IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ( BARRY SOETORO )!!!! - And Repeal Obamacare Immediately as soon as Republicans`are Voted in! TODAY is the Mid Term Elections! Tuesday - November 4, 2014! Lets get out there and eliminate as many tyrants as we can - use your memo book to remember the stunts they pulled ( Black Book ) and Give Em Hell! This Election could mean the difference between your slavery and death or a chance to re-build freedom and Liberty - if the Democrats control the Senate `We the People`, are going down! We must eliminate people like Harry Reid and Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer, Nancy Pelosi , John Boehner-GOP, Lindsey Graham-GOP, John McCain-GOP , John Kerry et-al from Public Office! Start President Barack Hussein Obama`s ( Barry Soetoro ) Impeachment Proceedings tomorrow, Wednesday November 5, 2014! Let us send a message to the Democrat and GOP Republican National Parties managed by the CFR/Bilderberg Group - as to how much you have appreciated their destruction of America and the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries and the Open US Borders making America the World’s dumping ground for diseases like Ebola, Tuberculosis, Respiratory Ailments and Lice infestation! Obliterate these Parties on Tuesday November 4, 2014 – let us begin the enormous task of Re-building a Free Liberty America again! 2014 Upcoming Elections The 2014 U.S. Midterm election will be held on Tuesday, the 4th of November 2014. There will be a Total of 39 Gubernatorial Elections (15 Democrat Seats, 23 Republican Seats, 1 Independent Seat) -- 31 Eligible Incumbents, 8 Open Races. Congressional elections (federal and states congress) will be held nationwide. A total of 35 U.S. Senate seats up for election in 2014. Of those seats,21 are held by Democrats and 14 are held Republicans. https://facebook/UniversalFreePress/photos/a.145136705532577.25873.142868065759441/809625045750403/?type=1&theater
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:14:20 +0000

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