☆IMAGINATION CAN CREATE A KIND OF INSANITY☆ Once a young boy was brought to me. His parents were very much disturbed; they had taken him to psychoanalysts, to other doctors, but nothing had worked. And his problem was not very great, but it was disturbing his whole life and his whole future. He had got this idea that while he was sleeping—he used to sleep with his mouth open—two flies had entered his mouth, and they were going around inside his body. Now they are here, now they are there, now they have moved towards the head. The whole day the boy could not do anything else, there was no way to get rid of those two flies. He was examined, there were no flies. And even if you swallowed two flies, they could not go on moving this way. There are no superhighways like this, that the flies are going to the head, and to the feet, and to the heart, and to the stomach, and they are continuously going around and buzzing…he could hear their buzz. And how could he remain at ease? Even in the night he could not sleep well. When the parents brought him to me they must have taken him to many people already. Somebody suggested that perhaps I might be of some help. I listened to the story and I said to the parents, You are absolutely wrong, and the boy is absolutely right. The boy looked at me. I was the first man to whom his parents had taken him who had given him self-respect, dignity. Others were all telling him, You are crazy. There are no flies. I said, You are all crazy. I can see his flies. The father and the mother both became disturbed…where had they come? Now I was going to strengthen the idea of the boy even more. But it was too late. I said, You sit down. You have been torturing him unnecessarily. First, hes being tortured by these two flies, and you are taking him all around. You have been humiliating him. First, I talked to the boys parents, and convinced the boy that I was absolutely with him. He said, You are the first man who knows something about these deeper problems. I said, I absolutely agree with you. You have been tortured by these two flies, so we will take them out. He said, It will be very difficult because they go on changing their place. I said, You dont be worried. I took him inside the room, left the parents outside and told him to lie down. Because I was absolutely favorable to him, he listened to me. He lay down, and I told him to close his eyes and watch those flies—where they were going—so that he would have an exact idea where they were. When they are very close to your mouth, I will pull them out. He said, That seems to be logical. They have entered from the mouth. So I put him on the bed with his eyes closed, and I rushed all over the house to find two flies. It was a difficult job and it was just by chance…Hindu women use coconut oil for their hair—which is a dirty habit. You can smell from far away that a Hindu woman is coming close. And I had seen dead flies many times in their bottles of coconut oil, so I rushed around looking for a coconut oil bottle. And by chance, I found not only two, but three flies. Strangely, it seems almost every coconut oil bottle catches these flies—they go in and they get caught, they cannot fly. When they are in the bottle, taking a holy dip in the coconut oil, then they cannot fly—their wings get sticky. And particularly if it is winter time, then the coconut oil becomes solid. It was winter time, so it was very easy for me to take those three flies. I cleaned them, washed them, brought them in, and I told the boy, Keep your eyes on the flies—where are they? And he said, They are very close. They are just near my throat. I said, This is the moment. Open your mouth. And as he opened his mouth, I took the flies out of his mouth which I already had in my hands. I told him, You were wrong, there were not two, there were three. He said, My God! You are the right person. I showed him three flies. He said, It feels so peaceful inside—no buzzing, no flies. He rushed out with the flies to show his parents, and the parents were shocked. They said, We have been to the doctors, you have been x-rayed. We have been to the psychoanalyst, you have been psychoanalyzed, and nobody has detected any flies. But now we cannot say anything. This man has even caught them. The boy said, Can I take these flies with me to show to all those doctors? They are idiots because they were condemning me that Im crazy. Now I want to show all of them that they are crazy. My only fault was that I was counting two, and there were three. I said, You can take these without fear, and if at any time any fly enters again, Im available. You can come to me. You need not go anywhere else. He said, Now it wont happen because now I sleep with a bandage on my mouth. I have suffered enough—it has been almost two years I have been suffering. And he went to the doctors, he went to the psychoanalyst; and one of the doctors was very friendly with me. He was a Rotarian, and I had gone the next day to speak in the Rotary Club. We met there…he said, You are something. Where did you get those three flies from? Now that boy is making a fool of us. And he was saying, `All your X-rays, and all your education is just nonsense. You dont know anything about flies when they enter into somebodys body. And these are the flies, as a proof. I inquired of him, `Who has caught them? He mentioned your name, very respectfully, and he said, `He is the only man in the whole city who treated me as a human being, not as a madman—who realized my difficulty. And once he accepted my difficulty, it was not much trouble because they were roaming all over my body. He simply said, `When they come close to your mouth, just tell me. Keep your eyes closed, so I can catch hold. And I was thinking there were only two…there were three! Imagination can create a kind of insanity if it starts believing in its own daydreams—it can create hallucinations. As far as Im concerned, your so-called saints, great religious leaders who have seen God, who have met God, who have talked with God, are in the same category with this crazy boy who had two flies moving inside him. Their God is just their imagination. OSHO...♡♡♡ The Rebel : The purity of awareness.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:00:52 +0000

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