IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! For everyone that doesnt know - - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! For everyone that doesnt know - there is a limited run of Tshirts being sold on my website here: stinson-hunter/shop-2/ There is only one designed and once this sale ends on January 17th 2015 there will never be another run of Stinson Hunter Tshirts - This is purely for those that have asked me repeatedly to put them on general sale, so with that in mind I have decided to give a portion away of EACH sale to charity, I have approached a charity and I am waiting to hear from their board to see if they are willing to accept donations from me. There is a very tiny profit made on this on my behalf and that will be used to continue working and to also help provide for my baby son and partner. Try to remember guys I dont sell interviews, I didnt get paid for the film The Paedophile Hunter (Watch here: stinson-hunter/paedophile-hunter-film/ ) and havent been paid for anything that I have done with the media since. Anything I earn is via online monetisation yet people still tell me to get a job which is laughable when these are the same people moaning I am on a break from hunting specifically until 2015, It would be absolutely physically impossible for me to get a regular job and continue doing this, which I now have to do because of the promise I made on the Kickstarter project (See here for more info: https://kickstarter/projects/stinsonhunter/project-1) - I said I wanted to continue and I am going to keep that promise but I can only keep that promise if I am allowing myself to earn a living, I am not on the dole and I have a new family to support and they are my priority, I have lost a lot through doing this and I refuse to allow this to ruin my new family so if it ever come to it and I had to walk away and get a normal job I would do it - but I dont want to, thats why I try to post videos etc as every little helps. People would say the Kickstarter money blah blah blah - correct I received a lot of money (not the whole £32k after taxes etc) but remember that was there to get things for this work, cameras, office, transport a place for me to live as I was homeless at the time, that money isnt to fund my meals, clothes or any of my lifestyle needs that money is there to help me create better work and progress as a filmmaker and activist who is trying to make a difference (having a home helps instead of couch surfing) without ever selling out to all the offers that have been thrown my way, I have stayed true to who I am and what my mission is - it hurts that people cant see that maybe someone is doing something for the right reasons and isnt doing it to placate their own ego. People like me do exist, I wasnt always this person but I sure as hell am now and I love being me, I love making people happy and I love my job, so please understand that I do this because I choose to and I have chosen to try my damn hardest to not sellout and always be the same guy and provide for my family, it would be so much easier for me to sell out and let media teams run my social media but I try so hard to stay true and to engage with everyone because I love the support I get, I love every single person that backs me I honestly do and thats why I have never sold out because my connection with my fans/supporters and staying true to who I am, which is just a normal guy that does something different, is far more important that a load of money in the bank and despite my mental health issues I am suffering from quite badly at the minute I am still 100% committed and focussed on what I plan to do in 2015 - lives will be changed, for the better, I promise. Despite what doubters think, I have integrity, can you say the same about yourselves? Thank you to everyone who has donated, pledged or bought a Tshirt - I swear to god it blows my mind how generous and kind people are, my faith in humanity has been greatly built up over these past few months, so thank you all so so much. Stinson. **PRICE BREAKDOWN** Here is a price breakdown. **Tshirt number one un-signed** Small, Medium, Large or XL Un-Signed £15 + £1.50 p&p with £5 going to an as yet to be decided or confirmed charity. We can ship to other countries but please contact my website about prices and Mark will pass it on to me. **Tshirt number two SIGNED** Small, Medium, Large or XL Un-Signed £20 + £1.50 p&p with £10 going to an as yet to be decided or confirmed charity. We can ship to other countries but please contact my website: StinsonHunter) about prices and Mark will pass it on to me.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 17:42:40 +0000

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