IMO APC CHAIRMAN,WOMEN LEADER AND ORS RESIGN: Call Gov Okorocha Idiamin. Against the back drop of rochas Okorochas operation rescue imo and the much ado man of the imolites,yet key men and kinsmen are leaving. Apperently,in what they term as and lebelled the okorocha led APC as A Private company which is solely run and administered by Rochas alone. In the words of the chairman,he said,i am leaving the party because it is not run base on ideology,it is more like a one man business,only one man have a say,he decides who gets what,where,how and when. And if you there ask why,you become his stunt i can no longer remain a slave in the party.i and my supporters are leaving because we are no longer comfortable with the undirectional leadership of Rochas and we cannot be an ambassadors of idiamin of imo which okorocha repressents.if i as a state chairman is not recognise and treated as such,then what am i still doing there,he queried? The women leader,on her parts says that since Okorocha does not recognise anybody,does consult anybody in taking decisions and doesnot even care whether the party structure exist,we are leaving because we can no longer remain slaves and being treated with such disdain in a party we laboured so much for. We have paid our individual and collective prices to sustain the party and now rochas is running it as his if its his family. He does not have regards for anybodys opinions,he does not have regards for anybodys advice so what are we still doing there? We have decided to leave the Agonise Private contract for rochas to where our voices will be heard,to where our opinions will be respected and where all of us will have a say in deciding our individual and collective fortunes. Okorocha is a power monger who can do anything or whatsoever to grasp power thats why we the imolites and the entire nigeria have to be weary of people like him. He is such a type who can trade his identity for power,his arrogant,insultive and pompous,we can no longer remain in a party where we lost our identities,voices and relavancies just because one man call it short,one man has the final say. For God sakes,this is democracy,we cannot be denied our freedom in our own party kwa?tufiakwa,onoramemeh( certainly,it has never been done) very soon we are going to declear to the public where our allegiance lies.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 17:07:03 +0000

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