IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT DUE TO FACEBOOKs NEW REAL NAMES ONLY POLICY, THIS PAGE WILL HAVE TO SHUT DOWN. We have the option to turn it into a business page where all Friends are just turned into likes - we cant friend or follow anyone, cant see any of your feeds on our timeline to keep up with you, cant like or comment on any of your posts. Additionally all our likes and comments on your pages will be eliminated, and should we transfer, anything you have written to us in private messages or as comments on our pics and posts will be eliminated. The pictures weve posted can be saved and transferred, but the comments and likes would all be reset to zero. So…. well be exiting stage left after the Holidays. We will keep a Facebook presence, but mainly just to share links to things we are posting on other, more artist-friendly sites like IG, Twitter, Blogger, Tumblr… well figure something out folks. I hope all 2,439 of you will follow us as we relocate to new cyber digs! We may seem out of sight in fb land, but TRUST, well still be grinding away. Weve got a very full slate of projects in production and development for the next 18 months. Figuring out how to stay in the loop with you guys & you with us is the problem were currently trying to solve. FB has unwittingly dealt us a very raw deal (along with every other artists who is publicly known by a stage name or nom de plume.) but were experienced at weathering storms. You might have to look harder to find us in 2015, but heres a clue… set your sights onward and upward. Thats where well be.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:20:40 +0000

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