IMAGINE FOR STEPHANIE Nialls POV So here I was....sitting - TopicsExpress


IMAGINE FOR STEPHANIE Nialls POV So here I was....sitting out of Stephanies door waiting for we to open it already. Cmon stef. I know youre in there I knocked once again. I had been here for 2 hours now and I was starting to get restless but I mean I shouldnt have taken my stress out on her. *flashback-3 hours ago* Niall. Youve it your hand. I told you to leave me to do the dishes. She yelled at me. I had a long day at the studio and I was just trying to help but obviously she didnt see that. Look. I dont need you to tell me what I have to do and not ok? So just leave me alone I snatched my had out of her grasp and i regret doing so as I saw a flash of hurt in her eyes. Fine. Ill leave if thats what you want she whispered quietly. Stef, I- I couldnt complete my sentence because she was already out the door. *flashback over* I know I shouldnt have taken my stress out on her. She didnt nothing wrong and I just snapped. I felt something under my hum and moved to see what it was. I lifted the welcome may Stephanie had placed outside her door and saw a spare key lying there. My eyes widened. Why didnt you think of this before Niall? I mentally slapped myself. I slipped the key in and turned it slowly. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was that Stef was sleeping on the sofa. Oh. So she slept. Thats why he didnt answer me. I walked to her sitting on the side of the sofa and stroked her cheek. Not wanting to look like a stalker I shake her awake. She screams and I put my hand over her mouth. Whtharuduinere? She mumbled into my palm. I was about to respond when she licked my hand. Stef. That was gross. I wiped my hand on my jeans. Well...good. You shouldnt be here Niall. She looked down both of us now sitting next to each other on the sofa. I sat outside your door for 2 hours I whispered to her. Her rad snapped up and she looked at me concern in her voice. Why? Its the middle of November Niall. Its freezing outside and- she started but stopped. Right. You dont need me anymore. She whispered to herself her voice cracking. No no no. I never said that. I do need you. If I didnt need you I wouldnt have been outside for 2 hours. I love you and I was an idiot to mess things up. I was just a bit stressed out and I took it all out on you. Im so very sorry stef. I took we hands in mine as as I was talking I started to lean my forehead to gets. Ill always need you I whispered again. I believe you. Im sorry too.. For being annoying she giggled . You were nothing but concerned and I love you for that ok? I love you so much! I kissed her softly an we kissing me back. I love you too Niall she smiled into the kiss. -Hawkward Earthling :)
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:43:58 +0000

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