IMAM KHOMEINI &RENOLUTION OF IRAN Ayatollah Khomeini was the - TopicsExpress


IMAM KHOMEINI &RENOLUTION OF IRAN Ayatollah Khomeini was the founder and the supreme leader of Islamic republic of Iran. He was only the leader in the Muslim world who combined political and religious authority as head of state . Ayatool;ah Khomeini was born in the town of Khomeini in the south of Tehran in central province in 20th of jmad-us- sani in 1320 khomeini was named ruhullah ( the spirit of God) Ayatollah sayed Mustafa mosavi assumed the religious leadership of people. According to the most sources the title ayatoolah reflected his scholarly religious standing in the shia, Islamic tradition. His name Ruhullah is the common name is in spite of its religious meaning the life of ayatollah Khomeini after his childhood whent through different three phases /events . 1. first events from 1908 -1962 this phases was marked mainly as by traning teaching and writing in the filed of Islamic studies . 2. at the age of six he begin to study the Quran and elementary Persian later he completed his studies in Islamic law ethics and spiritual philopsy although during the scholarly phases of his life Khomeini was not practically active .the second phases of Imam Khomeinis life from 1962- 1979 was marked as political activisms which was greatly influenced by his strict religious interpretation of shia Islam .He practically launched his fight against shia regime in 1962 which let to the eruption of a religious and political rebellion on june 05 1963. this state in iran in solar colander is regarded by the revolutionists as entry of the Islamic 3. movement in iran .Imam Khomeini was also considered as Maraja-e-taqled to many shia Muslim in Iran and other muslim countries . QALIFACTION OF IMAM KHOMEINI The historic personality of Iran Imam Khomeini begin his education by memorizing the Quran at a religious School ( Maktab) 1922-1921 he was sent by sayed Murtaza in the city of iraq for farther studies . In 1923 when they returned to qom and devoted himself to completing the plenary stage of Madresah. after that he begin using his talent and intelligence in learning ismalic science’s under the supervision of his brother ayatollah Sayed Murtaza .Imam Khomeini was also marked in Arbic literature . He intensifies his studies and completed the highest level of theology by 1927 and then was pronounced as (Mujtahid) Qualified jurist. his specialized in various filed other then Fiqh including philosophy Irfan and ethic Imam Khomeini was well known during their education time . Imam Khomeini during their scholarly phases were not active in politics . IMAM KHOMEINI IN POLITICS This was generally recorded as the second phases Imam Khomeini life where he was known for his political activism and view against the regime at that time a security agent Reza Khan were ordered to restrict the Imam activities but , But Imam continued his gradual but firm efforts to spread his enlightening he was a supreme leader at that time . He played a very important role in the political view then hs was known as best Islamic leader Imam was selected as leader or successor by people and Ulma,s this was the Jihad of Imam Khomeini against monarchy gathered momentum in 1961 reaching up to the 1963 Imam Khomeini was spending their life in such time when their all the things were going wrong . At that time Islam and Muslim.s were suffering from many difficulties , due to these difficulties Islam anf politics was taken into the responsibility of Ulma,s ./ The idea,s of Imam Khomeini about Islam and politics become more extreme and entry of Imam into the political opposition reflected combination of events in his life . First events the death of two Iranian leaders left leadership openly to Khomeini . Second the uprise of the Reza Shah Pehalavi 1878-1944 to power in the 1920,s the clerical class after having all types of events Imam fought against the shia regime and later on the got successes in their mission . FOUNDING AS THE LEADER OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN IMAM Khomeini was found as the best Islamic republic leader after returning to iran in February 1 in 1979.After the muhammed reza shah had been forced to step down two weaks earlier. On February 11 revolutionary forces loyal to Khomeini’s seized power in iran.And then he ws emerged as supreme leader of Islamic republic of iran. After that imam Khomeini and their followers start revolution in iran. This was start by appointment of imam Khomeini as a Bazargan as the head of provisional government. Imam is still known as spiritual personality for all shia” iran as well as in other muslim countries. During the revolution in iran he was suffered from many difficulties but still he continued his fight against regime. Imam Khomeini was best known for their activities during their life time in which they have done many works for shias so he was also considered as the revolutionary leader. In 1988 Imam Khomeini accepted cease fire with Iraq after being pressured by the United nations as multinational peak keeping organization on February 19, 1989 khomeini sentenced writer Salman rushdii to death,without a trial legal ruling called Fatwa. Imam was the maraja source of emulsion.he was the author of more than forty books. Without the revolution shia does not have any right,these all credits goes to imam Khomeini who have played a big role in revolution. After these all activities he was suffered from caner, and on june 03 1989 he designated Khamenai as president to succeed him and then he passed away . He was buried at place named as baheshet.e.zehra cemetry Imam Khomeini house Imam was living in a simple way .the house was very simple , main door is simple Iron door leading a yard about six meters large having three rooms . Imam sleeps only from a 9.00 pm tp 2:00 am . He wakes up for might prayer he continue his nawafel prayers until the Azan of Fajr , He complete his fajer until the sunrise . He was very punctual for his prayers he was also proved as good family member husband as well as Father he never ordered her misses for any thing he was very pleased with their family member he always prefers simplest food their were no any servant at Imam house the guest are served by the family members usually his two daughter who would not allow their mother to do anything. He was therefore considered as the good personality due to their behaviour. All these activities of imam Khomeini proved him as a spiritual personality. SECRET OF IMAM KHOMEINI,S SUCCESS 1. the rules and regulations . 2. Principles , 3. Behavior with his natives children’s and with other peoples . 4. punctuality of Islamic rules ( Ahkam-e Shareie) 5. To leave unlawfull and self purification . 6. Mid-Night prayer ( Namaz-e-Shab ) . 7. Recitation of Quran in regular pattern . 8. Respect to Islamic and religious leaders ( Ayatollah,s) 9. Self confidence . 10. Having faith in God and more confident to word his job .
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 05:01:25 +0000

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