IIS NOT A WEIGHT PROBLEM. ITS A FOOD PROBLEM In the late 1990s - TopicsExpress


IIS NOT A WEIGHT PROBLEM. ITS A FOOD PROBLEM In the late 1990s I gained a lot of weight. I was working in an office, sitting at a desk all day, and eating too much. One day I heard Kenneth Copeland talking about his battle with the pounds many years earlier. He made this statement: I didnt have a weight problem, I had a food problem. He realized for example that sitting down and eating a whole pie by himself was problematic behavior. So he changed the way he thought about food. I did the same thing, I changed the way I thought about food and portion size. I was able to lose 45 lbs in several months. And I have kept it off because I did to go on a diet, I changed my point of view. Many church folks are like that when it comes to the Word. They will nourish themselves with it for a time and when they get to a position of strength they slack off and fall back to eating the same old junk food they used to eat. They revert to old habits of feeding on TV, internet, Candy Crush Saga, soap opera. What happens? They start believing what they read in the Post or the Times more than they believe the Word of God. They start believing what that demon television is telling them - you have breast cancer, shingles virus, you need a payday loan, better get some funeral insurance because youre going to die broke. If I hear one more Easterns commercial I am going to scream! Stop the madness. Stop the yoyo dieting. Lets get off the spiritual junk food and gain real nourishment from the Bread of Life - Jesus - The Word made flesh who dwells inside us by His Spirit. Were starving ourselves with empty calories. Lets lose the soul baggage, the weight, the fat. Trim up with the Word of God. I made that change some years ago and I have kept myself strong in the Word. I changed the way I thought about the Word of God, the Bible versus all the other junk I was taking in through my eye-gate, through my ear-gate. I front load my day, mid load my day, end load my day with Jesus - the WORD. Have I arrived at my ideal spiritual weight? Not yet but I continue to work relentlessly. And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst (John 6:35).
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 10:43:19 +0000

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