IMMIGRATION REFORM INEVITABLE Since the Senate immigration bill - TopicsExpress


IMMIGRATION REFORM INEVITABLE Since the Senate immigration bill was passed a year ago, advocates of Comprehensive Immigration Reform have highlighted the advantages of overhauling the immigration system from every angle imaginable -- socially, politically, and economically. Immigration Reform can improve the quality of life not just for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., the immigrants who legally await new laws, but also Americans born and raised here. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the Senate bill could reduce the budget deficit by nearly a trillion dollars over the next 20 years. It could also raise wages by 25 percent and create 160,000 American jobs each year. None of these statistics may be enough to sway a gridlocked House of Representatives to take up a vote on immigration. Lawmakers in Washington, especially House Republicans, are too divided perhaps to choose national policy over personal politics. However, many political experts believe the Republican Partys resistance to tackling Comprehensive Immigration Reform will have severe consequences come election time. The United States is a country built on diversity and democracy. Nowhere is this clearer than the changing demographic of the American people. Fifty-three million Hispanics call the U.S. home. One in six people are of Hispanic descent. These are facts. President Obama won 71 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2012. Latino Decisions, a political research group, recently did a study where they determined the Hispanic vote could decide up to 33 seats in the House of Representatives. Alienating Hispanic voters, only one demographic of the immigrant community in this country, will come back to haunt the Republican Party. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is not going anywhere. Hopefully, the politicians with the power to make a difference will realize that new legislation is not just in the best interest of the country, but also themselves. PLEASE WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION SOON.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 18:47:15 +0000

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