IMPORTANT ASTRO HIGHLIGHT JUST FOR YOU TILL 06.July 2013!!!!!! Transiting Saturn In Scorpio started being stationary from 17.02. 2013 Sunday till 18.02.2013 Monday and anyone with a planet around 11/12 degrees of the Fixed Signs(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) has potentially felt the heaviness of Saturn in Scorpio stationing , the actual turn and movement retrograde from Tuesday 19.02 .2013 should bring some relief. However Saturn In Scorpio will stay retrograde till 06.07.2013 . It will be in retrograde motion for 4, 5 months and through which ever natal house it is passing in your birth chart transiting Saturn will slow down the rate of normal activity in that area so that we are given a better chance to develop more efficient plan, method enabling and strategies so that we can make most out of any realistic endeavor opportunity offered here. SETBACKS AND DELAYS ***Worldly expectations may undergo postponements or uncountable setbacks. Immediate ambitions may seem to be frustrated due to unforeseen obligations and commitments, which is most likely unfinished business neglected at some previous point which now must be resolved and completed at some level of consciousness. The balance is hidden here between: continuing to working on manifesting your goals in this area of your life rather then giving up , but not be pushing for immediate results and satisfaction. SELF REFLECTION, RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR RESULTS & MATURING***Saturn retrograde is more reflective then ambitiously geared to achieve outer goals and as such this is great time to take a good realistic look on ourselves and honestly reflect and write down are there any weak personality elements which have been avoided in the past .You will have about 4 months time to diligently work on building the inner structure which fosters more essential psychological strength. The key is here to slow down and be applying some breaks on the racing ego and be more organized and careful about wasting or misapplying any significant resources. Saturn gives us strength during this time period. It is a tough process and not an easy one. The reward to all those that toughed it out during this time will be well worth it. One of the biggest rewards is grace. It can also be defined as strength in spirit, you may have a deeper sense of compassion for others and self, and an understanding of yourself and wisdom on all levels. NEW BEGINNINGS***This phase of 4 months is often not the best time for making any important new carrier changes or impulsively attempting to disrupt and alter our present status , nor we should actively seek and take on extra obligations which could prove to be more draining then anticipated. Saturn retrograde is trying its best to place us in touch with our personal inner limit. FOLLOW THE LINK TO SEE HOW TO ARRANGE AN AFFORDABLE LIVE CONSULTATION ABOUT WHAT IS THIS SATURN RETROGRADE HIGHLIGHTING IN YOUR LIFE AND SO MUCH MORE:
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 19:15:04 +0000

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