naira! For a start! Every blessed month! Plus the house! God, I thank you! “We expect you to put in your best. We don’t condone lateness to work. We don’t condone unserious attitude. We don’t condone irresponsibility here. We don’t condone any form of laziness. We don’t condone infighting. Here, we are all for one and one for all. Let me call the other staffers so that you can familiarize with them.” He pressed a button on the table. Seconds later, the teenager entered. “Lucy, go and call David and Ikenna for me. Call Mike too. I want to see all of you.” “Okay sir.” She left. Soon afterwards, two guys entered into the office with Lucy. Mr. George Okafor looked up and said, “Where is Ikenna?” “He went on an errand, sir!” the bespectacled guy answered. “Okay. Listen. This is Vincent. He is going to be a new member of our staff. Vincent, this is David, he is our most senior officer here.” He pointed at the tall bespectacled guy. I took a good look at him. He seemed like a very serious person. He looked very smart in the blue stripped white shirt and oxblood tie he was putting on. “He is my eye here when I am not here. So you have to accord him that respect. This great guy you see here, although he’s quite good in Oracle database programming but he is our Java specialist so don’t be afraid when he starts calling you an object and start declaring classes for you or even calling a method on you because that’s what I always hear him say. Anyway, whether you like it or not, he is our instructor and coordinator and manager and director and de facto boss all rolled into one!” Mr. George announced. I could see that made David smile. We all smiled with him. The boss continued. “This other guy here with big head here is Mike. He talks a lot but then he knows his onions very well when it comes to anything copy and paste, and by that I mean, anything Microsoft Office tools.” We all laughed. I took a good look at Mike and I knew I was going to like him, most especially when I know I talk a lot too. Birds of the same feather, huh? “Ikenna is not here. He happens to be our Chief Networking Officer because he’s always talking about Cisco networking this, Cisco networking that. He also doubles as our chief marketing officer because he’s always talking about networking and I think that serves him right because in my own layman’s understanding, networking simply means marketing. “Oh, how I wish he will just be doing more marketing than networking, we would have been richer than Dangote by now. Anyway, you will still meet him. And when you do, please don’t fail to ask him, on my behalf, as a network administrator he always claims he is; what exactly is administering, okay?” He suddenly burst into a languorous laughter. It was quite comical seeing him laughing at himself in that manner so we all joined him. He wiped his eyes and continued. “And finally, this is Lucy. I believe you’ve already met her. She is our receptionist. She also runs a lot of errands around here. As you can see, she is very young and pretty. She is also very clever and intelligent.” He lowered his voice and his bulky frame towards me and said to me in form of a whisper, “Don’t tell her I said so but she can be very stubborn, I mean very very stubborn at times so don’t ever mess with her!” Another round of laughter. I knew I was going to like it here. I looked at Lucy. This time I smiled at her as our eyes met. She quickly shifted hers away but I got some message in that brief moment that our eyes locked. “So guys, this is Vin—cent. He is going to be our PHP expert. To tell you the truth, I don’t even know what PHP stands for and I didn’t even bother to ask him but I am sure it must be something funny and to tell you the truth, I am already afraid of being stored away like a prisoner inside err… um…my…um…sorry, what did you call it again, the database…?” “MySQL— my-ess-que-el database, sir.” I spelt it out for him. “Yes! My ess-que whatever! Wow! So this is our little staff here. As you can see, we are just a one happy little family here. Treat each other with respect, okay? Okay, fine. Cultivate a friendly environment where peace reigns because peace brings about progressiveness and progressiveness means we all rise together, am I right?” “You are right sir,” we all chorused. “Okay, now Vincent, go ahead… familiarize…greet them…show them some love!” I smiled. I stood up and firmly shook hands with the guys first. When I took Lucy’s hand, I noticed her palm was very soft. I also noticed she quickly withdrew her hand before I could squeeze it. What’s up with this young girl? “So Vincent, with time, you will still get to meet our other staff members because we have another branch not so far from here where we deliver general services like typing, spiral binding, typesetting, printing and photocopying but these guys are the ones that stay here in this block. “Also, there is a formality we normally keep whenever we hire a new staff. We are going to be placing you on a one- month probation period. In other words, you are going to be like our temporary staff for something like a month or thereabout. After that, depending on the report I get from the other staffers; and yes, from David specifically, then we will know whether to confirm your appointment or not. “So you see, I don’t need to remind you that you have to be very up and doing. You have to impress them because they are the ones you are going to be working with. I don’t need to tell you what will happen to you if they don’t like you, do I? Good. I am heading back to my base in Lagos, latest by tomorrow morning. I expect you will be starting tomorrow morning, right…?” I nodded. “Anyway, I don’t need to remind you that here we maintain a zero tolerance to lateness. Alright! That will be that. Congratulations, Mr. Vincent Dike. Welcome to the team. People what do we say to him?” He stood up again and shook my hands. “Congratulations,” they all chorused. to be continued... WATCH OUT FOR The Next EPISODE ;) In 2-3 Hours Make Sure You Stay Glued to the Page And Hit Like Button as you read so i know u guys are following up. if no Much Response i will Stop. SHARE TO MAKE THE POST MUCH FASTER ;) TIME/TARGET: After I get 40 likes 20 comments 30 shares For this Post Follow *Yemzy* On Fb For More Updates Here ADVERTISE YOUR EVENTS/ COMPANY OR PRODUCTS TO YEMZY FANS Contact Yemzy TNL with +2348069148899 ;) *I Luv You All* (y) VOICE of Ibadan - OYO
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:04:03 +0000

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