IGUIP; Favorite Photo Out of all the 10,000 pictures I have - TopicsExpress


IGUIP; Favorite Photo Out of all the 10,000 pictures I have taken this year . This one picture is my personal favorites. Its evidence to a court of record. Its one room full of people who come from different backgrounds. They are different races. They are different ages and genders. They couldnt be more diverse. The fact that they are holding up a Mark Warner banner is irrelevant. The fact that they all sat together and explored what they had in common with each other is extraordinary. I had the privilege to take this photo. There is a group of people who have been determined to make sure White & Black people never meet in rooms like this or in groups like this. They want Portsmouth to fight each other while they figure out how to make money in the battle. I have been fighting this ignorance for my entire tenure at IGUIP. Sometimes it comes in the form of deletions. Other times its in editing posts that have gone racially south in the comment section. Somehow the heavy handed no tolerance created a platform people could feel comfortable. Have you ever read the hatred expressed by White & Black in the Pilot comment section? The ugliness and ignorance? We are determined to keep that away from this group. I am a equal opportunity blocker- banner and deleter. When this group was a baby it had people using profanity- people fighting racially. It had ignorant music and no respect for the elders of Portsmouth. I cleaned that up one delete at a time. I didnt care what color you were. IGUIP was bigger than one person. The vision was that 10000 people represented a town. That we would carry ourselves with dignity and pride. I think that has been accomplished. I dont care what color you are to be honest. Every race has ignorance and shameful people who seek to exploit hate. At one point there was a group that was in IGUIP that sought to control the group because they controlled the politics of the black people in Portsmouth. I fought that and deleted most of them. They formed another group. That failed. Then they the same actors formed another group.. That failed as well. Now on the fourth group they are unknowingly making facebook fools of themselves. Each group is formed based on the dislike of me. Portsmouth has 98k. Im one man one voice. They are mailing members of IGUIP and asking them to leave the group or not to post in IGUIP anymore. Its not that serious. This is facebook? They are all 98% Black in the group- they all eat together, talk together, plot together, like each others comments, use each other cleverly to disrespect members of the community, they canvas together, and go to the same churches. Its like a cult. No one ever stands up to them. I did. I like diversity. We built this group based on different opinions. During the School bus drivers issue we had 750 posts on the subject. One person got deleted for profanity. 375 people for the drivers 375 against the drivers. That is IGUIP. I hvae not hidden the fact that I dont feel that Pastors should have the influence over every Black Person in Portsmouth. I think they should be focused on the LORD then building the community its congregation and politics a distant second- if at all. I dont think one group should call the shots for all of the black people in Portsmouth. It will end. Even if I dont end it. My words remain eternal. Portsmouth has suffered from cabals and brotherhoods that have not benefited the whole of Port mouths Blacks - just themselves. When I speak these truths- I shame the devil. I will never kiss the ring. I spit on your ring and your influence. Every once in awhile someone comes along who is a writer and you cant control them no matter what. I deleted them and though they asked me several times to rejoin. I refused. After this election they decided I was some sort of threat to them, I am because IGUIP has the power to bring White & Black people together. They dont. They want to fight forever on facebook. I dont. I want a place I can post my pictures talk my politics and post my restaurants. I want to cover Portsmouth stories and write about them. Building brick by brick we discarded the crooked racial bricks and created the first group where White and Black people could meet together. We didnt have to all agree but this was the place we could come and learn about each other. Im determined that this is the way IGUIP will stay. Am I the best admin? No way. Have I made mistakes -Hell yeah.. Who hasnt made mistake trying to manage something that has grown like this. I cant pitch a perfect game but IGUIP is still winning. Admin
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:28:07 +0000

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