IJAW YOUTH COUNCIL (IYC) WORLDWIDE PRESS STATEMENT RE: JONATHAN NOT THE FIRST MINORITY TO RULE NIGERIA, BUT MOST INCOMPETENT: APC The Ijaw Youth Council, Worldwide has read with disappointment the press statement issued by the All Progressive Congress (APC) and published in several national dailies on Friday the 21 st of March, 2014 wherein it referred to President Goodluck Jonathan as the most incompetent Nigeria Leader ever, clueless and suffering from inferiority complex. The IYC is disappointed that such statement could come from a leading opposition party such as the APC. It is uncultured and disrespectful for the opposition APC to make insulting the occupant of the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria its manifesto. Every Nigerian irrespective of his political affiliation is duty bound and ought to respect the office of the President and the occupant of the office. The opposition is supposed to offer alternative solutions to problems rather than raining abuses upon abuses on the person of President Goodluck Jonathan on a daily basis. By making abusing President Jonathan its manifesto, it clearly shows that APC’s sole purpose is to take power from President Jonathan and not to solve the problems confronting Nigeria. We are confident that the APC’s plans would fail and the party is doomed for massive electoral shock and defeat in 2015. If the APC is unaware, let it be informed! Contrary to the assertion of the APC, the facts on ground suggest that President Goodluck Jonathan has performed very well and far above any other Nigerian President within the period he has been in office. The truth is that the establishment elements in the opposition APC are using their entrenched positions to create a false impression that President Jonathan is not performing contrary to the facts on ground. Indeed President Jonathan has done very well and deserved the support of Nigerians. The multifarious problems confronting Nigeria were not created by President Jonathan and did not also start under him. Hence, all Nigerians must support President Jonathan in efforts towards moving Nigeria forward. By its conduct the APC has shown that it is a congregation of power hungry politicians who want to take over the Presidency from President Goodluck Jonathan at all cost. We wish to state that the PDP was right to say that the opposition is behind the acts of Boko Haram insurgency in the Northern part of the country. It is an open secret that leading opposition figures such as General Mohammadu Buhari and Mallam El Rufai are very sympathetic to the activities of Boko Haram and indeed has spoken in support of Boko Haram in the past. Therefore, the PDP is right to accuse the opposition of supporting the Boko Haram insurgency. Comrade(Barr) Eric Omare, Spokesman, For; Ijaw Youth Council(IYC) Worldwide
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 09:18:56 +0000

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