IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL CLIENTS TO CONSIDER BEFORE GETTING A TATTOO AT COASTAL INK: We guarantee one free touch up within the first 3 months of your tattoo. This is at the Artist discretion and availability. But if you have visited the studio and personally spoken to your Artist about the touchup then we can honour this. Touch-ups are for correcting imperfections that might happen during the healing process. Its not unusual for some people to have a little bit of color come out of their tattoo during healing and we will always fix that sort of thing for free, as long as the aftercare instructions were followed. We want every client to be completely happy with their tattoo. This process should fit in a 15 minute touchup session- any longer and this will be charged accordingly. These fees start from $30 for any work requiring more time. Things that are not considered a free touch up would be: additions, color changes, or refreshing colors that have faded due to sun exposure. You are expected to care for your tattoo in the long-term by keeping it out of the sun, and applying sunblock whenever necessary to keep it from fading. Also an issue that some clients have not understood: All our Artists work here at Coastal Ink as Subcontractors. This means they work for themselves and have a common boss (TB) who coordinates the studios safe running. Some Artists have left Coastal to pursue their own creative journeys, either interstate or overseas- this is their right as a human.... This means that if you havent come in and shown your Artist any imperfections that occurred in the healing process (3-6 weeks after getting the tattoo done) then Coastal Ink is not responsible for fixing this work a year later... or a year after the artist in mention has left the studio. This seems to be easily understood by most people- but calling the studio to threaten ruining our reputation by social media is not the smartest thing to do when we run a professional studio. If you have any queries regarding the above issues then please come into the studio and book an appointment to speak to the Boss (TB) in person as we do not want threats made to our Artists. This applies to facebook messages an emails aswell. Studio Rates are $150 per hour for all Fulltime Artists- no exceptions made. Apprentices have their own fixed rates given by the Boss based on performance. Apprentices are only allowed to do specific tattoos based on their experience and skill- no exceptions to this either. These rates are verified by the Boss only- so whinging to the Artist about rates will not be tolerated. Thanks for your time and we appreciate your business- I just had to make everyone aware of any changes or information that might not be clear within the tattoo industry- And also any rates changes that have been made. Enjoy !
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:26:24 +0000

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