IM FURIOUS!!! What is going on with the standards in - TopicsExpress


IM FURIOUS!!! What is going on with the standards in education??!! Tell me if this makes any sense to you. This is an honest to goodness question on my sons science homework: Directions for the following experiements: Identify the Independent Variable, the Dependent Variable, and the Control Variable. 7) You decide to clean your bedroom. You notice that your floor is covered with clothes. You decide to get rid of the clothes by throwing the clothes into the air. You throw clothes from 1/3 of the room into the closet and a second 1/3 of the room straight up into the air. That last 1/3 of the room you leave the clothes on the floor. After 30 minutes of cleaning, the floor of the room is now visible. Independent Variable_____________________ Dependent Variable______________________ Control Variable_________________________ Yes, thats the real question!! Not only is it ridiculous, it doesnt make any sense and is essentially unanswerable! Is it just me, or is everyone else in Center getting frustrated with our curriculum? That question is just a one example of many that are moronic. Im finding that the curriculum on the Ipads is also full of spelling errors, terrible grammar, and completely nonsensical sentences and questions. Im wondering if they hired 3rd graders to write this stuff? Or maybe they were written and printed as a votech project? I want the state to stay the heck out of my childs education and let the teachers teach! The standards are set low, little is expected, the quality of the materials is sad, and my kids are not being prepared for life after high school. Is it just me?? Then we bring in the Ipads. Oh yes, what a wonderful tool! NOT! They take forever to get the work done on them; my sons already had a time when he couldnt complete his work because he couldnt get his apps to load, my daughter lost half of her notes and information because of a glitch in her Ipad (last year her Ipad died, and she lost an entire 3-week project shed been working on, and had to redo the entire project), and.... and this is rich..... if your child does poorly on a test, you cant get a paper copy to go over it with him, so he understands what he did wrong. No, a teacher told me that if we want to see any of our childs tests, we need to make an appointment to come in after school, and he will open his eyepad and wait while we review the test in the classroom. No paper copies allowed! Why? Because kids might take a picture of the test with their Ipads and pass them on to other students who havent taken the test! Gee, what did they do before Ipads?! Hmmm, I remember kids telling other kids what was on the test. Heres an idea: How about we collect the Ipads before the test, and let the students write the answers on... dare I say it.... PAPER?! I dont blame the teachers; I know many of them are frustrated, too, but their hands are tied. And if I here one more greeny tell me that Ipads are better for the environment because theyre saving trees, Im going to flip! Trees are a renewable resource, and paper is completely recyclabe. Electronics become obsolete almost as fast as they come out; they contain hazardous materials that hurt the environment (hence the reason most waste facilities will no longer collect them); they are only minimally recyclable; and theyre fillng landfills all around the country. Save a tree; kill a fish! Am I the only one who sees the quality of education deteriorating in this country? Whatever happened to focusing on the 3 Rs and letting teachers do their jobs without Uncle Sam stepping in to change all the rules and reinvent the wheel?! OK, I got it out! I guess Ive ranted long enough! I just had to get that off my chest after this frustrating and eye-opening night of homework. Even if no one in the world reads this, I just needed to voice it! Good night! :)
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:40:49 +0000

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