ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Obama Seeks Brisk Passage Of - TopicsExpress


ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Obama Seeks Brisk Passage Of Border Children Funding Bill Back to his old tactics. Get it passed before anybody can read it or think about how flawed it is. This is not a good idea; instead it is another idea on how Obama can bring America to its knees in order to then offer up communism as a solution to its massive problems. Here is another approach to increasing the national debt to further or sooner bankrupt us. More socialism for illegal immigrant children which will only entice more to come. Soon the budget will have to be increased to accommodate more kids. It will be another huge welfare program that American cannot afford thereby making it seem like free enterprise cannot handle the costs. Of course, it cant handle those costs. Only through central planning where everybody is poor will this work and even then only for a short time. newsbalance/obama-seeks-brisk-passage-of-border-children-funding-bill-2014-07-11.article
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 16:38:30 +0000

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