@@@@ IMPORTANT DATAS AND EVENTS TO WATCH @@@@ June 20th ## China - TopicsExpress


@@@@ IMPORTANT DATAS AND EVENTS TO WATCH @@@@ June 20th ## China flash Manufacturing PMI: this index is based on a survey that covers 800 companies in 20 industries in China; in the previous HSBC Manufacturing PMI survey regarding May 2013 the Manufacturing PMI slipped to 49.6; this index indicates China’s manufacturing sectors have contracted; if the index will continue to fall, this may adversely affect commodities; ## Libor Rate of Swiss National Bank: the Swiss National Bank will publish its updated Libor rate; this decision could affect not only currencies markets but also commodities markets the bank will change the Libor rate; ## Flash German, French and Euro Zone Manufacturing PMI: In the previous monthly report regarding May 2013, the German PMI rose to 49 i.e. the manufacturing conditions are shrinking at a slower pace. This report serves as an indicator to the economic developments of the Euro Area’s leading economies’ manufacturing conditions; this news, in turn, may affect the Euro/USD currency pair and consequently commodities; ## GB Retails Sales (May 2013): This report will present the changes in the retails sales in Great Britain for May 2013. It may affect the path of the British Pound currency. In the previous report regarding April 2013, retails sales declined by 1.3%; ## U.S. Jobless Claims Weekly Report: this weekly report will refer to the changes in the initial jobless claims for the week ending on June 15th; in the previous report the jobless claims declined by 12k to reach 334k; the next weekly report may affect the U.S dollar and consequently commodities and equities markets; ## Euro-Group Summits: In this summit, the EU ministers of finance and Euro-Group President will convene in Brussels. They are expected to talk about the recent economic and monetary developments in Europe; ## U.S. Existing Home Sales: This report will refer to the shifts in U.S. existing home sales for May 2013; in the previous report regarding April 2013 the number of homes sold slightly rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.97 million houses; if this trend will persist, it might pressure up the U.S dollar; ## Philly Fed Manufacturing Index: This monthly survey estimates the growth of the US manufacturing sectors. In the previous survey regarding May, the growth rate slipped from 1.3 in April to -5.2 in May. If the index will increase it may positively affect not only U.S Dollar but also American equity markets and commodities ## EIA U.S. Natural Gas Storage: the EIA weekly report of the U.S. natural gas market will refer to the latest changes in natural gas production, storage, consumption and prices as of June 14th; in latest weekly report, natural gas storage rose by 95 Bcf to 2,347 Bcf;
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 02:30:40 +0000

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