II. ENGLISH-SPANISH. =A= =to abandon=, abandonar, desinteresarse - TopicsExpress


II. ENGLISH-SPANISH. =A= =to abandon=, abandonar, desinteresarse =abatement=, rebaja, reducción =(in) abeyance=, (en) suspenso =to be able=, poder =to abolish=, abolir =about=, próximamente, aproximadamente =abroad=, al extranjero =absence of=, falta de =absolutely=, absolutamente =absurd=, irrisorio =abundant=, cuantioso, largo de talle =abuse=, abuso =to accede=, acceder =accident=, accidente =to accomplish=, cumplir =according to=, según, conforme á =to accost=, abordar =account sales=, cuenta de venta =accurate=, exacto =to accuse=, acusar =to be accustomed=, soler =to ache=, doler =acute, artful=, corrido =to acknowledge=, reconocer, admitir =to acknowledge receipt=, acusar recibo =to acquaint with=, informar, poner en conocimiento =acquaintance=, conocimiento, conocido =to acquire=, adquirir =to act=, obrar =to act as=, funcionar de, proceder como =to act for=, representar =action=, acción =active=, activo =acts=, actas =to add=, añadir =to add=, sumar =addition=, suma =address=, dirección =to address oneself (to)=, dirigirse (á) =adequate=, adecuado, proporcionado =to adhere=, adherir =to adjust=, ajustar =adjustment=, ajuste =to admit=, admitir, acoger =advance=, anticipo =advantage=, ventaja =to take advantage=, aprovecharse =to be advantageous=, tener cuenta =adverse=, contrario =to advertise=, anunciar =advertisement=, anuncio, reclamo =advice=, aviso, consejo =to advise=, avisar =adzes=, azuelas =affair=, asunto =after=, después =afternoon=, tarde =against=, contra, en contra de =agency (sole)=, agencia, representación exclusiva =to agglomerate=, aglomerar =to agree=, convenir, acordar =agreeable=, agradable =agreement=, contrato, convenio, arreglo =agricultural=, agrícola =aim=, blanco =air pumps=, bombas de aire =alert=, alerta =alive=, vivo =to allege=, alegar =to allude to, to hint=, aludir a =to make an allowance=, bonificar =already=, ya =also=, también =to alter=, cambiar =although=, aunque, por más que =altogether, quite=, de todo punto =always=, siempre =ambassador=, embajador =amount=, importe, cantidad =to amount to=, importar en =ample=, amplio, cuantioso =to anchor=, anclar =ancient=, antiguo =angry=, enfadado =annoyed=, disgustado =to answer=, contestar, responder =anterior=, anterior =to anticipate=, prever =anticipation=, anticipatión =anxious to=, ansioso de =to be anxious to=, tener empeño =anyone=, alguno =anything=, algo =apartment=, cuarto =to appeal=, apelar =to appear=, aparecer, parecer =apple=, manzana =to appoint=, nombrar =to appreciate=, apreciar =appreciation=, estima =to approach=, aproximarse, abordar =approximately=, próximamente =April=, Abril =arbiter=, árbitro =Arbitration Treaty=, Tratado de Arbitraje =architect=, arquitecto =archive=, archive =arduous=, arduo =to argue=, argüir =arm=, brazo =army=, ejército =to arrange=, arreglar, disponer =arrangement=, arreglo =to arrive=, llegar =ash=, fresno =as it is=, tal cual =as it were=, por decirlo así =to ask=, pedir, rogar =assets and liabilities=, active y pasivo =to assist=, asistir =as soon as=, no bien, luego que =as soon as possible=, á la mayor brevedad =assortment=, surtido =as well=, también =at best=, á mejor andar =at foot=, al pie =at least=, al menos =at length=, detenidamente =at once=, en seguida, luego =at sight=, á la vista =to attain=, lograr =attainment=, logro =to attempt=, probar =to attend=, asistir, atender á =attention=, atención =attention=! ¡ojo! ¡atención! =at the rate of=, á razón de =attitude=, actitud =to attract=, atraer =to attribute=, atribuir =attribution=, atribución =(by) auction=, (en) subasta =August=, Agosto =autumn=, otoño =to avail oneself of=, aprovecharse de =available=, disponible =average=, mediano, término medio, avería =free of particular average=, franco de avería particular =averse to=, ajeno á =to avoid=, evitar =award=, dictamen =axe=, hacha =axle-shaft=, árbol de eje =B= =back=, espalda =bacon=, tocino =bad=, malo =very bad=, pésimo =badly=, mal =to be baffled=, llevar chasco =bagging=, arpillera =baize=, bayeta =to bake=, cocer =ball=, bola =ball (of cotton)=, ovillo (de algodón) =bank=, banco =bank holiday=, fiesta del comercio =bank notes=, billetes, notas de banco =bank (river)=, orilla =bankruptcy=, quiebra =bargain (cheap purchase)=, ganga =barley=, cebada =barrister=, abogado =base=, sordid, ruin =basis=, base =to bathe=, bañar =batiste=, batista =to be=, estar, estarse, ser =beam=, viga =beard=, barba, barbas =beardless youth=, mozalbete =bearings=, soportes, cojinetes =to bear in mind=, tener en cuenta =bearish, bear= (exch.), bajista =beautiful=, hermoso =beauty=, belleza =to become=, hacerse, volverse, llegar á ser =bed, bedstead=, cama, armazón de cama =beech=, haya =beef (jerked)=, carne (seca) =beer=, cerveza =beetroot=, remolacha =before (time)=, antes (de) =before (place)=, ante, delante de =to beg=, rogar =beginning=, principio =behaviour=, conducta =behind=, detrás =to believe=, creer =beloved=, querido =below=, abajo =belt=, cinturón =belting (machinery)=, correas =bench=, banco =beneficent=, benéfico =benefit=, beneficio =besides=, amén de =to betray=, atraicionar =better=, mejor =between, amongst=, entre =between decks=, entrepuentes =bicycle=, bicicleta =bill=, giro =billiards=, billar =bill market=, los cambios =bill of exchange=, letra =bill of lading=, conocimiento =to bind (books)=, encuadernar =to bind oneself=, obligarse =birch=, abedul =black=, negro =blacking=, betún =blame=, culpa =to blame oneself=, tacharse =blanket=, manta, frazada =blast furnace=, altos hornos =blind=, ciego =blotting paper=, papel secante =to blow=, soplar =blue=, azul =boar=, jabalí =board=, tablilla =to board=, abordar =boat=, buque, navío, barco =bobbin=, bobina =body=, cuerpo =to boil=, hervir, bullir =boiler=, caldera =bold, daring=, atrevido =bond=, obligación, título =bonded warehouses=, almacenes fiscales =bone=, hueso =to book (orders)=, asentar =book=, libro =book debts=, fiados =book-shelf=, estante =boom=, hinchazón =boot=, bota =boots=, botines =both=, ambos =bourse=, bolsa =box=, caja =boy=, muchacho =braid=, trencilla =branch=, ramo =branch house=, sucursal =brand=, marca =brand new=, novísimo =bread=, pan =breakdown=, quebrantamiento, daño =to break out=, estallar =breath=, respiro =breathing-time=, respiro =breeze=, brisa =brevity=, brevedad =brief=, corto =brig=, bergantín =to bring=, traer =to bring an action=, poner pleito =to bring upon oneself=, buscarse =brisk=, activo, animado =broad beans=, habas =brocade=, brocado, tela labrada =broker=, corredor =broom=, escoba =brother=, hermano =brother-in-law=, cuñado =brought forward=, de la vuelta =brown=, moreno =brush=, cepillo =bucket=, cubo, caldero =building=, edificio, local =bullish, bull (exch.)=, alcista =bundle (of papers)=, legajo (de papeles) =bunker=, carbonera, pañol =bunting=, lanillas para banderas =to burst=, estallar =business=, negocio, negocios =business (occupations)=, quehaceres =but=, pero, mas =butter=, manteca, mantequilla (S. America) =button=, botón =bye-law=, reglamento =bye-products=, productos accesorios =C= =cabbages=, berzas, coles =cable=, cable =cablegram=, cablegrama =to calculate=, calcular =to calculate on=, contar con =calculation=, cálculo =calico=, percal =to call=, llamar =to be called=, llamarse =to call at=, hacer escala (ships), pasar por, visitar =to call together=, convocar =to be called=, llamarse =calm=, tranquilo =to cancel=, anular =candidly=, con el corazón en la mano =candle=, vela =cane=, caña =canned=, en latas =cap=, gorra, gorro =caprice, whim=, antojo =to capsize=, volcar =captain=, capitán =to capture=, coger =card=, tarjeta =care=, cuidado =to take care=, cuidar =carefully=, cuidadosamente =cargo=, cargamento =carnation=, clavel =carpet=, alfombra, tapete =carriage forward=, tra(n)sporte seguido, porte pagadero al destino =carriage paid=, tra(n)sporte pagado, franco de porte =carried forward=, á la vuelta =to carry=, llevar, traer =to carry into effect=, llevar á cabo =cart=, carro =case=, caja =case, lawsuit=, proceso =in case=, en caso que =cash=, dinero efectivo =for cash=, al contado =in cash=, en efectivo, en metálico =cashier=, cajero =cask=, barrica, pipa =to cast=, echar =castillian=, castellano =cat=, gato =catalogue=, catálogo =to catch=, coger =cauldron (small)=, caldero =cautious=, cauteloso, cauto =to cede=, ceder =to be celebrated=, celebrarse =celebrated=, célebre =cellar=, bodega =to censure, to blame, oneself=, tacharse =certain=, cierto =to certify=, certificar =chair=, silla =change=, cambio =to change=, cambiar =charcoal=, carbón vegetal =to charge=, cobrar =to take charge=, encargarse =to charter=, fletar =cheap=, barato =cheapening=, abarata miento =cheese=, queso =chemicals=, productos químicos =chemist=, boticario =cheque=, cheque =to cherish (the hope)=, abrigar =chief=, principal =child=, niño =chimney=, chimenea =chin=, barba, barbilla =chivalry=, hidalguía =chocolate=, chocolate =to choose=, escoger, elegir =Christmas=, Navidad =cigars=, cigarros, puros, tabacos =cinnamon=, canela =to circulate=, circular =to cite=, citar =city=, ciudad =claim=, reclame, reclamación =to claim=, reclamar =clean=, limpio =to clean=, limpiar =clear=, claro =to clear=, despejar =clearing-house=, banco de liquidación =clearing-line=, saldo =clearly=, claramente, claro =clerk (chief)=, dependiente (primer) =clever=, hábil =client=, cliente =climate=, el clima =climatic=, climatológico =climax=, colmo =clock=, reloj =cloth=, tela, tejido, paño =cloves=, clavos =coal=, carbón de piedra =coal-mine=, mina de carbón =coarse=, basto =coast=, costa =coat=, americana, casaca =cock (machinery)=, grifo =coffee=, café =cold=, frío =to collect (money)=, recoger, cobrar =collection=, colección =colliery=, mina de carbón =colonial produce=, coloniales =colour (fast, loose)=, color (sólido, firme, falso, fugitivo) =colourings=, coloridos =column=, columna =to come=, venir =to come back=, regresar, volver =to come down=, bajar =to come down in the world=, venir á menos =to come out=, salir =to come up to (an amount)=, salir en =to commence=, comenzar, empezar, principiar, estrenarse =commerce=, comercio =commercial=, comercial =commission agent=, comisionista =to commit oneself=, comprometerse =common=, común, basto =company (limited)=, compañia anónima, por acciones =to compel=, obligar =to compensate=, compensar =competitor=, competidor, contrincante =to complain=, quejarse =complete=, completo =complexion=, la tez =to compromise=, zanjar, comprometer =to conceive=, concebir =to concern=, concerner =concern=, empresa =concisely=, concisamente =to conclude (a bargain)=, concluir, cerrar (un trato) =conduct=, conducta =to conduct (business)=, tratar =to confess=, confesar =confidence=, confianza =connecting rod=, biela =connection=, conexión =connection=, clientéle, clientela =to consider=, considerar =considerate, thoughtful=, comedido =to consign=, consignar =consignee=, consignatario =consignment=, consignación =consumer=, consumidor =contain, to be able to=, or =to be able to be contained=, caber =content, contentment=, contento =contents=, contenido =continually=, continuamente =to continue=, continuar, seguir =contraband=, contrabando =contract=, contrato =contractor=, destajista =contrary=, contrario =to contribute=, contribuir =contrivance=, mecanísmo, medio =to contrive to be=, llegar á ser =to contrive=, lograr =control=, dominio =convenient=, conveniente =to convey=, tra(n)sportar, transmitir =to convince=, convencer =to cook=, cocer =copper=, cobre =copy book=, copiador =corded=, acordonado =cords, corduroy=, pana acordonada =corporal=, cabo =to correct=, subsanar, corregir =correspondence=, correspondencia =correspondent=, corresponsal =cost, insurance and freight (C.I.F.)=, costo, flete y seguro (C.F.S.) =cotton (spot)=, algodón disponible =cotton market=, mercado algodonero =cotton mill=, fábrica de algodón =cotton prints=, zarazas =to counsel=, aconsejar =to count=, contar =to countermand=, contramandar, revocar =to countersign=, refrendar =country=, país, patria, campo =couple=, par =coupled with=, junto á =couplings=, conexiones =courage, valor=, aliento, ánimo =course (of ship)=, rumbo =of course=, por de contado =court=, tribunal =courteously=, cortésmente =cousin=, primo =to cover=, cubrir =covered=, cubierto =to covet=, codiciar =cram full=, abarrotado =crank-shaft=, árbol de cigüeñal =cream=, crema =credit=, crédito =to credit=, abonar, acreditar =creditors meeting=, junta de acreedores =crew=, tripulación =crimps=, crespolinas, rizados =crockery=, loza =crop=, cosecha =to cross=, atravesar, cruzar =crowd (motley)=, turba =cry=, grito =cubic=, cúbico =cudgel=, garrote =cue (billiards)=, taco =culprit=, reo =cupboard=, armario =curl (of hat brim)=, rizo (del ala) =currant=, pasas de Corinto =current=, actual, corriente =curtailment=, limitación =custom=, costumbre =customer=, cliente =custom house official=, guardia aduanera =custom house tariff=, arancel =customs=, derechos =to cut=, cortar =to cut (fig.)=, herir =cutting=, corte =cylinder=, cilindro =D= =damage=, avería, daño, perjuicio =to damage=, dañar =damask=, damasco =danger=, peligro =dangerous=, arriesgado peligroso =daring, bold=, atrevido =date=, fecha =date palm=, palmera =to date, up to date=, hasta la fecha =dated=, fecha de =dates=, dátiles =daughter-in-law=, nuera, hija política =to dawn=, alborear, amanecer =day=, día =lay day=, día de estadía =days of demurrage=, días de contraestadía =day before yesterday=, anteayer =day book=, diario =to dazzle=, deslumbrar =dealers=, operadores =fair dealing=, equidad =deal=, especulación =to deal=, tratar =dealings=, operaciones =dear=, caro, querido =debenture=, obligación =to debit=, adeudar, cargar, debitar =debt=, deuda =decadence=, decadencia =deceased=, difunto =December=, Diciembre =to decide=, decidir, decidirse =decidedly=, decididamente =decision=, decisión, dictamen =below deck=, bajo cubierta =on deck=, sobre cubierta =to declaim=, declamar =to declare=, declarar =decline=, baja =to decline=, venir á menos =to decree=, decretar =deeds=, hechos =deeds (law)=, actas =defect=, defecto =to defer=, diferir =to define=, definir =definite=, definitivo =degree=, grado, graduación =delay=, demora =to delay=, demorar, postergar =delegate=, delegado =to commit a delinquency=, delinquir =to deliver=, entregar =delivery=, entrega =to demand=, pedir, demandar =demurrage=, sobrestadía =to deny=, negar =to depend on=, depender de =to deplore=, deplorar =depôt=, depósito =to depress=, deprimir =to derive=, sacar =design=, dibujo, diseño =desire=, gana, deseo =to desire=, apetecer, desear =desk=, pupitre, banco =writing desk=, escritorio =despicable=, despreciable =detailed=, detallado =details=, detalles, pormenores, particulares =deterioration=, empeoramiento =to develop=, desarrollar, tomar vuelo =development=, desarrollo, fomento =to devote oneself=, dedicarse =devotion=, devoción =diapers=, lienzos adamascados =dictionary=, diccionario =different=, diferente, distinto =difficult=, difícil, arduo =difficulty=, dificultad =diligence=, diligencia =to direct=, dirigir =disappointed (to be)=, llevar chasco =disarmament=, desarme =to discard=, rechazar =to discharge=, descargar =to disconcert=, desanimar =to feel discouraged=, desanimarse =discreet=, discreto =to discuss=, discutir =disgusted=, disgustado =dishonour=, deshonra =to dispense with=, prescindir de =displeased=, disgustado =to dispose=, disponer =to distinguish=, distinguir =district=, distrito =disturbance=, disturbio =disturbed=, perturbado, disturbado =division (Govt. office)=, negociado =to do=, hacer =dock=, dique =doctor=, médico =doctrine=, doctrina =document=, documento =dog=, perro =door=, puerta =dot=, punto =doubt=, duda =down quilt=, colcha de plumón =dozen=, docena =draft=, giro =to drain=, agotar =draughtsman=, diseñador =to draw a bill=, girar =to draw near=, aproximarse =to draw out=, sacar =to draw up (deeds)=, redactar =dress goods=, telas para trajes =drill=, dril =to drizzle=, lloviznar =drum (machinery)=, tambor =to duplicate=, duplicar =during=, durante =E= =each=, cada =eager=, ansioso, deseoso =eagle=, águila =early=, temprano =to earn=, ganar =to be earnest=, tener empeño =earnestly=, vivamente =ease=, facilidad =east=, este =Easter=, Pascua =to eat=, comer =to economise=, ahorrar, economizar =to effect=, efectuar =effort=, esfuerzo =with great effort=, á duras penas =either= (after negative), tampoco =to elaborate=, elaborar =elegantly=, elegantemente =to embark=, embarcar =embarrassment=, embarazo apuro =to embezzle=, malversar =embossed=, grabado =to embrace=, abrazar, abarcar =embroidered=, bordado =to employ=, emplear =to be employed=, emplearse =employer=, jefe =empty=, vacío =to enable=, poner en condiciones =to enclose=, incluir, adjuntar =enclosed=, adjunto =to encounter=, exponerse á, arrostrar =encouragement=, fomento, estímulo =end=, cabo, fin =to endeavour, to treat, to try=, tratar =to endorse=, endosar =to engage=, empeñar =engagement=, empeño =engine=, máquina =engineer=, ingeniero =to enhance=, elevar =to enjoy=, gozar, disfrutar de =to enjoy oneself=, divertirse =to enlarge=, agrandar =enlightened=, ilustrado =to enlist=, alistar =to be enough=, bastar =to entangle=, embrollar =to enter=, entrar en =enterprise=, empresa =enterprising=, emprendedor =to entrust=, confiar á =envy=, envidia =epoch=, época =equal=, igual =to equal=, igualar =equipment=, equipo =equity=, equidad =error=, error =to escape=, escapar =to escape ones notice=, pasársele por alto á uno =especially=, mayormente =to establish=, establecer =to esteem=, estimar =eternally=, eternamente =this evening=, esta tarde =ever=, nunca =for ever=, eternamente =every=, cada =everybody=, todo el mundo, todos =exact=, exacto =examination=, examen =to exceed=, exceder =exceedingly=, mucho =excellent, very good=, óptimo =to exchange=, trocar, cambiar =exclusive=, exclusivo =to excuse=, dispensar, disculpar =to execute=, ejecutar =exercise (gram.)=, tema (el) =to exert oneself=, afanarse =to exhaust=, apurar, agotar =to exhibit=, exhibir =to expect=, esperar =to experience=, experimentar =experienced=, experto =to experiment=, experimentar =expert=, perito =to explain=, explicar, explanar =to exploit=, explotar =export=, exportación =exporter=, exportador =to expose oneself to=, exponerse á, arrostrar =to extend=, extender =extension of time for payment=, moratorium, moratoria =extinguished=, apagado =eye=, ojo =F= =face=, cara =to face=, hacer frente =to facilitate=, allanar =facility=, facilidad =fact=, hecho =to fade=, desteñir =to fail=, faltar =failure=, éxito malo =failure=, fracaso =fair=, equitativo, justo =fairness=, equidad =faithful=, fiel =to fall=, caer =fall= (n.), caída, baja =to fall due=, vencer =to fall through=, fracasar =fame=, fama =famous=, famoso =fancies=, fantasías =far away=, lejos =farewell=! ¡vale! =farthing=, fardín =by fast train=, á grande velocidad =father=, padre =fatherland=, patria =fault=, falta =at fault=, culpado =favour=, obsequio =favourable=, favorable =fear=, miedo, tema (f.) =February=, Febrero =feel=, tacto =to feel=, sentir =fender=, guardafuego =few=, pocos, (-as) =field=, campo =fig-tree=, higuera =to fight=, batirse, luchar, pelear =figured=, labrado =figures=, cifras =file=, ensartapapeles, guardapapeles =to file (papers), to string (beads)=, ensartar =to file a petition in bankruptcy=, declararse en quiebra =to finance=, comanditar =to find=, encontrar, hallar =fine=, hermoso =fine= (n.), multa =finish=, acabado, apresto, aderezo =to finish=, acabar =fir=, abeto =fire-arms=, armas de fuego =firebricks=, ladrillos refractarios =firm, fast, strong=, fuerte =firm=, casa =firm= (adj.), firme, fijo =firmness=, firmeza =to fix=, fijar =fixed=, fijo =to flatter oneself=, lisonjearse =flange=, reborde =flax=, lino =flourishing=, floreciente =flower=, flor =flower-stand=, portaramillete (portarramillete), maceta, florero =to fly=, volar =fly-wheel=, volante =to fold=, plegar =to follow=, seguir =fond of=, aficionado á =food-stuffs=, géneros alimenticios =foolish=, tonto =at foot=, al pie =footwear=, calzado =for=, para, por =to force=, forzar =forehead=, la frente =foreign=, extranjero =foreign to=, ajeno á =foreigner=, extranjero =foreman=, capataz =foremast=, trinquete =fork=, tenedor =form=, boletín, forma =formal=, formal =formerly=, antes =fortunately=, afortunadamente =fortune=, fortuna, suerte =to forward=, encaminar =to found=, fundar =foundry=, altos hornos =fountain=, fuente =fox=, zorra =frame,-ing (mach.)=, armadura =free=, libre =free of particular average (F.P.A.)=, franco de avería particular =to freeze=, helar =freight=, flete =to freight=, fletar =French beans=, judías =frequently=, frecuentemente =Friday=, viernes =friend=, amigo =friendly=, amistoso =friendship=, amistad =to frighten=, amedrentar =to be frightened=, espantarse =frilled=, alechugado =fringe=, franja =frock coat=, levita =front=, el frente =frost=, hielo, escarcha =frost-bitten=, tornado por la escarcha =fruit=, fruta =fruit= (of labour), fruto =full=, lleno =in full=, entero (por) =funds=, fondos =furious=, enfurecído, furioso =furniture=, muebles =blast furnace=, altos hornos =fustian=, fustán =G= =to gain=, ganar =gallon=, galón =garden=, jardín =gardener=, jardinero, hortelano =to gather=, recoger =gaudy= (colour), chillón =gearing=, engranaje =general=, general =generous=, generoso =gentle=, blando, suave =gentleman=, señor =gentleman by birth=, hidalgo (hijodalgo) =to get=, conseguir, obtener =to get back= (money), sacar =to get on well=, llevarse bien =to get out=, sacar =to get to know=, enterarse =ginghams=, guingas, carranclanes =to give=, dar =to give back=, devolver =to give on lease=, alquilar =to give thanks=, dar las gracias =to gladden=, alegrar =glassware=, vidriado =glove=, guante =glutted=, abarrotado =to go=, ir, andar =to go away=, marcharse, alejarse =God=, Dios =to go down=, bajar =gold=, oro =goloshes=, chanclos =good=, bueno, el bien =goods=, géneros =goods, merchandise=, mercancía =goodwill=, voluntad =goodwill= (of a business), traspaso =to go out=, salir =to go out (fire)=, apagarse =to go over=, repasar =to go round=, circular =gossip=, charla =to govern=, gobernar =government=, gobierno =grace, gracefulness=, gracia =gradation=, gradación =grain=, grano =grain market=, mercado de granos =to grant=, conceder =grape=, uva =gratis=, de balde =gratitude=, gratitud =gratuitous=, gratuito =gratuity=, gratificación =great=, gran, grande =great grandfather=, bisabuelo =greatly=, mucho =greed=, codicia =green=, verde =green peas=, guisantes =grey=, gris =to grind=, moler =ground=, suclo =group=, grupo, agrupación =to grow dark=, anochecer =to guarantee=, garantir, garantizar =H= =to hail=, granizar =hail=! ¡salve! =hair=, cabello=, pelo =half=, medio=, la mitad =ham=, jamón =to hammer=, machacar =hammers=, martillos =hand=, mano =to hand=, pasar, entregar =handkerchief=, pañuelo =handle=, mango =to hang=, colgar =to happen=, ocurrir, suceder, acertar á =harbour=, puerto =hard=, duro =hare=, liebre =harrows=, rastrillos =harvest, harvest time=, cosecha =haste=, prisa =to hasten=, apresurar (se) =hat=, sombrero =hatchets=, hachuelas =to have=, tener, haber =to have just=, acabar de =head=, cabeza =headache=, dolor de cabeza =health (indifferent)=, delicado de salud =healthy=, salubre =to heap up=, amontar =to hear=, oir =heat=, calor =heaven=, cielo =heavy=, pesado =heavy sea=, mar alborotada =hedged in=, aislado =heels=, tacones =to help=, asistir, ayudar =help (not to be able to)=, no poder menos de =hemmed=, dobladillado, repulgado =hemp, Manilla hemp=, cáñamo, abacá =hemstitched=, con dobladilla de ojo =her=, su =here=, aquí, acá =herewith=, adjunto =hides=, cueros =to hinder=, impedir =to hint, to allude=, aludir á =to hire=, alquilar =his=, su =history=, historia =to hit it=, dar en el clavo =hitch=, contratiempo =hoist=, ascensor =hold (ship)=, bodega =to hold=, tener =to hold up=, mantener =holder=, tenedor =hollow-ware=, ollería =holy, saint=, santo =honesty=, honradez =honorary=, honorario, gratuito =honour=, honor =to honour=, honrar =hook (clothes)=, garabato =horse=, caballo =hose=, manga =hose (half)=, medias, calcetines =hosiery=, mediería =hotel=, fonda, hotel =hour=, hora =house, firm=, casa =house (branch)=, sucursal =hub=, buje =hundred=, cien, ciento =hurry=, prisa =to hurt=, doler =husband=, marido, esposo =I= =if=, si =idleness, inertia=, inercia =ignoble=, innoble =ill=, enfermo, malo =to illustrate=, ilustrar =illustrious=, ilustre =immediate=, inmediato =imperfection=, defecto =importance=, importancia =imports=, importaciones =to impose=, imponer =impropriety=, inconveniencia =to improve=, mejorar =improvement=, mejora, mejoría =in case=, en caso que =inclination=, gana =to include=, incluir, abarcar =inconvenience=, inconveniente =to increase=, aumentar, tomar vuelo =indemnity=, indemnización =to indicate=, indicar =industry=, industria =inferior=, inferior, basto =an infinite number=, una infinidad =infinitesimal=, ínfimo =to inform=, imponer, informar =information=, informes =to infringe=, atropellar por =in full=, por entero =infuriated=, enfurecido =ingratitude=, ingratitud =inhabitants=, habitantes, vecinos =injunction=, mandato =injury=, daño =ink=, tinta =inkstand=, tintero =in order=, en regla, de conformidad =in proportion as=, á medida que =inside=, dentro de =to insist=, insistir, porfiar, machacar =by instalments=, á plazos =instant (month)=, actual, corriente =instead of=, en lugar de, en vez de =instruction=, disposición, instrucción =insurance=, seguro =insurance policy=, póliza de seguro =to insure=, asegurar =intelligence=, inteligencia =to intend=, proponerse, intentar =intention=, intención =interest=, interés =interesting=, interesante =interim=, provisorio, interino =interior=, interior =to interpret=, interpretar =to intervene=, intervenir, mediar =interview=, intervista =in the long run=, á la larga =to introduce (one to another)=, presentar =in truth=, á la verdad =in vain=, en balde =to invest=, invertir (dinero) =to investigate=, averiguar, apurar =to invoice=, facturar =invoice=, factura =invoice book=, libro de facturas =irrigation=, regardío =iron=, hierro =iron-clad=, acorazado =iron, pig=, lingotes de hierro =ironware=, ferretería =island=, isla =isolated=, aislado =to issue=, emitir, publicar =its=, su =J= =Jack (machinery)=, gato =jacket=, americana, chaqueta, casaca =jaconets=, chaconadas =January=, Enero =jeans=, coquillos =jerked beef=, carne seca, tasajo =jobs=, géneros imperfectos =journey (by sea)=, travesía =homeward journey=, viaje de vuelta =outward journey=, viaje de ida =judicious=, juicioso =juicy=, jugoso =July=, Julio =June=, Junio =just=, justo, cabal =just a little bit=, un si es no es =jute=, jute, yute =to justify=, justificar =K= =keen=, agudo =kind=, bondadoso =kindness=, amabilidad =king=, rey =kingdom=, reino =knife=, cuchillo =to know (a person, thing)=, conocer =to know (by heart)=, saber =knowledge=, conocimiento, doctrina =L= =label=, etiqueta, rótulo =labour=, labor, mano de obra =laborious=, laborioso =lace=, encaje =to lack=, carecer, faltar =lad=, muchacho =lady=, señora =land=, terreno =landlord=, propietario =language=, el idioma, la lengua =lard=, lardo, manteca de puerco =large=, grande =large number=, (un) sinnúmero =larger=, mayor =to last=, durar =late (deceased)=, difunto =late=, tarde =lately=, últimamente =later=, más adelante =lathe=, torno =to laugh, to laugh at=, reirse =law=, ley =lawns=, linones, olanes, batistas =lawsuit=, proceso =lawyer=, abogado =to lay before one=, presentar =lay days=, días de estadía =lazy=, holgazán =lead=, plomo =to lead=, conducir =to leak=, abrir agua, rezumar =leakage=, merma =to learn=, aprender =to leave=, dejar =ledger=, libro mayor =left=, izquierda =leg=, pierna =legal means=, trámites de la ley =lemon=, limón =to lend=, prestar =lesson=, lección =lest=, no sea que, de miedo que =to let=, dejar =letter=, carta, escrito =level=, nivel =to level=, allanar =liabilities=, pasivo, pasividades =liable for=, responsable =library=, biblioteca =to lie in bed=, guardar cama =life=, vida =lifeless=, desanimado =lift=, ascensor =light (colour)=, claro =to lighten=, relampaguear =to like=, gustar á uno =limit=, límite =to limit=, limitar =limitation=, limitación =limited company=, sociedad anónima, por acciones =line=, línea =line (of business)=, ramo =linen damask=, alemanisco =linens=, lienzos =linens (unbleached)=, lienzos morenos =lining=, forro =to liquidate=, liquidar =to listen=, escuchar =little=, poco (adv.), pequeño (adj.) =to live=, vivir =lively=, vivo =living=, vida =to load=, cargar =loaf=, pan =loan=, empréstito =lobster=, langosta =lock=, cerradura =to lock=, cerrar con llave =lock-out=, cierre =locomotive=, locomotora =long=, largo =to look=, mirar =to look for=, buscar, apetecer =looking up (market)=, haber mejora en =look out=! ¡ojo!, atención! =to look over=, repasar =loom=, telar =loose colours=, colores fugitives =to lose=, perder =loss=, pérdida quebranto =lot=, partida =cheap lot=, ganga =job lot=, imperfectos =to love=, amar =love=, amor =luck=, suerte =lucky=, dichoso, afortunado =lump sum=, suma redonda =M= =machine=, máquina =machinery=, maquinaria =mad=, loco =maidservant=, criada =to maintain (oneself)=, mantener (se) =maize=, maíz =to make=, hacer =to make a mistake=, equivocarse =to make a slip of the tongue=, correrse =to make a start=, principiar, estrenarse =main mast=, palo mayor =to make fun of=, burlarse =to make good=, compensar =to make ones appearance=, aparecer =to make over=, ceder =to make up=, confeccionar =to make up ones mind=, decidir (se) =man=, hombre =manager=, gerente, administrador =to manifest=, manifestar =manner=, manera, modo =manservant=, criado =manufacturer=, fabricante =marble=, mármol =March=, Marzo =margarine=, margarina =mark=, marca, señal =market=, mercado =market-place=, plaza =to marry=, casar (se) con =masonry=, mampostería =master=, amo, maestro =master spinner=, contramaestre de filatura =to match=, igualar =matches=, fósforos =matter=, asunto =to matter=, importar =May=, mayo =mayor=, alcalde =means=, medio =in the meantime=, en el ínterin =meanwhile=, mientras tanto =measure=, medida =meat=, carne =mechanism=, mecanísmo =to meet=, encontrar =to meet (bills)=, hacer frente =to meet requirements=, corresponder á las necesidades =meeting=, reunión, junta, mitín =megaphone=, bocina =mellow=, suave =member=, miembro =to mention=, citar, mencionar, hacer mención =merchandise, goods=, mercancía =merchant=, comerciante, negociante =method=, método =metre=, metro =mild=, apacible =mile=, milla =milk=, la leche =milliner=, modista =million=, millón =mind=, la mente =miner=, minero =minimum=, mínimo =minister=, ministro =ministry=, ministerio =mint of money=, dineral =miser, miserly=, avaro, avariento =misfortune=, desgracia, quebranto =mishap=, quebranto, contratiempo =mislaid (of a paper)=, traspapelado =mistake=, equivocación, error =mizzen mast=, palo de mesana =to mock=, reírse =mohair=, moer =Monday=, lunes =money=, dinero =money market=, mercado bursátil =month=, mes =monthly=, mensual =moratorium=, moratoria =more=, más =morning=, mañana =morocco leather=, cordobán =mortgage=, hipoteca =to mortgage=, hipotecar =mother=, madre =motive power=, fuerza motriz =motor-car=, automóvil =motor-boat=, barca á motor, automóvil =mountain=, monte, montaña =mounting (machinery)=, montaje =mourning=, luto =mouth=, boca =to move=, mover =much=, mucho =muffler=, bufanda =municipality=, concejo, cabildo, ayuntamiento, corporación =museum=, museo =muslin=, muselina =must=, deber =muster=, agrupación =N= =nail=, clavo =nainsook=, nansú =name=, nombre, fama =nankeen=, nanquín =nation=, nación, país =native=, indígena =near= (adj.), cercano =near to=, junto a, cerca de =necessary=, necesario =to be necessary=, ser menester =to need=, haber menester, precisar =needle=, aguja =neighbour=, competitor, contrincante, vecino, prójimo =neither=, tampoco =net=, neto, líquido =net revenue=, ingresos netos =new=, nuevo =news=, noticias =newspaper=, periódico =next=, próximo =nickel-plated=, niquelado =night, evening=, noche =nobleness=, hidalguía nobleza =non-acceptance=, falta de aceptación =no one=, ninguno =north=, norte =nose=, nariz =note=, esquela, nota =note of hand=, pagaré =nothing=, nada =for nothing=, de balde =notice=, aviso =notice (of dismissal)=, aviso de despedida =to notice=, advertir, reparar =notwithstanding=, no obstante, sin embargo =November=, Noviembre =now=, ahora =number=, número =nuts (mach.)=, tuercas =O= =oak=, roble, encina =oats=, avena =object=, objeto =objection=, dificultad =objectionable=, reprensible =obligation=, empeño, obligación =to oblige=, complacer, agradar, contentar =to observe=, observar =to obstruct=, obstruir =to obtain=, conseguir, obtener =occasion=, ocasión =occupations=, quehaceres =to occur=, ocurrir =ocean=, océano =October=, Octubre =Octroi duties=, impuesto de consumos =octroi office=, fielato =odd (20 odd)=, y pico (veinte y pico) =of course=, por de contado =offer=, ofrecimiento, oferta =to offer=, ofrecer =office=, oficina, despacho =office (lawyers)=, bufete (de abogado) =office boy (jocularly)=, hortera =of no avail=, de balde =often=, á menudo =oil=, aceite =old=, viejo, antiguo =old age=, vejez =omnibus=, ómnibus =on=, sobre =on deck=, sobre cubierta =onion=, cebolla =only= (adj.), solo =only= (adv.), sólo, solamente =to open=, abrir =opening=, apertura =openly=, á las claras, claro y redondo =to operate=, obrar =operations=, operaciones =operator=, operador =opportunity=, oportunidad =to oppose=, oponerse á =orange=, naranja =orchard=, huerta, huerto =to order=, mandar, pedir =order=, orden, pedido, encargo =ordinary=, ordinario =to organise=, organizar =osnaburgs=, cregüelas =other=, otro =other peoples property=, (lo) ajeno =output=, producto =overdue=, atrasado =overhead=, aereo =to overload oneself=, sobrecargarse =to overstep=, exceder =to owe=, deber =owing to=, debido á =own=, propio =ox=, buey =ox casings=, tripas, de buey =P= =to pack=, empacar =packages=, bultos =packet=, paquete =page=, página =pain=, dolor =to pain=, doler =painful=, doloroso =paint=, pintura =pair=, par =palace=, palacio =pan (sugar manuf.)=, tacho, paila =paper=, papel =paper fasteners=, sujetapapeles =parcel=, paquete, partida =parents=, padres =parliamentary bill=, proyecto de ley =parliamentary session=, legislatura =part=, la parte =partner=, socio =pasha=, bajá =to pass=, pasar =pattern sets or cards=, muestrarios =to pawn=, empeñar =pause=, pausa =to pay=, pagar =to pay (to be advantageous)=, tener cuenta =payable=, pagadero =peace=, paz =peaches=, melocotones =pen=, pluma =penalty=, multa =pencil=, lápiz =penknife=, cortapluma =pen-nibs=, puntitas =penny=, penique =people=, gente, pueblo =pepper=, pimienta =perennial=, perenne =perfect=, perfecto =to perfect=, perfeccionar =perfectly=, perfectamente =perhaps=, talvez =petition=, petición =phrase=, frase =philosophy=, filosofía =physician=, médico =pickled beef=, carne en salmuera =picks=, picos =pig=, puerco =pig-iron=, lingotes de hierro =pigeon-holes=, casillero =pin=, alfiler =pine=, pino =pink (col.)=, rosa =pipe=, tubo, pipa =pistol=, pistola =to place=, colocar, poner =place=, plaza, sitio =plain=, sencillo, simple =plan (idea)=, plan, proyecto =plan (sketch)=, piano =plane=, cepillo =plank=, tablón =plant=, planta =plate (metal)=, chapa =plausible=, atendible =pleasant, winsome, taking=, simpático =to please=, gustar, placer =pleasure=, placer =pledge=, empeñar =plough=, arado =pneumatic=, neumático =pocket-book=, cartera =point=, punto =to point out=, indicar =to poke (fire)=, remover =poker=, atizador =politely=, cortésmente =pomegranates=, granadas =poor=, pobre =porch=, pórtico =port=, puerto =portfolio=, cartera =portmanteau=, maleta =position=, posición =possess=, poseer =post=, correo, mala =to post=, echar al correo =postage=, franqueo, portes =postman=, cartero =to postpone=, aplazar, diferir =pound=, libra =power of attorney=, poder =powerful=, poderoso =practical=, práctico =practically=, virtualmente =to precede=, preceder =precious=, precioso =preferable=, preferible =preference shares=, acciones preferentes =to prejudice=, comprometer =preliminary=, preliminar =premium=, premio, prima =present=, actual, presente =to present=, presentar, regalar =those present=, los reunidos =preserves=, conservas alimenticias =to press=, apremiar =pretty=, bonito =to prevail=, prevalecer, reinar =previous=, anterior =price=, precio =price list=, boletín, lista =principal=, principal =to print, printed=, imprimir, impreso =cotton prints=, zarazas, estampados =prize=, premio =to produce=, presentar, producir =product=, producto =professor=, profesor =profit and loss=, ganancias y pérdidas =pro forma account=, cuenta simulada =to prohibit=, prohibir =project=, proyecto =promenade=, paseo =promissory note=, pagaré =property=, hacienda, propiedad =to propose=, proponer =proof=, ensayo, prueba =prospects=, perspectivas =to prosper=, medrar =proud=, ufano =to prove=, probar =proverb=, refrán =to provide=, proveer =provided that=, con tal que =prudent=, prudente =to punish, to chastise=, castigar =pupil=, discípulo =to purchase=, comprar =to purify, to exhaust, to investigate=, apurar =to purpose=, proponerse =to put=, poner =to put off=, postergar =to put out=, desconcertar =to put out of gear=, descomponer =to put up=, llevar =to put up with=, soportar =Q= =quality=, calidad =quantity=, cantidad =quarter=, cuarto =queen=, reina =queer=, extraño =question=, cuestión, asunto =in question=, consabido =to question=, dudar, preguntar =quick=, pronto =quiet=, tranquilo, sobrio, apagado (colour) =quilting=, acolchado =quire=, mano =quite candidly=, con el corazón en la mano =quota=, cuota =quotation=, cotización, (cita) =to quote=, citar, cotizar =R= =to rack ones brains=, devanarse los sesos =rails=, carriles, rieles, railes =railway=, ferrocarril =rain=, lluvia =to rain=, llover =raisins=, pasas =ratepayer=, contribuyente, vecino =rattan furniture=, muebles de bejuco =rays=, rayos =razor=, navaja de afeitar =to read=, leer =reading=, lectura =ready=, pronto, listo =ready money=, dinero efectivo =reason=, razón =reasonable=, razonable, arreglado =rebate=, rebaja, reducción =to make a rebate=, bonificar =to recapitulate=, resumir =receipt=, recibo =to receive=, acoger, recibir =reception=, recibo =to recommend=, recomendar, abonar =record=, colmo =to record=, consignar =to have recourse=, acudir á =to recover=, recobrar =red=, encarnado, rojo =to reduce=, reducir =reduction=, rebaja, reducción =to refer=, referir =references=, informes =to reflect=, reflexionar =reflection=, reflejo =refreshment=, refresco =to refund=, refundir =refusal=, negativa =to refuse=, rehusar, negarse á =regardless of expense=, sin mirar á gastos =region=, comarca =to register (letters, etc.)=, certificar =registered office (of a firm)=, domicilio =regulations=, reglamentos =to reign=, reinar =to reject=, rechazar =to rejoice=, alegrarse =to relate=, contar, dar cuenta =relating to=, acerca de =to remain=, quedar =remainder=, resto, restante =to remark=, observar =remiss=, lento, moroso =to remit, to send=, remitir =remittance=, remesa =remnants=, restos =to remove=, remover, quitar =to render help=, prestar ayuda =to rent=, alquilar =to repeat=, repetir =to repent=, arrepentirse =to reply=, contestar, responder =report=, informe, parte, relación =to report=, dar cuenta =to represent=, representar =representative=, representante =reputation=, fama =request=, petición =to require=, requerir, exigir =requirements=, necesidades =to reserve=, reservar =to reside=, residir, vivir =residence=, domicilio =resources=, recursos =respect=, respeto =to respect=, respetar =respectable=, formal, respetable =with respect to=, con respecto á, respecto de =result=, resultado =to resume=, reanudar =retail=, al por menor =to return=, devolver, regresar =revenue=, ingresos =review=, revista =to revoke=, revocar =reward=, premio =ribbon=, cinta =rice=, arroz =rich, richly=, rico, acaudalado, ricamente =to get rid of=, librarse, deshacerse de =ridiculously low (of prices)=, irrisorio =right=, derecho, justo =to be right=, tener razón =rim=, reborde =riot=, motín =rise=, alza, aumento =risk=, riesgo, peligro =risky=, arriesgado, peligroso =river=, río =to rob=, robar =to rock (a cradle)=, mecer =roll=, rollo =to roll=, arrollar =roller=, cilindro =room=, cuarto, cabida =rope=, soga =rose=, rosa =rotten=, podrido =rough and ready man=, hombre llano =round=, redondo =route=, vía =rubber=, caucho, goma elástica =rubber heels (revolving)=, rodajas de goma =rug=, tapete =to ruin=, echar á perder, arruinar =to rule=, regir, gobernar, dominar, reinar =rule=, regla, régimen =ruler=, regla =rumour=, rumor, especie =to run=, correr =to run down=, atropellar =to run to=, acudir á =S= =sad=, triste =safely=, sin novedad, á salvamento =sail=, vela =sailing vessel=, velero=, buque=, de vela =saint, holy=, santo =salary=, sueldo =sale=, venta =salvage=, salvamento =same=, mismo =sardines=, sardinas =sash=, cinto =satins (brocaded)=, satines (brochados) =satisfied=, satisfecho =Saturday=, Sábado =to save=, ahorrar =sawing machine=, sierra mecánica =to say=, decir, manifestar =scalloped=, festoneado =scandalous=, escandaloso =scarcely=, apenas =schooner=, goleta =science=, ciencia =scissors=, tijeras =to scold=, reconvenir =score=, veintena =screw (of a boat)=, hélice (el or la) =screws=, tornillos =not over-scrupulous=, de manga ancha =scuttle=, caja de carbón =seal=, sello =to seal=, sellar =sealing-wax=, lacre =to search=, buscar =season=, estación, temporada =to seat=, asentar =secretary=, secretario =to secure=, asegurar =securities=, valores =to see=, ver =seeing that=, visto que =to seem=, parecer =to select=, elegir, escoger =selection=, surtido =to sell=, vender =selvedge=, orilla =senate=, senado =to send=, enviar, mandar, remitir =to send back=, devolver =to send a remittance=, hacer una remesa =to send for=, mandar buscar =sensible=, discreto, juicioso =sentence=, frase =September=, Setiembre =sergeant=, sargento =series=, la serie =to serve=, servir =service=, servicio, utilidad =session (parliamentary)=, legislatura =to set out=, partir =set of patterns=, muestrario =to settle=, arreglar, definir, liquidar =settlement=, saldo =several=, varios =shade (of colour)=, el matiz =shame=, vergüenza =shape=, forma =share=, acción =shareholder=, accionista =sharp=, agudo =shawl=, chal =shears=, cizallas =sheet (bed)=, sábana =shell-fish=, mariscos =to shelter=, abrigar =shilling=, chelín =ship=, barco, buque, navío =to ship=, embarcar =shipment=, remesa, embarque =shipowners=, armadores =shipper=, exportador =shirt=, camisa =shocking=, escandaloso =shoes=, zapatos =shop=, tienda =shopkeeper=, tendero =short=, corto =short cut=, atajo =shortly=, en breve=, próximamente =shoulder=, espalda =shout=, grito =shovel=, pala =to show=, mostrar, acusar, exhibir, hacer constar, enseñar =shrewd=, fino =to shrink=, encojerse =shrivelled=, encojido =shrunk=, encojido =side=, lado =side arms=, armas blancas =sight=, vista =to sight=, avistar =sign=, señal =to sign=, firmar =signature=, firma =signed guarantee=, indemnidad =to be silent=, callarse =silk=, seda =silk hat=, sombrero de copa =silver=, plata =similar=, semejante =simpleton=, tonto, necio =sincere=, sincero =sincere man=, hombre llano =sincerity=, sinceridad =single, simple, plain=, simple =sister-in-law=, cuñada =skates=, patines =sketch=, croquis =skin=, piel =sky=, cielo =sky-blue=, azul celeste =slack=, flojo =slackness=, flojedad =slate colour=, plomo =sleep=, sueño =to sleep=, dormir =slender=, exiguo =slight=, exiguo, ligero =slip=, boletín, volante =slope=, cuesta =slow=, lento, moroso, tardo =by slow train=, á pequeña velocidad =slowly=, despacio =sly=, socarrón =small=, pequeño, exiguo =smaller=, menor =smallware=, quincalla =smile=, sonrisa =to smoke (of a chimney)=, humear =smooth=, liso =smuggling=, matute =to snow=, nevar =snow=, nieve =so and so=, fulano =so, as … as=, tan … como =society=, sociedad =socks=, calcetines =soda=, soda, sosa =sofa=, el sofá =soft=, blando, suave =to soften=, ablandar =soil=, suelo =soldier=, soldado =sole=, exclusivo =solely=, únicamente =to solicit=, solicitar =solicitor=, abogado (procurador legal) =solidity=, solidez =some=, algún, alguno, algunos, unos =something=, algo =somewhat=, algo =soon=, pronto =sordid=, ruin =sorrow=, dolor =to be sorry=, sentir =so that=, de modo que, para que =so to say=, por decirlo así =sour=, agrio =source=, fuente, manantial =source (to have from a good)=, tener de buena tinta =south=, sur, sud =space=, cabida =spades=, palas =Spanish=, español =Spanish peas=, garbanzos =spare pieces (machinery)=, piezas de repuesto =sparrow=, gorrión =to speak=, hablar =to speak for=, abonar =species=, especie =speculation=, especulación =speed=, prisa =speedy=, pronto =to spend=, gastar =spices=, especias =to spin=, hilar =spinner=, hilador =in spite of=, á pesar de =to spoil=, gastar, echar á perder =spoon=, cuchara =spokes=, rayos =spot=, mancha, punto, sitio =spot cotton=, algodón disponible =spring=, resorte =spring (season)=, primavera =squeamish=, melindroso =to squeeze out=, exprimir, arrancar =squire=, hijodalgo, hidalgo =stain=, mancha =stamp=, timbre =stamp-rack=, porta-estampillas =stamps (postage)=, sellos =standard-bearer=, porta-bandera =standing=, posición =to start from=, arrancar de =statement=, cuenta =statistics=, estadísticas =stay=, estancia =to steal=, robar =steam-engine=, máquina á vapor =steamer=, buque de vapor, vapor =steel=, acero =step=, paso =stick=, garrote =still=, todavía =sting=, herida (fig.) =to stir=, remover =stockings=, medias =stock-jobber=, agiotista =stocks=, existencias =stool=, escaño =to stop payment=, suspender los pagos =to stop short in the middle of ones speech=, cortarse =stores=, depósitos, almacenes =storm=, temporal, tormenta =stove=, estufa, calorífero =stowage=, estiva =straight=, derecho =straightforward=, recto, leal =to strain=, forzar =strange=, extraño =street=, calle =to stretch=, extender =strike=, huelga =striped goods=, listados =stripes=, rayas =stroll=, paseo =strong, fast, firm=, fuerte =to struggle against=, luchar =to study=, estudiar =to stumble=, tropezar =subject=, asunto =to submit=, someter =subsidence=, hundimiento =to succeed=, suceder =to succeed in=, conseguir, obtener =success=, buen éxito =such, such a=, tal =sudden=, repentino =to suffer=, sufrir =suffering=, sufrimiento =to suffice=, bastar =sugar=, azúcar =sugar mill=, trapiche =suitings=, paños =sum=, suma =summer=, verano =to summon=, citar ante los tribunales =sun=, sol =Sunday=, domingo =supper=, cena =to suppose=, suponer =to suppress=, suprimir =supply and demand=, demanda y oferta =to supply oneself=, abastecerse =surety=, fiador =surface=, superficie =to surprise=, maravillar =surprising=, sorprendente =to suspect=, sospechar =to sweep=, barrer =sword=, espada =symptoms=, síntomas =T= =table=, mesa =table (of figures)=, cuadro =tact=, tacto =tailor=, sastre =to take=, tomar =to take amiss=, tomar á mal =to take away=, quitar =to take care (of oneself)=, cuidar(se) =to take charge=, encargarse =to take into consideration=, tener en cuenta =to take into tow=, traer á remolque, remolcar =to take much trouble=, afanarse =to take notice=, hacer caso =to take on lease=, alquilar, tomar en arriendo =to take place=, verificarse =to take steps=, dar pasos =to take the start=, tomar la delantera =to take up=, recoger =tallow greaves=, heces de sebo =tariff reform=, reforma arancelaria =task=, tarea =tax=, impuesto =tea=, té =to teach=, enseñar =teaching=, enseñanza =teeth=, dientes =to telephone=, telefonear =to tell=, decir =temper=, genio =temporarily=, temporalmente =tenant=, inquilino =tender=, tierno =term=, plazo =terms=, condiciones =textile=, textil =textiles=, tejidos =to thank=, agradecer =thanks to … =, merced á … =that=, ese,-a,-o, aquel-lla-llo, que =their=, su =then=, entonces, luego, pues =there=, allá, allí, ahí =therefore=, portanto =there is=, =there are=, hay =there to be=, haber =thick=, grueso, espeso =thief=, ladrón =thimble=, dedal =thing=, cosa =to think=, creer, pensar =third= (frac.), tercio =thirst=, sed =this=, este,-a,-o =thousand=, mil =threshing machines=, trilladores =to throw=, echar =to thunder=, tronar =Thursday=, jueves =ticket, etiqueta=, rótulo =ticking=, terliz =timber=, madera =time=, tiempo, época =at the same time=, al mismo tiempo, á la par que =tin=, estaño =to tire=, cansar =to-day=, hoy =ton=, tonelada =tongs=, tenazas =tongue=, lengua =too (also)=, también =too, too much=, demasiado =tools=, herramientas =top=, cima =touch=, tacto =to tow=, traer á remolque, remolcar =towards=, para con, hacia =to what extent?=, ¿hasta qué punto? =town=, ciudad, población, villa, pueblo =trade=, comercio =trade union=, asociación de obreros =train=, tren =to transport=, tra(n)sportar =to travel=, viajar =traveller= (commercial), viajante =traveller= (tourist, etc.), viajero =treasure=, tesoro =to treat=, =to try=, =to endeavour=, tratar =tree=, árbol =trial=, prueba, ensayo =trick=, engañifa =trifles=, pequeñeces =to trifle with=, burlarse =trifling amount=, una friolera =trimmings=, guarniciones, adornos =trouserings=, telas para pantalones =trousers=, pantalones =trunk=, baúl =truss=, fardito =trust=, confianza =trustworthy=, fidedigno =to trust=, confiar =trustee=, síndico =truth=, verdad =to try=, probar, tratar =Tuesday=, martes =Turkey red handkerchiefs=, pañuelos de Andrinópolis =turn for the worse=, empeoramiento =to turn=, volver =turnover=, giro =twill=, asargado, cruzado, aterlizado, diagonal =twine=, bramante =to twist=, torcer =tyres=, llantas =U= =umpire=, árbitro =uncertainty=, incertidumbre =uncle=, tío =under=, debajo de =to undersell=, malbaratar =to understand=, comprender, entender =to undertake=, comprometerse, emprender =undertaking=, empresa =uneasiness=, malcontento =unfavorable=, desfavorable =to unfold=, desplegar =unforeseen=, imprevisto =unhappy, unfortunate=, desdichado, infeliz =unless=, á menos que =unloading=, descarga =unnavigable=, innavegable =unprecedented=, sin precedente =unripe=, inmaturo, verde =unsuitability=, inconveniencia =until=, hasta que =unwillingly=, de mala gana =upon=, sobre =upright=, íntegro, cabal =to upset=, desconcertar =to urge=, apremiar, apresurar =to use for the first time=, estrenar =useful=, útil =usefulness=, utilidad =utility=, utilidad =V= =vagabonds, (company of)=, hampa =value=, valor =valve=, válvula =variety=, variedad =varnish=, el barniz =velvet=, terciopelo =velveteen=, pana =venture=, ensayo =very=, muy =vest=, chaleco =via=, vía =to vie with=, trabajar, ir, á porfía, habérselas con =view=, vista =villa=, quinta =village=, pueblo =vineyards=, viñas =violet=, violeta =virtue=, virtud =to visit=, visitar =vivid=, vivo =vividly=, vivamente =viz=., es decir, á saber =vocabulary=, vocabulario =W= =wages=, sueldo =waistcoat=, chaleco =to wait for=, esperar =to wait upon=, visitar =to wake up=, despertar =walk=, paseo =to walk=, andar =to want=, necesitar, querer =to be wanted=, hacer falta =to be wanting=, faltar =want of foresight=, imprevidencia =war=, guerra =warehouse=, almacén =warehouseman=, almacenero, dependiente de almacén =to warn=, advertir =to take warning=, escarmentar =warrant=, cédula =to warrant=, justificar =to waste=, desperdiciar, malgastar =waste-paper basket=, cestilla =watch=, reloj =to watch over=, vigilar =water=, agua =way=, manera, modo, vía =wealth=, riqueza =wealthy=, acaudalado =to wear=, gastar, llevar =to wear for the first time=, estrenar =wearing apparel=, vestidos, ropa, hato =to weave=, tejer =weaver=, tejedor =webbing=, tejido elástico =Wednesday=, miércoles =week=, semana =weight=, peso =to welcome=, agasajar =well=, bien, pues =west=, oeste =to wet=, bañar =whale=, ballena =what=, qué (inter.), lo que =wheat=, trigo =when=, cuando =whenever=, cuandoquiera =where=, donde =wherever=, dondequiera =whether=, si, sea que =which=, que, el cual =whichever=, cualquiera =while=, mientras =whim=, antojo =Whitsuntide=, Pentecostés =white=, blanco =who=, que, quien, el cual =whoever=, quienquiera, cualquiera =wholesale=, al por mayor =whom=, quien =whose=, cuyo =wicked=, malo =widower=, víudo =width=, anchura, ancho =wife=, mujer, esposa =will=, voluntad =to win=, vencer =to win over=, granjearse =wind=, viento =window=, ventana =wine=, vino =wine (adj.)=, vinícolo =winsome=, simpático =winter=, invierno =wireless=, radiograma =wise=, juicioso, sabio =to wish=, desear =to wish to have=, querer =wishful=, deseoso =with great effort=, á duras penas =within=, dentro de =without=, sin, sin que =woman=, mujer =to wonder=, maravillarse =to be wont=, soler =wood=, madera =wool=, lana =word=, palabra, vocablo =to work=, trabajar, obrar =to work (mines)=, explotar =workman=, obrero, operario =workshop=, taller =world=, mundo =world (adj.)=, mundial =worth=, valor =to be worth=, poseer, valer =to be worth while=, valer la pena =wound=, herida =to wound=, herir =wrap=, bata =wreck=, naufragar =to wreck=, echar á perder =to wrench=, arrancar =to write=, escribir =to write to each other=, escribirse =writer=, escritor =writing (n.)=, letra, escríto =writing desk=, escritorio =writing pad=, carpeta =written agreement=, contrato =to wrangle with someone=, habérselas con uno =on the wrong side=, al revés =Y= =yard=, yarda =yard (Spanish)=, vara =yarn=, hilado =year=, año =yellow=, amarillo =yes=, sí =yesterday=, ayer =yet=, todavía, aun =to yield, to submit=, ceder, darse á partido =young=, joven =young age=, juventud =young man, woman=, joven =youth=, juventud =Z= =zinc=, zinc The Project Gutenberg EBook of Pitmans Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.), by C. A. Toledano This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at gutenberg.net Title: Pitmans Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.)
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:19:23 +0000

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