IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ... Well it would seem its - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ... Well it would seem its spreading: Riots, Protests, Freedom Movements, Gay agendas, Religions, There all coming out now and there getting meaner and meaner. The wars have started and are spreading in one place after another. ALL OF WHICH THE SCRIPTURES SAY WOULD HAPPEN! - MUST MAKE GOD AND JESUS REAL... IT MUST ALSO MEANS GOD HAS PEOPLE ON THE EARTH AS WELL... My point i guess to all this is to say this all really started taking off on the first Blood Moon, we still havent reached the second one yet (its in October) then the Black Moon and then the other two Blood Moons next year... Yep I reckon you could say that GOD make the Heaven and Stars so they would tell of MASSIVE changes coming to the Earth. I might be a bit bold here, but personally, I think your going to find that within the time of the four Blood Moons youre going to see WW3 World War 3 break out!!! This is my prediction... REMEMBER THIS!!! I thought id throw this in as well to clear the air for a lot of people. 21 December 2012, Do you all remember that??? Yes thats right, the Myans and many others said that would be the end of all life on Earth. (and your about to say - that didnt happen) right??? Well it did! Just not in the way we all thought it would... What the prophecy really meant is: 21 December 2012 would be the end of life as we know it and the end of Satans Rule over the Earth... It also meant it would become the beginning of Jesus reign and the start of the tribulations leading to Judgment day... DONT BELIEVE ME??? OK... Do your homework, track back in time and discover when everything decided to go wrong for Humans and the planet Earth. (now no smart-asses here!) i know weve have had issues throughout our entire existence, Im talking about when things started to get way out of control Religiously and when Governments started to do all crazy shit like change laws, train police to be army, allow Gay Marriages, say its wrong to display a flag, talk about bless or say God to people and so on... DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Youll find what i say is the truth! SO MY QUESTION TO ALL THE NON-BELIEVERS OUT THERE IS: If God is not real and the Bible is only written by Men and not inspired by GOD himself, then explain how EVERY PROPHECY in it has come true??? and Why we are seeing more and more PROPHECIES come true each and EVERY DAY NOW??? GOD is REAL! and he also predicted that Man would not turn away from their sin and that anyone trying to warn Man would only have their words ignored or fallen onto DEAF EARS... (Just as i am probably doing here) FINALLY: Let he who have ears listen! and Let he who have Understanding UNDERSTAND! The kingdom of God is here! and Jesus has come to separate the flocks (people) so that he might save more of his own flock (people) still lost amongst the MASSES on the road to destruction.... (Judgment Day)
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 02:23:49 +0000

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