IMF Report: Proof the DLP Makes Costly Blunders, is Reckless; - TopicsExpress


IMF Report: Proof the DLP Makes Costly Blunders, is Reckless; Incompetent and bad for Barbados It would seem that local trade unions (a member of the Social Partnership now on life-support) might still be waiting-in-pain for a so-called list from this treacherous-DLP-Government, which it thinks - will contain the name of those engaged with the Public Service - who will be sent home. It was not long ago that the same unions were also calling for a special meeting of the Social Partnership, which they said - should be chaired by the Prime Minister. It remains a mystery what they could possibly want to discuss because it is clear the DLP sees the union as a nuisance and a humbug. Not only that, only the Unions believe that the Prime Minister and his so-called: eminent Cabinet, are running Barbados and can make decisions. The union probably did not hear or get the message when the Prime Minister told the country that he does not hear his critics. It should now shock unions that the IMF in Washington (did not need any list) to know that the DLP has so far axed 1800, yet, despite being a member of some social partnership, and despite residing right here in Barbados - trade unions did not even have a clue! It gets even more embarrassing for the unions but it not their fault, the DLP is to blame! Having brushed aside their alternative proposals the entire DLP Cabinet will now listen to Dr. Estwicks, alternative fiscal consolidation strategy, even if it will be mere time-wasting and loose-talk, which will not even attract the IMFs attention. Well, George Orwell did say in his book, Animal Farm, that: all animals are equal but some are more equal than others! That the DLP blatantly refused to give local trade unions a simple list but is obviously giving the IMF status updates - should shock the union and let them know exactly how the DLP feels about their relevance. Bobby Morris told me some years ago that anytime the wolf and lamb are lying down together, the land would have to be in the wolfs belly. On hind-sight, he made a good point! The unions seem to be holding-on to a Social Partnership, even though it seems obvious, that the DLP sees is as useless. It is clear that the DLP is firing without reference to any union and despite the provisions of the Employees Rights Act. In response, the union seems powerless and disinterested - even while the DLP is firing people with 10-and-more-years service - despite the Finance Minister having said that only people engaged after 2007, will be affected. You just cannot trust this DLP or take anything it says seriously! In recent days, the DLP has called on the local private sector to do more. Now, unless the Private Sector has some foreign currency to put at Governments disposal, then the message from the DLP to them, is also clear. The Social Partnership may therefore, have reached the end of the line, especially since the DLP now has a new best friend: the IMF! And, anybody who has foreign currency, like the Bank of Credit Suisse or loads of cash, can also become a pal of the DLP. But how did the country get here? Because less than a year ago, Barbadians ignored sound; well-reasoned advice and voted for this DLP! I am still trying to figure-out why! But, do you really understand what is happening here? The Prime Minister describes his entire Cabinet as comprising of eminent persons. But those persons who he describes as being eminent (perhaps only by DLP standards) will now run errands for and report to the IMF, and it has nothing to do with satisfying the instructions of lending agencies, namely the Bank of Credit Suisse. But thats not all! The PM said he does not hear his critics but while he tells Barbadians that froth, he has no choice but to listen-to and humble himself before the IMF in Washington, which would have to be more eminent than his so-called eminent Cabinet, to exercise far more power and control over this DLP Government - than the electorate - none of whom were even aware, that the DLP had so far sacked 1800! Imagine, a DLP Cabinet will meet to discuss something and even before the meeting takes place, the IMF makes it clear, that whatever the context, they will not even consider it! That clearly tells you who is in-charge here! And these, DLP jokers walking about telling people that they are eminent, yet are brushed-aside and so easily dismissed by the IMF, as lightweight and nuisances - even before they speak? What type of Cabinet is that? Imagine! Barbadians voted for the DLP and no layoffs and no privatization and got the IMF; layoffs and a recommendation (from the same IMF) to divest some assets - a diplomatic term for privatise! Barbadians, are you understanding this? Was it your intention that your country would be run from Washington, within a year of you having voted for the DLP? Do you feel proud knowing that an IMF in Washington knows more about your country than you? Can you imagine that the IMF knows that the DLP fired 1800 people and neither you, nor the unions do not and yet - your Government wants you to make even more sacrifices? Is this what you voted for? So why exactly did you punish the Barbados Labour Party, if the IMF is now recommending the divestment or privatization of some State assets? Now this should be interesting! Lets see what the DLP does and how you respond because you punished the BLP for telling the truth! But you now have all the proof in the recent IMF Report, of the DLPs horrible deceit. The entire DLP and the Governor of the Central Bank told this country that the economy was stable! Based on what the IMF now reports, that was a horrible lie! This is serious, because this DLP said that it will no cheat, steal or lie. For some, it may be just another IMF Report but patriotic Barbadians will regard it as: independent and irrefutable evidence that a horrible economic wrong has been committed by the DLP against the electorate and people of Barbados. A Government elected by (misrepresenting the facts) and through deception - does not entirely have any moral authority to govern or lead, even IF it had the competence too! And since, the DLP clearly does not (based on the findings of the IMFs recent report and your own knowledge) it means Barbadians now find themselves trapped and saddled with an incompetent Government, they do not want and which, is not in the countrys interest to keep! There is no way the economy could have been anywhere near stable when the Government, the Cabinet and the Central Bank Governor - alleged it was! Here is how the IMF describes it: the economy shrank 0.7 percent last year and has contracted an average of 0.6 percent per year since 2008. In fact, far from being anywhere near stable the Barbados economy was shrinking, every year since the DLP became elected and that is the type of short-change and dingy smut Barbados does not need and did not expect! If the DLP did not know that the economy was deteriorating - that is incompetence and if they knew but covered-it-up - that is reckless betrayal. Either way, for a Government who said it will not cheat or lie, a political crime has been committed! The IMF Report therefore serves as the basis for an urgent vote of no confidence in the Minister of Finance; the Prime Minister, the Government and the Governor of the Central Bank. Whatever they plan to do, Barbadians must move NOW and before the Estimates at the end of March or before the DLP delivers another austerity budget. Because, if it does - even that little-old-lady who made jokes about having to pay bus fare - might find herself caught in the DLPs expanding tax and revenue desperation net. This country has only seen the DLPs smoke, brimstone; fire and hot lava is yet to come!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 16:26:30 +0000

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