IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT EMERALD MEADOWS As you may know, the - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT EMERALD MEADOWS As you may know, the Long Term Task Force is now meeting to discuss the future of large events at Emerald Meadows and other Lane County Parks. Our campaign to support Faerieworlds at Emerald Meadows was never just about Faerieworlds: The use of public parks for public events that serve the entire Eugene and Lane County community remains a critically important issue for all of us. Please know that since the canceling of our contract, Faerieworlds continues to gather support from important members of this community. We have also had discussions with “the powers that be” about their desire for Faerieworlds LLC to return once the “appropriate use” issue is resolved and produce an event at Emerald Meadows. For the sake of our community, our position on events at Emerald Meadows was and remains that: - communities the size and diversity of Eugene need a place for gather and enjoy public events: Emerald Meadows stands alone in Lane County in size and location for this purpose. - these events should be family friendly in their themes, services and participants i.e. Music & Arts, Sports, historical reenactments, etc. - these events should be limited in number to no more than a total of 4 per year, per location. - a limited number of events at Emerald Meadows - no more than two a year - should be (no more than) 3 day events that allow camping on site. - they should be eco- responsible and respectful of the land. - they should comply with all local and county ordinances. - these events should pay a fee for use to LCP to support the upkeep of the parks. IF EUGENE LOSES THIS RIGHT TO ENJOYS ITS PUBLIC SPACES IN RESPONSE TO THE PRESSURES OF A FEW, we all will lose a valuable cultural experience FOR THE MANY who live in this community. Please MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD - Please take the time to fill out this very brief on-line survey below. Please be concise and to the point: why should events like Faerieworlds be allowed at Emerald Meadows. Do not let the Voices of the FEW obstruct the significant benefits to the MANY. The link is here: https://surveymonkey/s/XKGGVT8 And if you can, please stop in at the Public Hearings of the task Force. We guarantee you, it will be an illuminating experience for you on the realities of public process in Eugene. Thank you for your support of Faerieworlds and our shared community, Robert, Emilio & Kelly
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 21:32:45 +0000

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