IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING USAT ELECTIONS Last nite at the kick-off event some of you heard local former pro-triathlete Dave Kuendig, talk about his bid for election to the USAT National Board of Directors. The elections that were previously held were set aside by the USAT Board and there are going to be new elections for Board members and a vote on Amendments to the Bylaws which affect may negatively our region and therefore, our club. I asked Dave to briefly summarize the situation and Ive included his words below. Please read carefully and please VOTE. Thanks. From Dave: If you were a USAT member in 2013, you should have received a ballot from [email protected] on January 21, 22 or 23. If you did not receive a ballot, please email [email protected] and request a ballot. Include your USAT # and name. My take on the election: Bylaw Proposal 1 reduces Olympic athlete participation on the USAT National Board. Why? The US Govt requires Olympic participation, and this would effectively lower it to the bare minimum that the government requires as a National Olympic Body. I voted no. Bylaw Proposal 2 adds Wisconsin to our region. Why? They are trying to balance populations between regions. According to our Bylaws, they shouldve presented us two options (Tennessee instead of Wisconsin?). They didnt. I voted no. Bylaw Proposal 3 formally moves USAT to Colorado from California. Why? Currently, Non-profit California law requires all relevant financial documents to be disclosed to all members of USAT and posted on the website. Colorado would not. I voted no. General Director - Mideast. Im running against an incumbent. Read the platform statements, and make an informed decision. Vote for me! Regional Council - Mideast. There are 6 open spots and 10 people running, including 9 incumbents. Read the platform statements, pick who you like. I havent decided yet. Thanks everybody. I hope you vote! Dave Kuendig
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:38:41 +0000

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