IM IN NEED OF SOME HELP...... So shaelynn who is almost 10, is - TopicsExpress


IM IN NEED OF SOME HELP...... So shaelynn who is almost 10, is such a smartie pants. Shaelynn has ALWAYS read at an incredibly high reading level for her age (as of fall testing last year she was at an 11th grade reading level, that was the end of 3rd grade.........) Also she comprehends 100%, and at times I wonder if she LITERALLY has a photographic memory. And her writing skills leave me speechless. Im sure she will be writing a novel in her near future, and Im dead serious. I am not saying this to be bragging (although I am absolutely amazed and unbelievably proud of her on a daily basis) I am feeling very discouraged and disappointed in what the new and ______ schooling we have has suggested she read for her level. (Fill in the blank to your liking). Apparently age doesnt come into consideration and her teacher felt comfortable or didnt have a choice as to what was suggested for 4th grade. Either way, here are a few of the suggestions, the list was a full page of books all along these lines: *Al Gore-Political Profiles (shoot me now lol) *Alive *Cool Careers Without College For Math And Science Wizards (WTH???) *John McCain-Political Profiles *Road to There: Mapmakers and their stories (Im bored already) *Vietnam War: How the Untied States Became Involved Now just to clarify, I hate reading so my opinion may be a little bias, but SERIOUSLY??? Even in 11th grade I wouldnt have chosen to read ANY of these books (and didnt for that matter) even if they are good to know/understand. And honestly she would prob enjoy most of the books on this list, but I strongly feel, whether Im right or wrong, that the content is not appropriate for her maturity level SO......... PLEASE...... If any of you can point me in the direction of some good books/series that are at her reading level yet appropriate for a 4th grader (and preferably educational or simply not completely dumb girl stuff :) I would be ever so grateful to you!!!!! I know its prob wishful thinking lol, but one can be hopeful :) Im trying to keep her engaged and I dont want her to end up so bored she tunes out completely from schooling (which she often tunes out from everything else lol) so the chances of that happening are kinda........there......for lack of a better word. I asked her teacher last year what I could do to keep her challenged and interested period, he said good luck with that (he meant it in the nicest way possible lol, and he was a great teacher) But his worry was the same as mine. This is so stressful....Please please please HELP ME!!!!! (Looks like her mommy is pretty good at writing novels too! LOL) The End :)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:29:51 +0000

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