IM BACK! Hey everyone, for those of you that dont know the team - TopicsExpress


IM BACK! Hey everyone, for those of you that dont know the team and I arrived back in Kona on the 23rd of May. I dont even know where to start or how to even begin to summarize up the trip so I am just going to say that it was incredible in every single way and it completely changed my life, I cant thank God enough for his faithfulness to us as a team the entire time we were there. I fell in love with the Marshall Islands and everyone who lives there, they are the most amazing people group I have ever had the privilege of meeting and living with for the 2 months that I did. It was such a crazy experience getting to sail around the pacific to small outer islands where no airplanes can go and just serving the locals in any way we could. Each island we went to we were able to bring something new to them and they also showed us new things as well. Its really funny how God works though because we went in all prepared and ready expecting to serve the Marshallesse people but instead they ended up serving us more than we ever imagined. Gods faithfulness to us over this entire trip is evident in literally every single thing we did. We went in not having a plan since we were the first outreach team from YWAM sent to the Marshall Islands. But I believe thats why this trip was so incredible because we had to FULLY rely on God every single day for strength and for guidance. We had so many ministry opportunities every where we went because we stuck out like a sore thumb (since we were white) and everyone wanted to know what we were all about. Some of the things we did included teaching at a school for a few weeks every day, speaking at tons of churches and being able just to share our hearts and God with them, going to the local hospital to pray for people, playing with the kids (my personal favorite) building close relationships with amazing locals, and bringing a few local nurses plus a nurse from Kona with us on our sail to Lib island to give shots and what ever else needed to be done medical wise there. Lib island was probably the coolest island for me that we went to because of the people on it and just how the whole community would just come together as a family and help each other out. Lib island had a population of 166 people and it took about an hour to walk around the whole thing. It had one school a building with 3 rooms starting from kindergarten till grade 8 and a cute little church. It was funny not having to worry about buying anything since there are no stores or anything on the island so pretty much you dont even need money to live there. We took over teaching at the school while we were there and we got to help a lot medical wise as well as giving glasses out to locals who had never owned a pair before. There are so many stories I could tell but than I would be writing for days so overall the whole trip was just amazing I mean of course there were really hard days and we all lacked motivation at one time or another but in the end Im so stoked on this outreach and how God planned it out. I couldnt of asked for a better team to have walked along side me during this time and I am so proud of the growth each one of the students had. I cant believe tonight is graduation for them and than they are off, they grow up so fast :). As for me and my future plans I will update about that tomorrow. Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support, Im so excited for this next chapter in my life and just to continually grow in the Lord in everything he has planned for me to do. GOD IS SO GOOD!
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 01:41:29 +0000

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