*ILOILO CITY BEACH SIDE ACCIDENT* One day a group of 11 pupils - TopicsExpress


*ILOILO CITY BEACH SIDE ACCIDENT* One day a group of 11 pupils from the same school went to have fun on the beach .. All of them walked beside the sea shore all together ….but one of them .. ran into the middle of the sea and bathe ..the others had no choice but to join him ..few hours later.. the waves are getting high … so the pupils decided to walk back to shore.. but the boy who went to bathe on the sea first … still decided to stay in the middle of the big waves .. when the rest of the group were walking towards shore… The little boy who stayed in the middle of the big waves was panicking .. The rest of the pupils thought it was a joke at first but when a very big wave splashed against the boy they realized the the boy was not joking and he was literally drowning… The rest of the pupils didn’t know what to do .. when suddenly a little girl ran towards the drowning boy and tried to reach his hand.. the little grabbed a finger of the little girl… but the little girl couldn’t hold him anymore so she cried help .. one girl pupil that’s nigger than her went to help them..the girl pulled the little girls arm and the little girl was pulling the little boys hand….. when suddenly another big wave splashed against them so the hand of the little boy slipped off the hand of the little girl ..the two girls cried help .. and the boy who was biggest among them all.. swam towards the drowning boy..he swam under the boys feet and put the drowning boy on his shoulders … but the drowning boy got off and said .. “hey don’t .. you might get drowned too ..go to shore.. forget about me ill be fine” But the boy who was helping him answered him “no!!.. im not gonna leave you here to drown!” The boy who was helping grabbed the drowning boys hand … but the drowning boy pulled his hand with such force so the boy who was helping would let go of him… The boy who was drowning signaled the other pupils to stay away from the waves … But the boy who was helping decided to stay with him.. even if he knew that he was already drowning with the little boy … Another wave hit the two boys.. when the big boy got his head up to get air from drowning .. the little boy that he was suppose to help was nowhere to be found … … So he shouted to get help from the city hall … cause he couldn’t find the little boy anymore.. The boy who was helping swam towards shore while crying … when he got to his school mates at shore … they asked him .. “wheres the boy?!” The boy who was being asked couldn’t answer .. he just looked down while he cried .. …… in that time all of them realized the they lossed a very good friend … .. they couldn’t do anything but blame theyre selves that they couldn’t do anything to save the little boy who drowned… (THIS IS A VERY TRUE STORY .. IT HAPPENED YESTERDAY … IT HAPPENED TO ME AND MY SCHOOL MATES … AT THE TIME .. 10:30-11:20 AM)…. Sorry dude .. I did my best to help you … but my best wasn’t enough .. I wasn t enough … sorry Jerome… sorry … hope you’ll be happy in heaven..
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 23:54:29 +0000

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