IMMIGRATION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. SBM-2014-014 GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF PROOF OF CONCEPT (POC) FOR CASHLESS PAYMENT TRANSACTION FACILITY Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement executed by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) and the Land Bank of the Philippines on 28 May 2014, and in order to allow the proponent to conduct a Proof of Concept (POC) of its Cashless Payment Transaction Facility by establishing of Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals in the Bureau of Immigration (BI) for the collection of various fees through ATM/Debit Cards or Prepaid Cash Cards, thus improve BI’s management of its collection and provide another mode of payment for the convenience of its paying clients, the following guidelines are hereby prescribed: Section 1. Coverage and Effectivity. – This Order shall apply in the payment of prescribed fees by applicants for transactions using the BI Consolidated General Application Forms (CGAF) through the Point of Sale (POS) machine using ATM/Debit Cards or Prepaid Cash Cards from 10 July 2014 to 10 August 2014. Section 2. Procedures. – The following procedures shall be observed by the authorized Collecting Officer in receiving payments under the cashless payment transaction facility: Step 1. The Collecting Officer receives the Order of Payment Slip (OPS) and the ATM/Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card from the payor availing the cashless payment transaction facility; Step 2. The Collecting Officer advises the payor that a Convenience Fee of Ten Pesos (Php 10.00) per transaction shall be charged on the card. If the payor opts to use the facility, the Collecting Officer shall proceed to process the payment using the facility, otherwise, the payor shall transfer to a Collecting Officer counter using cash-basis payment system; Step 3. The Collecting Officer enters into the POS Terminal the total assessed fees plus the Convenience Fee and thereafter swipe the ATM/Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card in the POS Terminal; Step 4. The payor encodes the PIN number and press the “Enter” the button; Step 5. The Collecting Officer encodes in the BI’s Official Receipt Support System (ORSS) the Transaction Receipt printed by the POS terminal upon successful completion of the transaction; Step 6. The Collecting Officer gives to the payor the Electronic Official Receipt (EOR) to check as to the accuracy of the amount, name of the payor and other relevant data indicated therein; Step 7. Upon determination of its accuracy, the payor receives the payor’s copy of the EOR and the ATM/Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card, while the Collecting Officers retains the bank and BI’s copies thereof. Section 3. Convenience Fee. – Pursuant to DTI-DOF Joint Department Administrative Order (JDAO) No. 10-01, Series of 2010, a Convenience Fee of Ten Pesos (Php 10.00) shall be charged for every transaction made using the ATM/Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card through the cashless payment transaction facility. The Convenience Fee shall be charged against the ATM/Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card of the payor in addition to the total amount of fees assessed and collected by the BI for the transaction applied for. The payor shall be properly informed and advised of the charging thereof prior to the processing of payment under the system and the payor shall be given the opportunity to opt out. Section 4. Evaluation of Concept. – Upon the completion of the proof of concept period, the evaluation team shall submit an Evaluation Report of the concept and recommendations to the Commissioner not later than 20 August 2014. REN
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:32:01 +0000

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