IMPORTANT BIOFITNESS WORD DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 WORDS THIS PAGE DEFINITION ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE (ATP) A chemical compound that breaks down to release the energy responsible for muscle contraction. AEROBIC Energy created with oxygen, or in the presence of oxygen. AEROBIC STEADY STATE A level of metabolism when the oxygen consumption satisfies the energy expenditure and the heart rate required for oxygen transport stabilizes. ANAEROBIC Energy created without oxygen, or in the absence of oxygen. ANAEROBIC GLYCOLYSIS The breakdown of carbohydrate (sugar) in the absence of oxygen; one of the major methods of producing energy in muscle fibers. CARBOHYDRATE A group of compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; comprising all the sugars (glucose, glycogen, starch, fiber, cellulose, and saccharides). CREATINE PHOSPHATE A molecule in muscle fibers that breaks down to liberate energy for the construction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ENZYME A protein that promotes the chemical processes occurring in living tissue without itself being altered or destroyed. FAT Triglycerides; a combination, or ester of three fatty acids and glycerol. FATTY ACID One of the building blocks of fats; used as fuel for muscle contraction. GLUCOSE The most common sugar and the main fuel for muscle contraction. GLUCOSE SPARING The preference of muscle fibers for fatty acids as fuel rather than glycogen or glucose. GLYCOGEN A carbohydrate of several glucose molecules; the main formof glucose storage in the body. INTENSITY The relative heart rate, speed, or level of exertion expressed as a percentage of the maximum allowable. LACTIC ACID A product of glucose and glycogen metabolism, which insufficient concentration causes fatigue. METABOLISM The sum total of all physical and chemical processes occurring in the body. MITOCHONDRIA One of the many small sacs inside the muscle fibers containing enzymes that help convert food to energy. NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM The total biological interaction necessary to transmit an electrical impulse from the brain to another part of the body and then return a feedback response to the brain. POWER-STRENGTH The amount of work accomplished by a muscle relative to the duration of the effort (work divided by time). PYRUVIC ACID The chemical precursor of lactic acid.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:20:23 +0000

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