IMPORTANT- Please share with your state representative or - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT- Please share with your state representative or senator. Please share any added info you feel is important. Info should not be politically based, just the facts and the truth please. What would Medicaid Expansion do in Tennessee? ***Medicaid Expansion: WHO Benefits 1. Criminals. If you rape or rob someone in an expansion state, you get Healthcare. The Dept of Justice says one-third of all newly eligible people in Medicaid expansions states have a criminal history. 2. Refugees: Nashville is a Gateway City for the United Nations. Our situation is different than many states as our tax base currently provides social services, benefits and so much more to people brought in from other countries. The UN recently announced resettling Syrians; upon arrival they will be Tennessee medicaid approved. 3. Illegal Immigrants. HHS has confirmed all illegal or otherwise will get Obamacare either federally or through Medicaid expansion. 4. Hospitals, Drug Testing, and their lobbyists,(for the short term). Folks like HCA (Bill Frist, Common Core, and Obamacare advocate) , Vanderbilt Medical Center, Aegis Sciences (Diane Blacks Drug Testing Company which currently has state contracts with TBI and more state agencies, and is on the Federal HHS list of Obamacare contractors). The Blacks and Bill Frist, have been pushing the Haslam administration for Medicaid Expansion for over two years. 5. Concierge medical services and off shore state of the art medical facilities. In other words, healthcare for the rich and no care for the rest. Just a little island hop in the Caribbean, will get you to a top notch, resort medical center. Writing a big check will insure your surgery and your healthcare will not be rationed. 6. Wealthy political families, just the rich in general and those connected politically. ***Medicaid Expansion: WHO it hurts. 1. Patients. Take for example Chloe, a 14 year old from Arkansas. Arkansas has Medicaid expansion; ALREADY overwhelmed; the state of Arkansas is making choices---- who gets care and who does not…. who lives and who dies. Chloe has now been denied care because of cost. Medicaid Expansion states are ***sacrificing patient care*** for ***program costs***. 2. Patients. Fewer doctors. For example, Medicaid expansion in Nevada went from 330,000 people in Sept. 2013, to over 600,000 in Aug. 2014. The number of doctors didn’t increase by 50 percent. Patients are having to wait months to see a doctor. Image the VA on steroids. People are dying waiting for a doctor. 3. Seniors. Senior Medicare (not Medicaid) services are cut by $716,000,000,000. WHY? Medicaid expansion whether in TN or Arkansas … takes our seniors Medicare money. Gov. Haslams plan, once implemented will bankrupt our state and destroy healthcare as we know it. State Expansion is much worse than the Federal. 4. Doctors and Patients. Dr. Andrew Pasternak, runs a family practice in Nevada, his payments for basic office visits will drop from $75 to around $44. In one year, he has seen a 2,000 percent increase of Medicaid enrollees in his practice. Many doctors are no longer accepting Medicaid patients. 5. Taxpayers, Patients, poor and the middle class; businesses, jobs, debt. ‘Free’ money from the Federal government is not free. The Feds get the money from you, the taxpayer. Medicaid Expansion states are needing more money; added taxes and cutting services (Chloe), offset the costs for now. Worse some states are now doing both. In TN some will state, economic growth, new jobs, or healthcare for those needing a helping hand; that is simply not true. Troy University researchers found expanding Medicaid in Alabama will cost the state nearly $250 million after the first three years. HHS cooked the books and LIED about the costs when pushing Arkansas to expand Medicaid according to the GAO. Please call Governor Haslam and tell him- we did not vote for the most extreme radical ideology of the Obama administration, an ideology endorsed by the Communist Party USA. We voted to keep both Obamacare and Common Core out of TN; out or our doctors office and our classroom. WHAT if our Legislature says NO? We will not expand Obamacare in TN. The sky will not fall. We will have a saving grace to preserve our health care system and keep our doctors. We will save Tennessee from financial ruin, our economy will improve not decline. Our medical facilities - there are some sound solutions to implement that will offset charity write offs. When Maine expanded its Medicaid population, their hospitals saw uncompensated charity care charges jump from $67 million in 2002 to nearly $200 million in 2011, even though they added 25,000 people to Medicaid during that time. There are solutions.. Let us work on behalf of Tennessee families.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:14:07 +0000

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