IMMIGRATION APTITUDE TEST CALAMITY; WE ARE ALL GUILTY: The calamity that befalls on young Nigerians who went to write the immigration aptitude test can be traced to our inability to do the right thing. Imagine scores of people who are unemployed in this country. I sincerely weep for our country because this can only happened in a failed economic state. My question is who is to blame for this scourge called unemployment in our country? I know alot of people will blame the government for the high rate of unemployment in our country but I begged to disagree. We all guilty of it, until we learn to do the right thing in this country, we will never get it right. Come to think of it, the classical economist advocated non-intervention of government in the running of the economy, using the says law theory as case for argument. (note: says law said that supply will always create its own demand) means that with the invincible hand of market mechanism the economy will always function very well. With this assumption, government is expected to provide only legal frameworks and security, what this translate is that the means and ownership of production should be left in the hands of private individuals, that is me and you. How then have we private sector fared over the years, how many companies have we been able to established over the years, how many entrepreneurs do we have in our country, if only 5% of Americans provides food for the entire population, what happened to our agricultural system where over 70% Nigerians involved in farming can not provide food for us. What about our local industries, the local content, why are we not patronizing made in Nigeria goods, why are we over investing in the service sector at the detriment of the production sector, where are our team of engineers, why do we still use foreign companies to construct roads and bridges in our country, why is it that our universities are producing more employees than employers, even our graduate are said to be unemployable. On the other hand government is said to use her expenditure to stimulate aggregate demand according to the neo-classical that advocated for government intervention in the economy. If government intervention has become necessary especially on social goods then why are we having decay in our social infrastructures like power, roads water etc. Why is it that government is not providing an enabling environment for investors to come in, why is that there are little or no incentives such as waivers, tax reductions, grants subsidies for investors, why are we still engaging in capital flight thereby developing other economies rather than our own. Truly what happened yesterday is as result of our negligence, the it doesnt matter attitude of ours. Our youths are becoming lazy every day, we all hope on government to provide job for us. I stand to say that the greatest enemy to our economy remains that the large chunk of our employment is the hands of government where as it supposed to be in the private sector. For every toothpick imported into this country is a shame to our youths. We must arise to do the right thing. If we can take the risk of swallowing kgs of drug and transporting same to other countries, it is high time we invest such knowledge and strenght into our agricultural sector, textile sector, minning sector etc. With this we can return our economy to the part of growth and development. To be continued.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:16:04 +0000

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