IM PERSONALLY BEGGING YOU TO STOP AND READ THIS ABOUT FOOD AND YOUR DIET. 1. food dummies. there are plenty of know it all fitness professionals and even mds that have all the answers about basic nutrition. then why are we all so confused? its the food dummies faults for setting us up to fail! bogus half truths and whacky unscientific notions of nutrition exist at every turn. 2. common myths. the average healthy person should avoid fruit, avoid the naturally occurring and awesome healing power of raw fruit sugars. this is just asinine foolishness. where do you suppose you’ll get your vitamins from if you abstain from fruit? there are dynamic healing forces in raw fruit sugar (raw form = no artificial or concentrated processed sugars). fruit sugar is required for health and digestive hygiene. diabetics or diseased people are told to avoid all sugar. and this is silly. fruits that contain fructose do not require insulin. fruit with starch will contain glucose which requires some insulin. fructose in whole fruit will not raise a diabetic’s blood sugar. They need to abstain from processed foods and eliminate dietary mistakes to improve their chemistries. im spending a lot of time on fruit sugar because the very fabric of “muscle up” science diets are based on utter nonsense: more protein, no sugar, lower calories! this type of diet may serve to reduce your weight (not always) – but mostly serves to acidify the blood, age us faster, weaken the immune system, reduce overall energy, and in the end make us sicker faster. you got to trust me. the cleanest fuel comes from raw vegetation. protein loading is a myth. if you want to BULK up take in more calories altogether - and the best source of these calories is always from a plant based diet. im not saying you need to go out and eat 43 bananas and run a marathon. this type of unbalanced diet is ridiculous as well. unless someone ordered you to avoid fruit, you need plenty of fresh raw fruit every day. if you can’t get the bad perception of fruit alone out of your head then drink our raw fruit juice with greens mixed in. this way the glycemic index is averaged between the fruit and the vegetable. stop protein hunting. too much protein is a problem in your diet not a solution. east more fruit, eat more vegetables. drink a lot of green juice. for gods sake avoid processed foods and beverages. dont underestimate the awesome power of these (juice press) juices. Marcus
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:16:55 +0000

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