IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Share until we are there! A BIG thank - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Share until we are there! A BIG thank you to Alesha Fowler for helping us out with a list of the most commonly asked questions ~ Tim 1. Whats happening at the FARM? It has not been left unattended since Sunday, and wont be until .. well youll hear about it. 2. Does he have a LAWYER? Long story short, that relationship is over. 3. Have we called the QUEEN? Yes, she put it back over to the Governor General, who forwarded it to the DND, who probably told Harper, etc etc.. The only replies we have received thus far are generic responses all the same, pushing it to the next guy. 4. UPDATES? Please keep in mind everyone at the farm is doing their best however a lot of this is a waiting game and there is no internet at Franks. Lisas phone only gives her limited access to fb, so be patient. 5. WHERE is the FARM? 209 Meyers Creek Road, Trenton. 6. Hows Frank and Marjory? Well they are going through the motions, this is scary, but they are excited to have all the support and it is helping them to stand strong and keep pushing. They are very thankful! 7. Wheres the PETITION? https://causes/campaigns/37115-stop-the-harper-government-and-the-dnd-from-taking-the-meyers-farm/supporters 8. Is the land on a Historical List? No. However people have been sending messages in that direction as well. 9. Who should we contact? Harper, DND, Norlock, Finley, and anyone you can think! All we ask is people keep it clean, the government wont look at anything that is threatening or name calling, that will be put to the shredder so lets keep positive even though we may feel exactly the opposite at this point, we want every email and phone call acknowledged not tossed.. 10. How can we help in other ways? Support in anyway you feel works for you, whether you want to get on the phone/e-mail, make signs and take pics, send some cookies/coffee to those at the farm, if your available and want to hang at the farm with some of the most amazing folks youll ever meet for a few mins/hours/days.. whatever you want to do to help is greatly appreciated and entirely up to you! You know about the history, you know about the wrong doings by our government, you know how important Frank and our farmers are to the future. Keep calling, emailing, signing, sharing!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 01:19:23 +0000

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