IM SEEING THINGS II THE CLAW THE TAIL AND THE CROSS EPISODE XXIII BY ROYVER JERRYMAKLIN In one swift movement I was out of my seat and had Jenny in my arms. I hugged her fiercely and whispered in her ear “Don’t you ever do that to me again!” I could feel her smile as she whispered back. “Yes baby.” A cough behind us brought us back to our surroundings and we ended our embrace. I turned around to see Chioma smiling awkwardly at us, although she was glaring at me through her square-rimmed glasses. “Men,” she said. “In one ear, out the other.” “What?” Jenny said, perplexed. “Nothing,” I replied hastily, “Chioma was giving me a talk on some issues in the firm,” I fixed my gaze on Chioma, “A discussion I would really love to have some other time, if you don’t mind? I have some very urgent issues of my own to settle with Jenny.” “No problem.” Chioma said. “Whenever you are free you can come right in. I’ll be in my office all day.” I nodded and whisked Jenny out of the office and to hers. I hadn’t really been given an office as I usually didn’t spend much time in the firm, my job was mainly to attend meetings and give my advice. As we walked through the corridor we passed by Kelvin’s office whose door happened to be ajar. He glanced up from his files and saw us. “Okay, you’ve seen him.” he said matter of factly. Jenny nodded, smiling and we passed by to the end of the corridor where her office was. As soon as we entered I shut the door behind us and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to me and locking her lips with mine. She offered no resistance and instead arched into me, making my body reverberate with the sheer electricity that emanated between us as our eyes closed impulsively to better savour the moment. Her lips were soft and sensuous, and her perfume the cool scent of Sunset Ocean. I wanted to conquer this being, make her mine and rule over her tidal waves forever. For a moment it seemed neither of us would let the other breath as our lips continued to find each other’s warmth and embrace. But finally she pulled away with a gasp. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t know what came over me…” “Sorry nothing.” She said, holding my hands. “I told you before. With me you don’t have to explain anything. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for that kiss?” “We kissed the first night I came…” I said “That doesn’t count. You freaked out, remember?” she retorted accusingly and smiled. “A lot must have happened between last night and this morning for you to hug me in front of Chioma. I thought she was going to burst into flames!” We both laughed. I was so filled with relief to see that she was alright, and that she apparently hadn’t had any nasty experiences the night before. I asked the obvious question. “Where were you? I called your line, you didn’t pick, I went to your place and your care taker said you didn’t spend the night in your apartment…” “You went to my place?” Jenny said, “Why, what was the urgency?” “I think someone tried to get rid of me last night” I said, looking her straight in the eyes. Jenny laughed, and then kept quiet as she saw that I wasn’t joking. “What? How? What happened?” I recounted my last night’s experience to her plus what the hotel manager had told me about someone calling from the company. “Were you able to get the phone number of the person from the manger?” she asked. I shook my head. I honestly hadn’t thought of it at the time. Jenny whisked out her phone and immediately put a call through. After a while she the manager picked up and she had a quick discussion with him, confirming what i had just told her. it appeared he was apologizing profusely. Its alright, its alright. Thanks. No, its okay. Ill get back to you. she hung up. He said the caller hid his ID but gave all the appropriate information concerning you so he didnt have any need to be suspicious. Well, I know what happened last night wasnt mere coincidence. i said. And besides, there is still the matter of the man who raised the alarm. he is still unaccounted for. “This is serious. But do you think it is related to the man-animal?” she asked. “Why else would someone want to burn my room down with me presumably still in it?” I said, and jenny sat down by the desk. “I’ve only been here a short while and as far as I know I don’t have any quarrel with anyone here.” And then I paused. “Daniel.” I said. Jenny’s eyes widened. “He wouldn’t,” “It’s possible. He has been quite spiteful towards me, saying things like I want to take his job. And from the looks of things he seems like the kind of person who would do anything to get what he wants.” Have you seen him this morning?” she asked. I nodded. “I told him about the incident at the hotel and he was non-chalant about it.” **CONTINUES**
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:58:50 +0000

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