IHB EXCLUSIVE - Steele Clips: Sugar & Spice Teaser by Lila Munro, - TopicsExpress


IHB EXCLUSIVE - Steele Clips: Sugar & Spice Teaser by Lila Munro, Author Releasing August 3, 2013 *Note from the author... With the release date of Steele Clips: Sugar & Spice imminent, I felt it appropriate to share with you all this afternoon something which no eyes have seen to date…a snippet from the first Steele Clips short. Steele Clips is a short story companion series which enhances the reader’s experience of the Steele Image novel series. These shorts will focus on minor characters who wander in and out of the clubs, but whose stories are smaller than warrant a full length work. In this passage Drake has just awakened with Nutmeg—and things are a bit muddled at best…Enjoy!~~Lila * Christ on a crutch. Drake didn’t dare open his eyes for fear the sun may actually be shining and would pierce his brain, shattering it into a million shards of useless matter. What the hell had he done and why did it involve a tiny man banging a tiny hammer right behind his left eye? With his lids tightly screwed shut, he tried to recall how he’d ended up in one of the back rooms of Steele Image. He knew for sure he wasn’t in his own bed. While the mattress he lay on was of the highest quality, it definitely wasn’t his own. Yes, Drake was a mattress snob. After sleeping in caves and sandpits and laying incognito in Ghillie gear for days on end all over the world, he spared no expense on sleeping in comfort when he was home on down time. Dreading the result, he finally pried one eye open, blinked a few times to bring the world around him into focus, and slapped it shut again thinking he must be hallucinating. He hadn’t dreamed he met a girl named Nutmeg? Who also claimed to be sister to one Coriander Newman whom Drake had shacked up with a few times? Taking a long breath, he searched the fuzzy recesses of his mind, realizing his tongue was as fuzzy as his head was. Irish Car Bombs. Enough to blow up a small island. And if he recalled correctly, Nutmeg had consumed just as much Patron. Past the pyramids of glasses, the rest of the puzzle got a bit harder to solve. A muffled groan alerted him it was time to either get up and face the consequences of Lord knew what or play dead. It became evident playing dead wasn’t an option when the woman lying next to him poked one finger into his side repeatedly until he grunted. “Damn it, woman,” Drake croaked. “Please for the love of all that is holy. Cease. And. Desist.” “Where am I?” she croaked back. “Steele Image. I think.” “Um. Did we?” “Good question,” Drake answered, managing to roll to his back. He scrubbed his face with one hand before raising his head to look down, regretting it immediately. Their bodies were outlined by clingy red satin, her perky breasts jutting up, nipples piercing the material. And his cock…well, it noticed right away and his morning wood stiffened to painful and leaped a couple of times, a damp spot about the size of a nickel taking shape. “I think we may have.”
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:20:01 +0000

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